Chapter 32

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Beatrice's PoV When I finished drinking George's blood, I noticed that the bite on his chest had vanished, so I turned to face him, and he touched my cheek. "Are you all right?" I nodded when George asked. "I'd like to put my shield power to the test. It has been a long time since I used my power since my memories come back," I explained to George. "Let's go outside and test your powers," George said, and I hurried out of the house, as did he. I got outside and got ready, and George was waiting for me, so I raised my hand and closed my eyes. I opened my eyes when I heard George laugh. "I told you before, don't close your eyes when you are releasing a power," George said, and when I looked at him, there was no shield there. It has been years since I used my powers, and I need to practice again to use them. I did what I did again without closing my eyes, and this time I did it correctly, and my shield power appeared; he smiled because his entire body now has a shield. But I was surprised because that quickly vanished, and I still need to be strong before using my shield power, and I should practice even more. "You're still the one who shields me from attacks, but can you use your sword again?" George inquired about my sword, which I hadn't used for a long time. "Does my sword still exist?" I inquired of George. "Yes, it's hidden, but I'm not sure if you still want it or even to use it because it's old; we build another one if you want," George said, and I considered it. "What if I stop using my sword? And practice the gravity power that you use," George laughed when I said that. "You can't handle gravity power, but you can move quickly and capture the energies of both low vampires and evil mortals, like draining their life source and making them weak," George said to me, and I nodded. "Maybe I'll use that power again like I used to take energy from other vampires but with control, of course," I told George, who nodded. "Does Garry is still looking for me?" I asked George I knew he was looking for me because I couldn't recall anything. "Why are you looking for him? You're aware that he's my rival." I laughed as George said this to me. "You are too much for saying that he is your rival, we're both friends, and he's your friend also, remember?" I told George, who remained silent. "Why do you regard each other as competitors? George, you're the only one I love." When I told George, he looked at me. "Garry is naughty; he challenges me to fight him again when he discovers your reincarnation," George said, and I laughed. "I want to see Garry right now; let him come here," I said to George, surprising him. "I don't want to," George said, which surprised me. "Would you like us to fight?" When I asked George, he was frustrated. "How can I contact him if I don't have his phone number?" When George asked, I ran, and he followed. "Good thing I remember where Garry lives is, and I hope he still lives there," I said to George as I dashed away. "Wait for a second, Beatrice," George yelled as he dashed after me. I'm glad I can dash while still remembering how to use it properly. When I arrived at Garry's house, George took my hand in his, but Garry came out and smiled at us before I could call him. "I can't believe you remember everything! I'm aware that you will go to my house!" I hugged Garry after he said that. "Don't hug me, or someone will become enraged!" Garry said, and I released my hug. "No one will get angry because I will get angry when he gets angry," I told Garry as George approached us. "Are you happy now?" That's why, according to George, I hit him on his shoulder. "You two should forgive each other in front of me, hurry!" I said as I stepped back from the two of them. "No way!" They both stated that this is why I attempted to use my power to obtain energy from them, but I noticed nothing was happening. "You know Caroline, that doesn't work for me," Garry said, glancing at me. "Me too, so please stop using your power," George said, and I was powerless to intervene. "It's up to you; what if I vanish again and you're still this way? You are the only ones who can help each other. "I said as I turned away from them. "Caroline, you will never be gone again! I'll make sure to be present at all times, so you don't die!" Garry spoke up, and I turned around to face them. "I'm glad you're back," Garry said. "I'm relieved we're back together!" I told them and hugged both of them. "Would you mind assisting us in locating Louis?" I inquired of Garry. "Louis? What exactly did he do to you two? How can I help?" Garry inquired. "Louis murdered Beatrice while she was still mortal," George responded. "Is that correct? Okay, then. I'll assist you. I'm not doing anything in my home," Garry stated. "Really? You're not going to flee like the three of us have done the adventure before?" I inquired of him. Garry was embarrassed at what I had said while George giggled a bit. "I'm not going to do that again!" Garry stated, and it was clear to him that he was being pressured. "When you flee, you take care of yourself from now on," I explained to Garry. "It'd be better if we were just the two of us, Beatrice, so we can focus," George suggested. "How come we're just the two of us?" I inquired of George. "It's as if no one bothers us when we're doing something," George said, surprising me. "Stop that, Garry won't interrupt us, plus he respect our privacy," I said, and Garry laughed. "It's fine if you do something; I won't bother you. Like Beatrice Said, I respect both of your privacy," Garry explained. "We're not doing that while we're on the adventure," I told Garry, who laughed. "You don't want to do it?" George asked, and it looked like he was teasing me. "Stop it, George," I said, and George wrapped his arm around me. "Let's go home," George suggested, and I nodded. "We're leaving Garry," I said my goodbyes, "All right, I'm glad you came by my place. I appreciate it. Don't worry, and I will be helping," Gary said as we were leaving as we dashed. "We're always doing this competition of who will arrive at the mansion first!" I laughed when I heard George say it. "It's exactly like that, the one I don't remember. Didn't I tell you I wish I was a vampire-like you? I am a vampire now," I told George this and smiled at him. We arrived at our house, and I straightened up. I was surprised when George hugged me, and we went inside, but we were even more surprised because his mother and father were present. "Your so sweet look at the both of you," George's mother said. "Can you see she's a vampire, Mom?" George said this, and his mother came up to me. "I can see that, but she is a low vampire," George' 's mom said, and I laughed about what she said. "Have you forgotten about me, Auntie? My name is Caroline Vancil Leopold." She was taken aback when I told her. "Caroline?" She called out to me and gave me a close look. "You're lying! You want to pretend to be Caroline by using her name!" She said this to me, and George took my hand in his. "If it hadn't been for Caroline, Mom, she wouldn't have said this," George explained. "I told you Caroline had a reincarnation, and that's her; they don't have the same face, but it's Caroline in front of you," George said, leaving her mother speechless. "Believe me, mom, this is Caroline," George said, and his father approached me. "There's a word only Caroline knows, and when you say it, we'll believe you," He said, and I smiled back. "I've like George since I was a kid!" I told them, and they were surprised because they only knew that; George had no idea I knew him since I was a child but only in the picture. "What exactly do you mean? You've had feelings for me since I was a child?" George inquired, and I nodded. "What do you think it has to do with the love I gave you? Even though you've been so cold to me before, I'm not giving up because I know you'll like me if I tried to be a strong vampire!" I told George, and he smiled once more. "We're wondering if you're going to get married again. And we believe you Caroline has a new family, I'm sure," According to George's father. "Yes, dad, we're getting married again, and I've already met Beatrice's family, even her mother," George said, to which his family nodded. I heard my phone ring and looked at it, where I saw a text message from my brother Joel. From: Joel Go to General Red Hospital because our mother is in the emergency room. Something happened to her. I was taken aback by my older brother Joel's text. Our mother was in the hospital and turned to face George. "What's the problem? Is everything all right?" George's family inquired. "My mother is in the hospital, and I need to go. This is an emergency," I said, and Aunt Aurora stopped me. "One moment! You can't go there because your eyes are still red, and they'll know you're a vampire now," Aunt Aurora said. "But I have a way to hide that color of your eyes. It will help you," Aunt Aurora said, and she used some power I wasn't aware of. As I looked at my eyes using the front camera of my phone. "This spell I cast on you is only temporary; your eyes are brown now, and this was the color of your eyes previously, am I correct?" I nodded when Aunt Aurora asked. "You both should go, and I hope your mother is okay," Aunt Aurora said to us. "Thank you very much, aunt!" I told Aunt Aurora and hugged her. "We're leaving right now," George told his parents. We exited the house, and George let me in his car. I noticed that George had said his goodbyes to his family. He got in the car, I fastened my seat belt, and he started his car. I noticed George was driving fast, and he appeared concerned to my mother as well. "Don't worry, I know your mother will be fine," George said to me as he drove, holding my hand. "I hope mom isn't in any pain," I said, and it's a good thing George already knows how to use Google Maps. I had no idea George was a skilled driver until I noticed his car drifting on the road. I began to cry as I worried about what would happen to my mother, but George held my hand. "Don't worry. Everything will be fine; we'll get to your mother." George said this as he mastered his car's gears. "I know, but I don't want to lose her; she's important to me," I explained to George. "We're close to the hospital," George said as the car drifted and landed in front of the emergency section outside of the hospital, surprising the hospital staff. "This is an emergency; I will remove my car once we have settled everything inside," he told the security guard, and the guard nodded. I got out of the car, sprinted, and inquired about my mother's location. The nurse directed me to emergency room three as I saw Joel standing outside. I noticed my older brother Joel standing and restless because he was pacing, so we approached him. **
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