Chapter 58

1124 Words
Beatrice's PoV "Haven't you raised the salaries of the employees yet?" I asked George. "Since you disappeared, mam, he hasn't touched anything on salary and policy," Edwardo said, and I rested intensely. "Call Johnny to watch Darwin. We're both going to the market today and fixing the problem," I said to George, and he nodded. "All right, I'll call Johnny first," George said, and I entered the house to say goodbye to Darwin. "Darwin, we need to go to our market, and we will fix some important stuff, but you are going to be with someone. His name is Johnny, and our butler, are you going to be okay here?" I asked Darwin. "Yeah, it's okay. I'll be okay here with Johnny!" Darwin said to me, and I smiled at Darwin. "Wait for Johnny, and then go back to the Market because we need all the help we can get," George told Edwardo. "All right, boss, you can rely on me," Edwardo responded. "Be a good boy here, okay?" I said to Darwin. "All right, mom, I hope you fix the market problem," Darwin said. I got out of our house and went straight to the car while George talked to Johnny on the phone. When I got in the car, I used my power to shield the house. Edwardo was surprised because he saw my shield. He just smiled at me. George also finished talking to Johnny, and he got into the car. "It's okay now?" I asked, and George nodded. I put on my seatbelt. "Johnny will be here to guard Darwin, and we need to fix our employees' salaries in the market," George said as he started the car. "I'm not sure why our employees are on strike, but we need to fix this soon or else," George told me. "Edwardo will be waiting for Johnny. He will follow us at the market," George told me. George had already started his car, and while we were on the trip, I thought of Darwin even though I knew someone would be watching over him. Eventually, we reached the market, and many employees were making a fuss and seemed to be destroying our market. I saw the employees approach our car and knock on our car, George grinned, and they all jumped out. George and I went out, and I put a shield on the two of us so all of them wouldn't get close. "Although I didn't raise your pay, Caroline is here to inform you of just how much better off you'll be financially in the future," George spoke, and everyone's eyes were on me. "Honestly, that is not Caroline! What do you think of us? She doesn't know the marketplace!" The yelling of our workers amused me. "Also, Caroline has already passed away a long time ago!" George used his gravitational powers after they yelled, and I was taken aback by how quickly they all fell. "Stay away from our market if you refuse to believe! It is possible to employ even more of you!" They were taken aback when George yelled. "You say to raise their salary so that they believe in you more," I said to George, and he shook his head suddenly. "It's annoying like this, so I'll just hire anyone, and I will give these people their 13 months' pay as well," George said, and I can't do anything. "All of you are fired, don't worry because I will give you the 13th month, and you will never come back here," George said, and he removed his gravity power from those around us. "I have worked hard to get this market where it is today, those of the employees who want to stay with me stay, those who want to leave, I understand, and I will give you your 13th-month pay and your separation pay as well," George exclaimed. "If you're not happy working here anymore, you can find another job," George added. "I've seen people come and go over the years, and never once have they said anything bad about my market; instead, they thank me for giving them a good lively hood," George exclaimed. "I will pay you all if that is what you want, and I will repeat for those who wanted to stay, but if you want to leave, fine with me," George added. I could see it in his eyes that he was severe and that his employees were ashamed of what they had done. "We will not let this market die as a result of insignificant acts; if you want an increase to your entire sally, so be it. But keep in mind that we always pay you on time. Your benefits are all fixed and can be checked at any time," I told the employees. "You're all stirring up trouble because you all want a raise? Okay, we'll give you a raise in salary, but all you have to do is ask that you did not start a rally or a strike here," I said politely to the employees. "I have built this place with my sweat, blood, and tears for you people so that I can help you all, and you will all have a strike in just a simple thing?" George elaborated. "This place helped your families have food, buy the things you want, basic needs, medicine, and bills, and so on. Please show some respect to this place," I told the employees who remained silent. "Come on, Beatrice," George said, and as he started to walk, I just followed him. It was clear that the few people who worked in the market were better off working rather than fighting with us for higher wages. "Those of you who are here, your salary will increase from now on, no need for this stupid strike," As a result of George telling us, we went to our office. George memorized the names of the vampires outside as we entered, taking the brown envelopes of those he was going to remove. He snatched the money receipt from each vampire and began to jot down each transaction one at a time. "Just calm down," I said to George, and he took a deep breath. "It's just annoying making a commotion. All they have to was asked!" As George and I talked, Edwardo walked into the room and said. "Johnny is already at your house, and your employees some left, some are cleaning the market," Edwardo said. "I know I can see them here," George said, handing Edwardo the money receipt and the computation of each of the employees. "Here is the list of fools out there who wanted to leave my market," George said as I sat on the sofa. **
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