Chapter 1.2

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George's PoV I should forget Caroline, but I can't because I don't have anyone in my mansion right now. I am all alone, and I'm simply waiting for her. The question is, will she come soon? I'm not used to not seeing her every day, but I always recall the memories we made.   Flashback "Are you the only one who lives here? Aren't you depressed?" Caroline asked me, my father brought her over to accompany me.   "Leave, I don't need you," I said to Caroline, and he rushed inside.   "Your palace is amazing! My mother was correct when she said that your house is lovely," Caroline said to me. I really don't enjoy this kind of connection we have with our family.   FIVE MONTHS HAVE PASSED   "Is the outfit I'm wearing now perfect for me?" Caroline asked.   I was shocked when I saw her because she was gorgeous and the clothing she was wearing was perfect for her.   "It doesn't suit you," I muttered, turning my back on her as Caroline walked in front of me.   "You're lying! I can read your mind!" Caroline told me, and she laughed. "Did you read my mind? Then why do you expect me to say anything to you?" I informed Caroline, and I noticed his cheeks were turning red.   "I'm going to change," Caroline said as she walked away in front of me.   When Caroline went up, my heart raced because I smelled her perfume; I turned around. I'm not sure why I feel different when I talk to her.   So Caroline was brought here to accompany me. In the end, she declared she would be my wife because of our familial ties; my family wanted me to marry that woman.   Caroline is a weak vampire who needs to get stronger, but why is it telling me that I should let her into my life since I'd be happy with her? I took a deep breath and noticed Johnny Welson approaching.   I opened the door, and he had a document with him, which he presented to me. When I read it, it was the information I had requested about the black market, which I would purchase.   "What are you two doing?" Caroline appeared unexpectedly, which startled both Johnny and me.   "Go back to your room." I was shocked when she pulled the document from my hand.   "I'd like to assist! Do you think only men can do this kind of work? I can do it as well." As a result of what Caroline told me, I became bored and swiftly stole the document from her.   "Caroline, stop being naughty! I'll return you to your family," I told Caroline, and I noticed she was unhappy.   Caroline didn't say anything and just walked away as I returned my attention to the document and to Johnny.   "You're growing cold towards her, George," Johnny observed.   "My family has a plan to bring the two of us together so we can be close and get married," I said to Johnny, returning the document to him when I finished reading it.   "I'm going to pay. There were a lot of workers there, so I'll take it," I remarked to Johnny as I proceeded to the money drawer.   It has a lock so no one can take it, and the key is with me, with a duplicate belonging to Caroline; I informed her of this because we were the only two here.   I gave the money to Johnny and he left.   I recall Caroline because I had previously yelled at her. I went upstairs, and as I approached her room, I was ready to knock when I noticed her aiming her sword at the opposite door.   "I can see what you're doing; I just wanted to apologize for yelling at you earlier," I said to Caroline as I opened the door.   "I'm sorry if I was naughty," Caroline said, and I smiled.   "Is it correct that I noticed you? Did you just smile?" Caroline told me, and Caroline's smile showed it when she mocked me.   "I'm not smiling; I believe you have a visual problem," I said to Caroline as I turned around.   "I'm a vampire, so I don't have visual problems," Caroline explained, and I chuckled.   "Very naughty vampire," I told Caroline, and I went downstairs.   When I came down, Caroline followed me; later, we'd have a grand ball. I had to dress well, but Caroline had no idea what she would wear, and both my family and Caroline's family were present at that party.   "We're going to a big ball later on. I hope you behave yourself later on," I told Caroline and took the bottle filled with blood.   "I will behave myself. I won't bother you when you're talking to someone. My family is also there," Caroline told me.   "It's excellent that you understand," I said to Caroline as I drank from the bottle I had taken.   "Do you want some?" I told Caroline, and she took the bottle, drank it, and her eyes shone.     "Does it taste good?" I asked Caroline, and I was astonished when she kissed me, and I felt the blood she gave me.   Caroline let go and chuckled at the exact moment; this woman is so irritating! When she turned around, I grabbed her hand and drew her closer to me.   "Do you genuinely like me?" When I asked Caroline, her eyes widened.   "You had no idea I could do so much for you when you kissed me again," I explained to Caroline.   "You're not going to hurt me; you may kiss me and go to the bedroom to do it–" I pushed her and wiped my lips because there was some blood.   "I'm not going to do anything to you; I simply took it back to please you, but you also look like a wild woman," I said to Caroline as I took the bottle she was holding.   "I’m not wild, I just like you," Caroline said to me.   "If you want me, you should do your best to get me; maybe I'll develop some feelings too," I told Caroline, but why was my heart beating and the kiss she gave me still in my mind?   "Get ready," I said to Caroline as I walked upstairs to change my clothes.   After I finished changing my clothes, I adjusted my hair and went outside to wait for Caroline. Caroline thought I would like what she was wearing and her looks also.   "That was quick!" I heard her voice. My eyes widened as I turned to face her.   She was wearing an Egyptian-style gold gown, but that doesn't guarantee I'm going to like her.   "It's nice, isn't it?" Caroline asked me.   "Yes, it's lovely," I said to Caroline, and she smiled and held my arm.   "Remember, you'll just be close to me tonight," I reminded Carline, and she nodded.   We exited the mansion, and our horse-drawn carriage awaited us. I asked Caroline to enter first, and I followed. I didn't know anything about the palace where the magnificent ball would be hosted for as long as I could remember. Dad told me to accompany Caroline there.   When we arrived, there were many people, so I stepped down first and extended my hand to Caroline. I have to be a gentleman to this woman; when I look at her, she smiles because she is clearly delighted once more.   When Caroline got out of the carriage, I instantly let go of her hand; she approached me. Her expression changed because of the men who were here at the ball.   "You're a vampire, but you're terrified of men; why aren't you terrified of me?" I asked Caroline.   "Because I already know you, I'm not afraid of you," Caroline replied, and I simply smiled.   "Come on," I replied to Caroline as we walked away. I already knew what she hated.   Caroline didn't want guys to look at her, yet she wanted to wear it, showing her body. When we entered, Caroline's mother and father greeted us right away.   "I’m delighted you two made it; you two are a perfect match for each other," Aunt Helena said.   "Yes, George and I are a perfect match!" Caroline said, and when she touched me, I removed her hand.   "Edwardo is here," I said as I walked away. **
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