Chapter 33

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Beatrice's PoV "Mom is in the ER. Something happened to her, still no word from the doctors," Joel said, and I'm shaking. "What happens to mom?" I asked my brother, but he was still stunned as I could see. "I don't know what happened, but the nurses told me they'd do everything they could," Joel said, and I sat down. "Everything will be fine," George said to me and held my hand. After an hour, the doctor emerged from the intensive care unit and approached us. "How is my mother doing, Doc? What happened to her?" I inquired the doctor. "For the time being, we need some additional tests to determine what appears to be the problem with your mom, but she is stable. We need additional laboratory tests, MRI's, and Citi scans to rule out any other possibilities." The doctor told us, which gave me some relief. "If you'll excuse me, you can visit your mother. She is now awake," As we walked inside to greet Mom, the doctor said to us. "Mom! What happened to you? Are you okay?" I asked mom, and there was medical equipment such as dextrose and even a life monitor machine. "I don't know what happened, I blacked out, and all I remember is being here in the hospital," my mother explained. "They'll run some tests on you, but for now, rest and don't push yourself," I told mom. "I will assist you with your bills. Hopefully, your condition will improve." My mother smiled as George said this. A doctor knocked on the door and greeted us; he held my mother's test, and I was nervous. "I am Dr. Murphy, Surgical Oncology and Robotic Surgery, and I am a cancer specialist here at General Red Hospital," Dr. Murphy said as I shook his hand, along with my brother, Joel, and George. "How is your mother doing, Beatrice? Is she feeling better?" The doctor inquired "I'm fine," My mother said to the doctor, making him smile as he checked her tests. "I will explain what procedures we need to do to make sure. First, we will do a clinical examination to see if you have any problems with your oral cavity, breath, and abdomen, and we will do this in detail to make sure." The doctor advised me to use it calmly, but I was nervous. "If we find anything suspicious of cancer, we'll run some tests. I'm not saying your mom has cancer, but we need to make sure we get to the bottom of it as soon as possible." Dr. Murphy added. "What tests will be performed on my mother? Will it be hazardous?" I inquired of Dr. Murphy. "The tests are completely risk-free. The first test will be normal sonography, x-rays, and other scans, as well as mammography from the breasts." As we continue to listen, Dr. Murphy says. "This is the first step in determining whether your mother has cancer, a tumor, or a lump, and we need to conformant with an FNAC, also fine-needle pine needle Aspiration Cytology or a cut thru biopsy," Dr. Murphy said. "What exactly is this needle thing?" George asked, and Dr. Murphy answered. "We put this needle in and take a tissue sample from the lump if Beatrice's mother has one, and we send it to the pathology laboratory for further examination to see if it is cancerous or not." Dr. Murphy spoke, and George listened. "We also need to do an MRI, CT Scan, and a pet scan to make sure everything is okay inside of you. The PET Scan, also known as a Positron Emission Tomography scan, will allow us to determine the extent of cancer within the body." Dr. Murphy stated. "Will it be that expensive?" I inquired of Dr. Murphy. "Probably, but this test will probably help us determine whether or not your mom has cancer. We also need your decision if we do the test because if we do it right now, we can detect it as early as possible," Dr. Murphy told us. We were in a state of disbelief. "Go for the test, I'll pay all of her bills, do whatever you can to figure out what's wrong with her, and if any other tests are required, I'll pay for them," George said, which surprised us. "You don't have to do it, George!" My mother said, and George responded. "Don't be concerned! We can get through this." George told my mother, as you can see, he was concerned. "Thank you, George; we appreciate your assistance." I embraced George. "Life is precious, and I don't care if I make a lot of money; I just want to help your mom," George explained. "Thank you, we appreciate your assistance," Joel said to George. "We will begin the test immediately for your mom Ms. Beatrice, and I will be praying for good results as well," Dr. Murphy said as he exited the room, shaking the hands of Joel, George, and my mother. George's PoV "I'll tell Johnny to come here when the results come out because we still have work to do," I said to Beatrice as we walked out of her mother's room. "I need to say goodbye to Mom and Joel first, But don't worry, I am fine now," Beatrice explained, and I nodded. Beatrice returned to the room, and I remained outside. I saw Joel come out, and he faced me. "Thank you for assisting our mother, and I know that whatever the outcome is, we will accept it for the better," Joel said to me. "Don't worry, I'll be there to help," I told Joel. "What are your plans? Are you going somewhere with Beatrice?" Joel inquired. "Are you going to believe me when I say something about Beatrice?" When I asked Joel, he put his arm around my shoulder. We walked away from Beatrice's mother's room until we were far away from Beatrice's mother's room. "Tell me anything, and I'll believe it," Joel said. And I looked at him thoughtfully. "Beatrice is a vampire and the reincarnation of my wife; she died as a result of me, but she is alive now," I explained, and Joel remained silent. "We're leaving to find our opponent who killed her, but don't worry, even if she's a vampire, I'll protect her," I said to Joel. "I can't believe you turned Beatrice into a vampire; does that mean she won't age? We won't be able to see her any longer?" Joel inquired, and he seemed shocked. "It's the only way to restore her life, and I hope you understand and accept what happened to her," I told Joel. "You're still what she considers family. I consider you as my family as well." I said to Joel. "Beatrice is a good person, whereas I did something bad because I sold people's blood to help our mother," Joel said as I noticed Beatrice approaching us. "Thank goodness you two are only here, so what are you two talking about? Perhaps you're fighting again," Beatrice informed us. "We were just talking about you," Joel said as he ruffled Beatrice's hair. When Beatrice looked at me, I knew she was curious about what we talked about. "By the way, have you talked to your mother?" When I asked Beatrice, she looked at me. "Yes, we already did, and whatever the results are, we will accept them, and if we need to do it sooner, so be it, because our mother is the only family Joel and I have," Beatrice said to me. "Your mother is also my family," I told Beatrice, holding her hands and making her smile and feel better. "What did you discuss, by the way?" Beatrice asked. "I told Joel you were a vampire, and he wasn't angry; he immediately believed because he, too, had a secret," I explained, and Beatrice was taken aback. "What exactly is my brother's secret?" Beatrice inquired. "Joel is my customer; he sells the blood of the human he buys from me, and there are vampires in your area, so he sells to help your mother as well," I explained, and she was taken aback by what I had said. "I'm not going to be angry because he's just trying to help with mom's medications," Beatrice said as we were exiting the hospital. "We'll be leaving now, Joel. Text us if anything comes up with Beatrice's mother," I said to Joel, and Beatrice said goodbye to Joel as we walked out of the hospital and went toward my car. "You're going to drink my blood today," I told Beatrice as she climbed into my car. I also got in my car, fastened my seatbelt, started the engine, and drove away from the hospital. She approached me, dragging my right arm and drinking blood from me while the stoplight was on. When Beatrice was done drinking the blood, she smiled at me. When the light is green, I start my car once again. I'm the one who's hungry now, and I need to drink animal blood; when we got to our house, I parked my car. Beatrice was the first to go inside, and I was the second. I entered the house and went straight to the fridge, taking the animal blood. I drank it right away, not putting it in the glass because I was hungry, and I noticed Beatrice staring at me. "My hubby is hungry!" Beatrice said to me, throwing the plastic that contained animal blood earlier; I approached her and moved her body close to me. "You took blood from me. That's why I'm hungry," I told her, and she wiped my lips, then she licked her hand with animal blood that came from my lips. "You are still following my command that you would only drink animal blood, not human blood," Beatrice said to me, and I kissed her forehead. "Yeah, because you're the woman who changed me, and you know that's since you don't remember everything, you've seen how I changed," I explained to Beatrice. "Yes, I saw it," she said to me and hugged me. "George, I love you, and I am here to support you." I removed her embrace and kissed her on the lips. I immediately felt Beatrice's body heat, so I let go of her; Beatrice's cheek was red, and I laughed. "Did you try to tease me?" Beatrice was irritated, as evidenced by her tone of voice. "Yes!" I said this to Beatrice, and she hit me on my shoulder, and I burst out laughing. "You're always teasing me! I'll tease you the next time you're about to c*m!" Beatrice said to me, and what did he mean by that? She's still the same. "You're back to being a pervert!" I told, Beatrice and she hit me again, so I just laughed. I hugged Beatrice, and she hugged me back because we needed to prepare for our upcoming battle and what will happen to her mother. I am praying that her mother will have good results. "Don't worry, your mother will be fine," I told Beatrice. "I know everything will be fine," she said to me. "We will get thru this for your mother also, Are your things prepared?" I said Beatrice as she smiled. And I let go of the hug. I followed Beatrice because I knew she was going to our room, and when I got there, I saw that she had taken her boots and black coat from her closet. "What you're going to wear now is suits to you," I told Beatrice, who looked at me. "Wear black too, so we're the same," Beatrice said, and I reached for black sleeves in my closet. "Did you know when I lost you, I wore an all-black outfit every day?" I told Beatrice. "I'm not sure, but I noticed that when the first time I met you when I was mortal that time you always wear black clothes," Beatrice explained. "Because my world is colorless when you were gone, I wear all black, and I really can't stand the fact that you're not in my life," I explained as Beatrice was getting dressed. When Beatrice finished dressing, I finished dressing as well, and I looked in the mirror, surprised because she had blocked in front of me. "You noticed me adjusting my sleeves. You block in front of me." Beatrice turned to face me as I said this. "What? Are you going to be irritated?" I squeezed Beatrice's cheeks as she asked. "I'm not angry," I told Beatrice as I moved away from the mirror. As I walked away, I noticed she was carrying a backpack and laughed. "What's inside your bag?" I inquired of Beatrice. "I need things like shampoo and soap, and of course, we'll find a place to sleep there," Beatrice said, so I did nothing. I went down quickly, and so did Beatrice; I left the house. I put a lock on my front door and a shield on it because someone might come here and cause trouble. Beatrice got into my car, so I got in as well; I started driving as soon as I finished fastening my seatbelt; we'll go to Garry first because he's going with us. Garry was still inside his house when we arrived. I walked out and straight to the front door of Garry's house, rang the doorbell, and quickly opened the door, which Garry came out. "What exactly are you doing here?" Garry inquired as he opened the door. "I didn't inform you that we're leaving right now; pack what you need," I told him, surprising Garry. "You did not notify me right away! I'll be packing my other belongings in a few minutes," Garry said this to me as he quickly climbed to the top of his house. I was waiting in my car while leaning when I noticed Garry had come out and quickly arrived at his gate. "How can you tell me I don't have a phone number on your phone?" Garry asked as I opened my car door at the back. "Come inside, and let's talk," I said, and Garry climbed into my car. I also climbed into my car and fastened my seatbelt. "Where do we begin our search for Louis, by the way?" Garry inquired while I was driving. "Where else will it hide in the world of mortals? Of course, he will hide in the Village of Vampires," I replied to Garry, and I heard Beatrice laugh. "Don't fight; I'll be the one to fight you when both of you fight," Beatrice said, prompting me to begin driving. "Here we go to 'La Delle Village," Beatrice said, showing me the location, and I instantly remembered where we were going. "It'll be a long journey, but I'll be happy because I'll be with you two," Garry said. "I'd be happier if you weren't here," I said, and Garry laughed. **
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