Chapter 13

1848 Words
Beatrice's PoV We passed by the ice cream shop, and I squeezed George's hand twice, and he looked at me. "What is it?" I nodded when George asked. When George asked, I pointed to the person selling the ice cream in the cup. We went there, and I chose my flavor; George looked at the flavors as well, and thankfully, he acted like a human. "We have a discount when a couple buys, and the flavor is strawberry with chocolate," the man said. "All right, let's get the one with the discount," George said, and I smiled; my favorite flavors are chocolate and strawberry, and I hope he enjoys the taste of ice cream. We were given the one in the cup with the strawberry and chocolate; I accepted it, and the seller thanked me. We walked, and I immediately tasted the delicious ice cream. "Try this ice cream. It's delicious!" I told George, and he tasted it, and I noticed that he smiled. "Yes, very tasty; I didn't think you ate something like this," George said, and I told him what to call it. "This ice cream's name of the food is a dessert, which means it's like your side dish," I explained, and George nodded. "I have another example for you, ice cream and salad. The salad contains vegetables, and it has a mixture of mayonnaise," I said, and George nodded. "Humans are overeating while we vampires drink only blood," George explained as I patted his shoulder. "You can eat those foods, right? You eat sometimes and don't sometimes," I informed George. "We're limited to your food because we need blood more," George said softly, afraid that someone would hear him and mistake him for a monster. "Is that so? You only eat once, sorry if I said that you could eat our meals every day," I said to George, and he scooped the ice cream in the cup I was holding. When we finished the ice cream, I threw the cup in the trash, and we went upstairs to the mall, where all I could see were the furniture and clothes. Maybe I'll be able to buy nice clothes for a long time, but I already have nice clothes that George bought. The design of the dress is a sunflower, but I didn't wear it because I believe it is too vital for me. I'm not sure why I'm feeling this way; perhaps I'm the wife George has been looking for. "Would you like to buy some nice clothes?" I was surprised when George asked. "No! Did you just read what I was thinking?" When I asked George, he just smiled. "You're aware that I'm a vampire. I can't stop reading your thoughts, especially when we're close," George informed me. Thank goodness I believe what he's saying. As we walked, I noticed many people staring at George. Why did he become so awesome? He can be a celebrity anytime. However, it was stated in his document that George wore old clothes. Is it possible that George still has his old clothes? I'm curious to see how handsome he looks in vintage attire. "I can show it to you later. My old clothes are still there," I was taken aback when George spoke, and I laughed because he had just reread my mind. "Don't! I was thinking about that only, and you're reading my mind!" When I told George, he became solemn. "Because you might think you already remember me and realize I'm your husband," George explained, and I removed my amused expression. "I'm sorry if I laugh, but we'll see what happens when you date me," I explained to George. "Why did you apologize? I'm not angry," George said to me as we walked into a store that sold men's clothing. He looked at the clothes, and I thought I'd style him. "Do you want me to pick new clothes for you to wear on our next date?" I inquired of George. "All right, it's okay. Do you know you and Caroline are the same because she also picked perfect clothes for me," George said to me? Perhaps it's timing that we have the same personality and movement. "It's just timing that we have the same personality and movements," I said, and George just smiled. I went with the top clothes and chose the white and black t-shirt; I picked the pants that appeared to be knee-length shorts. Then I noticed the white shoes he was now wearing. "This style I choose will suit you; what size are you?" I inquired of George. "I don't know; only Johnny knows," George said, and I considered it. As a salesman approached us, I stared at his body; I asked him what size George he thought he was. "What do you think his size?" I inquired to the Salesman. "The top is XL, madam, but the pants are Large," the Salesman told me, and I thanked him. "Give me a size XL with this top and pants that size L," I requested, and the Salesman nodded. I drew George, standing to one side, took his hand in mine, and looked at him. "What's the point of staring at me?" George inquired. "You are so awesome, and I know your sizes now," I told George, smiling at him. "Nice," George said, and my cheeks flushed. George's PoV It's a good thing I'm only thinking about Beatrice right now, or I'll lose control. Many men had been staring at her before, and I noticed that the man she had been speaking with earlier had arrived with the clothes that Beatrice had chosen. "Check if the size fits you," Beatrice said, handing me the clothes, and the Salesman directed the dressing room. I went in there and used my power to remove my clothes; after looking in the mirror, I immediately put on the clothes she had chosen for me. Beatrice and Caroline have a similar sense of style. I went outside, and Beatrice looked at me, surprised, and immediately approached me, looking at my body. Beatrice took her phone and took a picture of me, so this is how long it takes to buy new clothes. "I'll take these clothes!" Beatrice told the Salesman, and she allowed me to return to the fitting room. "Change clothes," I changed my clothes after Beatrice told me. When I finished changing my clothes, I went outside and handed them the clothes I wore, then we went to the counter and gave her my credit card. Beatrice had already paid, and when I saw a dress that fit her, I went over to there and took a good look at it. My phone suddenly rang, and I looked to see who was calling; it was Edwardo, and I immediately answered. "Hello? What's the problem?" I asked Edwardo right away because I knew he'd call at this precise moment. [Boss, we have a visitor in the market, they want to meet you because they need to photograph you,] I laughed at what he said, seriously? Is this how vampires are these days? "All right, I'll go, but I'll bring someone," I said to Edwardo as I hung up the phone. "This is your new outfit!" Beatrice told me. "Do you want to come with me to the market?" I questioned Beatrice "Isn't it risky there? Are all of your employee's vampires?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, you're correct, but I'm with you; they won't hurt you," I said to Beatrice, and she thought about it. "You said that. Come on," Beatrice said to me, and I cut her off. "First, let's get some bacon and eggs because we're going to need them, right?" I asked Beatrice, and she only remembered now. "I almost forgot about that! Let's go to the supermarket!" Beatrice informed me, and we exited the clothes store. We went to the supermarket, and I followed her to the bacon and eggs we needed. When I just followed her, she got bacon and eggs, we lined up, and when we were next, he had my credit card. After buying what we needed, we went out to the supermarket, and I held Beatrice's hand as we walked. On the other hand, I kept the clothes she had chosen for me, and she was holding the bacon and egg. We got to the parking lot, put our purchases in the back seat, Beatrice got in, and I got in as well. When I started driving, I fastened my seatbelt. I couldn't help but look at her while we were on the trip because she is happy now, and I hope she remembers something. When we arrived at the market, I saw Edwardo, obviously waiting for me, so I went out, and Beatrice followed. "Boss! It's a good thing you arrived quickly! It looks like you had a date, and did your work conflict with it?" Edwardo inquired. "Where are they?" I inquired and took Beatrice's hand in mine. "They're already inside, but will she be okay once you're with her?" When Edwardo asked, I came to a halt on my way inside. "Do you mind if you stay in my office first?" I told Beatrice. "That's fine with me!" Beatrice answered me, and we proceeded through another entrance. When we arrived at my office, I asked if she would remember anything, but she just looked around, came to my desk, and touched it. "Do you recall anything?" When I asked her, she looked at me. "I still don't remember, but don't worry, I'll try no matter what," Beatrice said as I went out of my office. "Let's go," I said to Edwardo, and the two of us went downstairs. Beatrice's PoV This is George's office, and Caroline doesn't seem to have been touched in a long time; is this how George misses his wife? But I don't remember anything, and I'm not sure why. I feel bad for George, who always asks if I remember him. I noticed a window on the sofa; I peered through it and saw George talking to someone. When a woman approached him and took a picture of the two of them, I was taken aback. Why am I feeling this way? Why am I so jealous?! What the hell is going on?! I closed the window and sat on the sofa, picking up my phone to do something. I know it's George's business. I shouldn't overthink it, I don't want to destroy the market he built, and I know it's both of them when his wife is still here. When I heard a knock, I was on my social media, so I got up right away, 'Is this George?' But it didn't seem evident that he didn't know George wasn't in this office, so I crept up behind George's desk and hid when I heard someone enter. "Was I mistaken in thinking the Boss was here? He's not here; perhaps he's downstairs," The man stated. "But why does it smell like human here?" I was nervous as he said that. **
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