Chapter 1.3

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George's PoV (Continuation of Flashback) "Good evening, George," Edwardo said to me, and I looked around for Caroline to see if she would follow me, but she didn't.   "Looks like you're planning to have a scapegoat to evade Caroline again," Edwardo stated as I returned my sight to him.   "You're correct; I just want to get away from Caroline. She was continually clinging to me. I just agreed because of what her family said." I took a glass full of blood as the waiter was just offering drinks to the guests.   "I'm heading to the black market tomorrow; will you be there?" I asked Edwardo because he was a blood delivery attendant there.   "Yes, if I don't find a woman tonight, you know there are a lot of women here who just want to flirt with a man like us," Edwardo replied with a smile. "What happened to your family? I haven't yet seen them," I peered about as Edwardo asked me.   My eyes widened when I saw Caroline with my family; she was chatting with them again; perhaps this woman would say something else.   "They're here, and I'll leave you here," I said, and Edwardo just nodded.   Caroline stared at my actions as I approached my family, and I noticed that she smiled at me as she clung to me again.   "There you are, my son. Where did you go?" my mother asked me with a smile.   "I recently talked to Edwardo about the black market I purchased," I told mom.   "Are you sure you don't want to dance with Caroline?" Mom asked, and I averted my gaze.     "George, let's dance!" Caroline replied as she drew me into the midst of the dancers. "Caroline, what are you thinking? I'm not in the mood to dance," I said to Caroline, and she took my hand in hers. She placed it around her waist and grinned at me; all I could do was dance with her.   When I finished dancing with her, someone shouted outside, and Caroline grabbed my hand.   "The hybrid vampires have arrived!" People yelled, and they stormed in, biting their fellow vampires.   "George, let's escape!" Caroline said to me, but I disapproved of her.   "I can't! I will take care of them; I'm only the strongest here right now," I said to Caroline, but then I noticed I was standing right next to my dad.   "Dad," I call him.   "Don't forget, you're my son, which means I'm powerful as well," Dad replied, and I smiled.   We hurried to the vampire-werewolf hybrids, and I used my power to blow up their skulls one by one.   I came to a halt when I heard Caroline cry and turned to see that she was being choked and blood was pouring from her neck.   "George..." Caroline called out to me, and I hurried over to see who was choking her.   I crushed the head that was choking Caroline, and blood splattered on Caroline; she also grasped her neck, so I swiftly snatched her.   "Behind you!" Caroline yelled and formed a shield with her strength; she now hugged me, and I hugged her back.   "Don't let go. I have something to do," I said to Caroline while she was hugging me as I constructed a red destruction power with my hand to blow out the hybrids' skulls at the same time.   I saw the hybrid vampires explode their heads all at once. Then they were exhausted, and I noticed Caroline having difficulty breathing.   "Caroline?" Caroline fell and lost the shield she had built for me, and I carried her.   "Our daughter!!" Aunt Helena yelled as I carried Caroline.   "I'll look after her," I replied to Aunt Helena, and we went outside; Caroline's family even escorted me to the carriage.   "Please make this carriage faster!" I asked the rider.   The carriage moved fast, and I looked at Caroline, whose neck was covered in blood, but she was still breathing.   I'll give her some of my blood for her to survive.   When we arrived at the mansion, I swiftly rushed inside, laid Caroline on her bed, and bit my own palm, and took some blood for myself.   My heart was racing as I kissed Caroline again and tasted her lips for the second time. I couldn't stop kissing her because I couldn't help myself.   Caroline's wound rapidly healed when I released my kiss to her, and I stood up to take a cloth to whip off the blood. When I finished cleaning her, I stared at her for a while because his neck was full of blood and had to be removed.   "I'm sorry if I couldn't fall for you before, but what I feel now is different," I said softly to Caroline.   "Really?" I was shocked when she woke up. That’s why I averted my gaze from her.   "Take a break. I'll be returning to the grand ball. I needed to talk to dad," I informed Caroline, explaining that I needed to speak with dad if he was still at the grand ball.   "Don't go back there, George. It's dangerous there," Caroline added, and when I glanced at her, her Egyptian dress was a little loose.   "Fix what you're wearing because I can see everything," I informed Caroline, and she was taken aback.   I took a deep breath and restrained my desire for Caroline. Suddenly, I felt her hug me, and I stared at her tiny hand.   When I turned to see her in the eyes, Caroline's eyes had turned purple, just like mine.   "I gave you my blood, and I want you to know that something will happen to your body as a result of this development," I told Caroline, and she was startled.   "Will we have the same level of power?" Caroline asked.   "Yes, with your shield power," I told Caroline, and she was taken aback.   "Let's try again tomorrow! Please assist me!" I noticed Caroline's smile when she stated this to me.   I raised my hand and gently touched her cheek; Caroline closed her eyes, and I was taken aback. Why does my hand move on its own? What is going on with me?   "Do you already feel the same way I do?" Caroline asked.   "What exactly do you mean?" When I asked Caroline, she pointed to her chest, where her heart was.   "Is your heart beating so fast like mine? When were we this close?" I averted my gaze when Caroline asked.   "Fine, I'll teach you tomorrow," I said to Caroline as I changed our topic.   "Seriously?! Thank you very much, George!" Why is she so energetic? She’s a woman who is a vampire who is as lively as a lively mortal.   "Good night," I replied to Caroline as I exited my room.   If what Caroline's saying is correct, my heart is racing right now. I can't get rid of her in my mind because I remember our last kiss and how she kissed me before the gala ball.   I went to my room to calm myself, but I couldn't, so I punched the wall. I don't want to fall in love with Caroline, so why is destiny trying to make us fall in love with each other?   End of Flashback I just hope I see Caroline's love for me sooner because she loves me so much and wants me so much. Maybe this is my punishment for making her wait for me, and when I see her again, I'll fix everything.   I will respect Caroline, and I am confident that I will continue to fall for her no matter what happens. I stood up and went to her room.   I saw a photo of the two of us when we got married, and it was clear from Caroline's smile that she was pretty happy that day. I smiled, but tears welled up in my eyes. I pressed the handle of our photo pouch, and the purse was ruined.   I'd be ready to be a father to our two children.   A few hours later, I was lying in Caroline's room, and it had been a few years since she had vanished from my life. I'm not sure if she was back or present when she reincarnated.   I stood up from my seat here and went outside of her room. It’s already night. I guess I should be in the library for a moment because I don’t know what to do and I already settled my market yesterday.   Maybe I'll go to the black market tomorrow; I'll just go so I can do anything. I got a book with the title "Science Things."   I read it while standing, and as I was reading, I read something about time travel. Still, I don't believe it because doing so would present a significant problem. **
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