Chapter 57

1075 Words
Beatrice’s PoV  When George had finished paying, he took the three shoes in the box, and we went to the movies, as I had mentioned. Darwin looked at the film on the side and the poster when we went there. "Mom, this show looks good," Darwin said, pointing to the show he thought was lovely. "It appears that it's a good movie it's about vampires, but it also includes werewolves," I told Darwin. "Let's watch this. It's a good thing we're on Darwin's side because otherwise. He is unable to enter the cinema," I told George. "Do they have such a policy?" George inquired. "Yes, you probably look at his height because he's still young. Isn't it obvious that he's young?" I told George, and he laughed. "Aren't you upset about that?" George inquired. "I'm just saying Darwin is young, but he can be in this show because he wants to watch," I told George, who looked at the popcorn. "Would you like to try that popcorn?" I inquired of George. "Yes, I want to taste it because it looks delicious," George said. "OK, when I'm done buying the ticket," I said, extending my hand, and he handed me his wallet. "Just stay here, don't leave, I'll just buy a ticket," I told them, and George nodded while Darwin held George's hand. I was third in line, and then later, I mentioned the movie's title we would see. "Do you have a child with you?" The woman behind the counter inquired. "Yes, 16 years old," I lied to the woman, who handed me a ticket. It's good that they allowed 16 years old with parents because George and I were together; I returned to them, and George looked at me. "I already bought a ticket; let's get some popcorn," I said, and they followed me. I waited in line, and I was second in line. "Which flavor do you prefer, Darwin?" I inquired about Darwin choosing what flavor he liked. "It has a flavor?" Darwin inquired. "Yes, it has. Do you want cheese flavor? Or barbeque flavor?" I asked Darwin, and he pondered. "Barbeque for me," Darwin said, and I looked at George. "It's the same for me," George said, and we were the next to purchase. "Three medium popcorn with barbeque flavor," I told the man selling it, after which I purchased our drinks. "Darwin, hold the two drinks. I have two popcorns, but George only has one popcorn and drinks that he can handle." I said to Darwin, and he didn't complain. "Thank you, ma'am, enjoy the movie!" said the man selling the popcorn, and we walked right in, showing our tickets. "All right, ma'am, it's OK for you to come in," the ticket checker said, and we entered. I have the impression that George is simply following me. As we are in the vacancy upstairs, I look at the numbers 25, 26, 27. I take a seat, and they do as well. "This is your popcorn," Darwin said, handing over the popcorn, and I accepted it. After a while, the show began, and the two of them were severe, and I just kept eating popcorn because the barbeque flavor was so good. I should choose the large and for Darwin and George are only medium. "Are you a vampire who is still hungry?" I was taken aback because George spoke in hushed tones. "What do you care?" My voice was hoarse as I responded to George. "It's a good thing vampires don't get fat," George said, so I slapped his hand and gently shook his popcorn. I tried to stop laughing because he was shocked by what I did, and I continued to watch the movie. As time passed, I felt George hold my hand, and I finished eating my popcorn and drinking the cola. "It's boring here," George murmured. "I thought you weren't going to be bored, but it appears you are," I told George as the show was about to end. When the show ended, the three of us stood up, and I could hear Darwin's excitement. "The show is fantastic, and the popcorn is delicious!" Darwin chirped, and I smiled. "But now I'm hungry. I need blood," Darwin stuttered. "All right, let's go home," George said, and he took the shoes we bought, and we went to the parking lot, where I let Darwin in the car. I also got into George's car, and George got in his vehicle; I buckled my seatbelt, and Darwin buckled his seatbelt. I also enjoy drinking animal blood because, after all, how many times have we eaten mortal food? We were on our way home, and I picked up my phone to see if there was a text, thinking I would give mom and Joel the invitations to our wedding, which is week. "By the way, Beatrice, we need to fix ourselves before the wedding, and of course, I'll have my facial as well as Darwin's and a haircut," George told me. He is correct that I need to look good at our wedding. "You're right. Let us hire a private make-up artist and a personal hairstylist for me," I told George. "I'll get you one if you need it," George said. "We will also have our photographer in the venue, which is included in the venue that I have paid in half as well," George informed us while we were driving. "If you need another car to be comfortable at our wedding, I will buy it, or I'll let Johnny fetch you," George added. "Many thanks; this wedding will undoubtedly be remembered," George said. "We have a lot of things to do before our wedding, but everything will go smoothly," I told George, who smiled. When we got home, George had parked his car, I removed my seatbelt, and so did Darwin. We got out of the car and were surprised because Edwardo was there. "Good evening, boss!" Edwardo says only one reason he's here, there's a problem with our market and he went because he couldn't contact us. "You didn't call me. You were going here. Is there a problem with our market?" George asked Edwardo, and I let Darwin into the house. "Yes, sir, there is a commotion in the market right now because until now, the salaries of the employees have not increased. They are having a strike!" Edwardo said, and George and I looked at each other. **
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