Chapter 34

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Beatrice's PoV Garry and George are always joking. I opened my social media account. We eventually moved away from the world where mortals are present, and we are now in a forest with no people, and our cars are only current. It was a highway with woods. "Strange were the only ones here," Garry said as I looked out the window. "Let's be cautious because there could be low vampires here," George warned, and I stowed my phone in my bag. Suddenly George's car stopped because five low vampires passed in front of us. They looked at us. I immediately released my shield power on George's car because the five vampires directly attacked. "I'll handle it," Garry said as he dashed away from the car. I immediately felt weak, so the shield in the car vanished. I was still not used to using my powers again. "Don't push yourself; I'm also shielding my car," George said to me. "But you know that when an opponent attacks us, I always release my shield power because you are important to me," I told George, surprised because blood was splattered on his car. "I knew it Garry is very messy when he kills low vampires," George said, and I laughed. "You can clean your car, right?" I told George, and he immediately used his power to clean his car. Garry went back inside our car as he killed all of the low-class vampires outside. "How was killing the low vampires?" I inquired Garry. "It's all right. I remember we used to hunt low vampires," Garry said. George resumed driving, and we soon arrived at the village we were heading to first. George pulled over to the side of the road, and the three of us walked out with my backpack. George took my hand in his, and we began walking; many women stared at George as we walked. "They are looking at us again. Have they've not seen a royal vampire?" George laughed as I said this. "What's the joke there?" When I asked George, he looked at me. "You're incredibly jealous again," George said, and I sniffed. "Beatrice, be jealous so that when George abandons you, you will come with me," Garry said, and George glared at Garry. "I'm telling you right now, don't fight in front of me," I said to the two of them. We walked for an hour and still couldn't find Louis; we also asked the vampires who lived in this village. We went to a bar here, and I was surprised to see Garry walk right in. "Let's let him in because he's the only one without a girlfriend," George suggested, and I nodded. George and I were taken aback when Garry emerged smiling. "Did you see him?" George inquired to Garry. "Yeah, naked women," Garry said, laughing as if to say, what's funny there. "Let's go," George stated solemnly as I followed him. "I thought you were going to laugh, a lot of the women there are sexy but vampires," Garry said as we continued walking. When we arrived at an animal blood store, Garry stopped and purchased. I came to a halt in front of George, who looked at me. "Garry bought something," I told George, and he looked at Garry. "Garry can find us if we get away from him; let's go first," George said, so I did nothing. Some men were staring at me as we walked, so I tightened my grip on George's hands. "What is the problem?" George inquired. "Yeah, I have a big problem. Men are looking at me," I told George, and he looked at the men that were looking at me. "Don't pay attention to them; they won't approach you because I'm with you," George advised, and I smiled. "You left me; I just bought something," Garry said. "I don't like what you're doing; when you do something else, we'll leave you," George said softly, and I laughed softly. "I'm just hungry," Garry explained, and we went to another bar, where George entered. "You two stay here," George said, and Garry laughed. "I'm sure he'll come across a woman naked!" Garry explained that's why I hit him and glared at him. "I'm here for you to say that," I said angrily, and Garry laughed once more. "Even if he looks at others, you're the only one he love," Garry told me. "This is why you don't have a girlfriend because you like a slut and bitches," I said to him, and I'm trying to stop myself from laughing. "What exactly did you say? Do you want me to turn you into my slut?" Garry told me, and George rushed out and shoved him away. "Stay away from my wife," George said, prompting me to burst out laughing. "Beatrice said I like sluts and bitches, so no one likes me," Garry explained. "It's true, don't flirt with my wife either," George replied as we went away from the bar, implying that Louis was not there. "It appears that Louis isn't in this village, but I need to summon all the vampires here to command them," George said, and the two of us went to the center. "Good morning, everyone! I'm sorry for bothering you with what you're doing right now. As a royal vampire, I have something important to say. I'm sure you recognize me because of my surname, Leopold," George explained, and I was standing next to George as he made an announcement. "Good morning, sir Leopold," the others said, and the vampires emerged to hear what George had to say. "We're looking for a vampire, and I need him because he did something bad; as a high vampire of our kind, we need to catch and imprison him," George said, and all the vampires become serious. "Whoever comes across the name Louis Montford, this is how he looks like. Call me at this number right away," George said, and he used his power to create papers with a picture of Louis, spread them out in the center, and people pick them up who have gathered in the center. "You'll receive a lot of money if you catch that vampire," George said, to which the vampires nodded. "You can rely on us!" Everyone said, and George and I left in the middle, followed by Garry. "We need to go to the next village to find that man quickly," George said as we approached George's car. I went inside, and George and Garry followed me in. I buckled my seatbelt, and the car began to move. I took my phone from my bag and played games while on the road trip. "Are you not hungry?" Garry abruptly inquired. "I'm not hungry at all. Because I drank George's blood," I told Garry, who was taken aback. "Are you consuming George's blood?! For what purpose? And why is that?" Garry inquired. "To regain Beatrice's strength, she had to drink once a day for ten days," George explained to Garry. "You can drink my blood as well if you want," Garry said, as George glared at him in the rearview mirror. "Royal vampire with only a few special abilities," George explained, and I laughed. "Even if your powers are selective, you can still save someone," I explained. "You are Caroline, and you are very sensible and sincere in what you say," Garry said. The mist on our path suddenly increased, so George pulled over and came out. I was taken aback when he abruptly vanished into the fog, so I tried to leave. "Beatrice, there is a threat! Allow George to go! He will be back!" Garry stopped me from going outside, and I couldn't see anything in the way. I was still weak and couldn't see the passage well, but I knew George could see it when he entered the mist. Garry took my hand and led me into the fog. "This is what you do when something bad happens to George; did you learn that he died as a result of the fight? Did you commit suicide right away?" Garry inquired. "Yes, I believed what a mortal said; I'm not sure why I believed right away," I admitted to Garry. "The next time, you will only believe in George. Trust him because believing in others will make you regret it later," Garry said to me, and we already saw George standing in a tree, looking at something. "George, don't leave right away. You know I'm a worried person!" I said to George, and he gave me a look. "Did I make you worried?" George inquired, but he looked strange to me. "What's the story behind this tree?" I asked George, looking at the tree he was staring at. "I'm not sure what's in this tree," George said, grinning. I sense something strange about George. "You're not George," I said softly as I backed away, and when I looked behind me, Garry was gone, so I tried to dash away. "George! Garry! Where have you gone?" I yelled, but they didn't respond, so I stood up and waited for them to come down here. I couldn't see what I was going through, which surprised me because I had slipped and hadn't realized I wasn't going straight. I landed on the ground and looked around at the area where there was a lot of mist. "George! Where are you?!" I yelled, but they didn't respond, so I stood up and waited for them. I'm concerned that something has happened to both of them; I was just with Garry before, but I'm no longer with him. Something in this mist makes me think someone controls it; earlier, I saw a fake George who imitated George's face. "Where are you, Beatrice?" I followed George's voice after hearing him yell. "George, I'm here! Where are you?!" I yelled and dashed where I could hear his voice. "Don't get caught in the mist! We'll take care of everything!" That's why I came to a halt when I entered the mist and heard George say. "So, what am I going to do? Will I construct my shield?" I asked George again, and he did not respond. The mist vanished, and their opponent was a woman with long hair; I saw her sharp nail, and she was about to stab George when I moved quickly and blocked with my shield. "Go away!" I looked at the woman who had yelled. "You're the one who needs to step aside!" I growled at the woman and raised my shield, bashing her, but I hurt myself as well. I was surprised because blood came out of my nose, and George immediately pulled me away. "You haven't been able to build a large shield yet; we'll take care of it," George said to me as he and Garry rushed over to the woman. I focused on that woman as she moved quickly, knowing that if I could absorb her energy, she would weaken and stop fighting. I raised my hand and used my strength to absorb her life source and energy. However, I persisted because I wanted to assist George and Garry. "What are you doing, Beatrice?!" Garry yelled, and I could smell blood coming from my nose. "I'd like to assist!" I yelled, and George looked at me. I yelled, and the vampire woman was taken aback by the fact that her skin was white; she fell and staggered as I sapped all of her energy. I also collapsed, my vision blurred, noticed my nails had risen, and felt extremely hungry. "You're not listening to me!" I lifted my head to look at George after hearing him say something to me. George hugged me and placed my head on his neck, which I immediately bit and drank blood from. "I'm not sure what will happen to you because you drank twice in a day," George said, and I just kept drinking George's blood. "I hope someone bites me too," Garry said, so I let go of George's bite and laughed. "Do you want me to find you a woman who will bite you?" I informed Garry. "I don't want that. I'm just joking," Garry said, and I wiped my lips. "Are you all right?" George inquired. "Yes, I'm fine my strength is regaining back," I replied to George, who assisted me in standing. "Let's go back to my car," George said, and when we got back in our car, we were surprised to find it empty. "My bag is gone! My phone is there!" That's what I said to George. "It's a good thing my phone is with me. Is your phone with you, Garry?" George inquired. "It's here. It appears your car was thrown in a high place," Garry said because the woman they were fighting with hadn't died. "My phone is in the bag! My mom's number is on my phone!" I explained to George. "Find my car, Garry," George said. And Garry was surprised. "Are you sure? I'll look into it. You used only to let go when something in your possessions was damaged or lost?" Garry inquired of George. "Beatrice requires her belongings," George stated, and Garry did nothing. "I'm sorry, Garry," I apologized softly. "I'm not angry! I'll follow you once I get back," Garry said to me before quickly leaving. "Come on," George said as he took my hand in his, and we began walking. "Will that woman ever come back to us?" I inquire, and I'm referring to that vampire girl whose name we don't know who we battled earlier. "Perhaps she won't show up again because she discovered you can drain vampire's life force," George speculated. "So don't worry about that," George told me, and I nodded. **
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