Chapter 56

1049 Words
Beatrice's PoV "We'll take this," George said as they finished changing in the dressing room. "All right, sir, just pay here at the counter," the saleswoman said, and Darwin took a seat while waiting. "I will be preparing your girlfriend's wedding gown and your tuxedo as your son," the saleswoman explained. "Thank you," George expressed gratitude to the saleswoman. "We appreciate your choice of Raven Fashion," the saleswoman concluded. When George finishes paying, the sales lady prepares what we bought. George prepares to carry it, and we will go to the parking lot first to put the clothes we purchased for our wedding. "We'll buy shoes we need before everything," George said, and we went to his car when we arrived at the parking lot. George put the three boxes in the back of his car when we arrived. We returned to the mall and went to the shoe store after he finished locking it. "Do you like blue shoes as well, Darwin?" George questioned Darwin. "I'm fine with black shoes, dad," Darwin told George, who nodded. We went to the shoe store first for Darwin and George because the ones for kids and adults were next to each other when we entered the department store. I let them shop while I sat here, and when they were finished, they measured the shoes simultaneously. "That's nice for you, son," I told Darwin, who smiled back. "Is mine alright?" George inquired. While I look at his shoes, it doesn't suit him. "A little bit, but you still need to choose something nice because Darwin's shoes are fine," I told George as he removed the black shoes that he wears try. Darwin stood up after putting on his shoes, he was still shopping, and the salesman approached us while he was shopping. "Is the size OK, ma'am?" I nodded when the salesman asked. "Yes, the size is fine; bring us a new pair of these shoes," I told the salesman, who nodded. The salesman took the shoe I gave him that Darwin measured and chose, and later, George returned here and sat. I took a look at what he was going to try; he chose beautiful shoes, and when he finished wearing them, the size of the black shoes fit perfectly on his feet. "Is this shoe suitable for me?" George inquired. "Yes, it's OK now because the first one you choose is like for old man only. You aren't that old, right?" I told him, and I couldn't stop my laugh. "I know the age calculation is moving, but my body is not growing old," George said while smiling at me. "How come you're smiling at me?" When I asked George, he kissed me on the cheek. "Nothing," George said, and the salesman came back to bring Darwin's shoes with pair. "These are your black shoes for the child, ma'am," the salesman said. "Please bring us a pair of this also," I said, handing him the shoe George had tried and chosen. "OK, ma'am," the salesman said, and I just nodded. "Darwin's shoes are fine; where would you like to go next after this?" Darwin and I were both asked by George. "Have fun everywhere, and the three of us will be together!" Darwin said, and I was overjoyed because Darwin was overjoyed. "Are you familiar with cinema?" When I asked, George and Darwin shook their heads. "What is cinema?" George inquired. "You can watch a show, and it is called acting by a human in a movie theater. There's also what's known as action with a massacre." When I told them, George was taken aback. "All right, let's give it a shot," George said. "But you have to be quiet and don't make any noise," I said, and they immediately nodded. When the salesman arrived and handed over George's shoes, which were also in the box, we proceeded to the counter and paid. I held Darwin's hand because people were staring at us; did they notice the color of Darwin's eyes? "They won't notice that; if they notice the color of Darwin's eyes, I will erase their memory," George said, and he read my mind. "Yes, mom, no one will notice or know about my eyes, don't worry," Darwin said as George paid for the two shoes. "What's the deal with paying? I haven't decided on my sandals yet," I told George, who was also taken aback. "You didn't remind me," George pointed out. "You inquired as to what we intended to do next. I thought I had sandals picked out," I told George. "Thank you for your purchase, ma'am and sir!" The woman behind the counter stated. "Let's go to the women's sandals," George suggested, and the two of them followed me. We arrived at the sandals, and I began shopping when I noticed the two sitting and talking. While shopping, I wondered if the sandals' design was the same color as my wedding gown. The color combinations would not be unappealing. When I had finished shopping for the sandal style I desired, I returned to George and Darwin and sat down to try the white sandals with butterfly wings on the back. Suddenly, George knelt down and wore sandals on my feet, which I remember the sandals I'm wearing got removed in the grand ball. He smiled at me, and I smiled back. "That day, you realize you're in love with me and don't want me to leave," I told George, who nodded. Is he OK? "Are you all right?" When I asked George, he raised his head. "I'm fine. These sandals are suited for you," George said, and I took off the sandals and called the saleswoman who was present. "I'll take this size," I said to the saleswoman as I handled the sandals that I wanted. "Size 6?" The salesperson inquired, and I nodded. I put on my flat sandals and sat next to George, who rested his head on my shoulder, and Darwin leaned behind me. Soon, the saleswoman arrived and handed me the box containing the sandals I had chosen for my wedding. "Let's pay for that," George said as he stood up. "Darwin, come on," I said, and he stood up while I held Darwin's hand and went to the counter. **
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