Chapter 59

1145 Words
Beatrice’s PoV I just looked at the two of them writing. After they finished writing and making some computations, Edwardo and George left, leaving me here in the office. "You're not interested in money? Why do you want to stay here after you've answered my question?!" When I heard what George had to say, I quickly went out. "George never hit an employee, and always remember that we could get in trouble," I told him as he inhaled deeply. "Do good to others even if they do bad to you," I threw in. "George, don't worry, there's still a lot of work to be done. Be confident in yourself; do you want to go back to your old ways and make me disappear once more?" George was taken aback when I told him. "It's up to you, Edwardo, to give them 13 months' pay also," George said before leaving. We saw some of the employees' cleanings and repairing the market; perhaps some are ashamed of what they did and never thank those who helped them. "No matter what happens, boss, I will stay by your side because I have a great deal of respect for your market," Edwardo told George. "Thank you, Edwardo; I appreciate your kind words," George said as he tightened his grip on my hands. "Give us a call if anything comes up, Edwardo. Thank you for always being there for George," I told Edwardo. "Don't worry, Beatrice," Edwardo said. I followed George and hugged him; he didn't say anything even though I hugged him, so I let go of the hug and moved in front of him. "Just don't hurt anyone. Maybe if Darwin sees you hurting the innocent and the weak, he'll imitate you," I told George as he took my hand in his. "We worked hard to build this market, and I will not let anyone destroy it," George said as I smiled. "Let us eat at the restaurant first. I want to get rid of my annoyance," George told me, and we walked back to his car. Suddenly, the employees we would remove vanished; perhaps they were inside, and Edwardo was giving them their 13th month; when we got in the car, I immediately put on my seat belt, and George started the engine. George didn't say anything on the way to the restaurant where we would eat. He came to a halt, and when I looked at the restaurant we went to, I saw that it was a Japanese restaurant. "I saw it on social media before I wanted to try what Japanese food tastes like," George explained, and I smiled. "All right, then let's order Darwin so he can taste it too," I said to George as he parked his car. When he finished parking his car, I unbuckled my seatbelt. I exited, followed by George, and we entered the Japanese restaurant. "Konnichiwa!" exclaimed the waiter at the door. "Two seats, please," George said, and we followed the waiter's instruction. I sat down, as did George; he handed us the menu, and I perused their offerings. It's my first time eating here because I only ate at regular restaurants when I used to be a mortal. I saw onigiri and udon ramen while I was choosing. "I've already decided on two onigiri and udon ramen," I said to George. "Teriyaki and udon ramen for me," George said, calling the waiter to place our order for the two of us. "What do you want to drink, ma'am and sir?" The waiter inquired "Just Cola for me," I said, and also George wanted cola also. "The wait is 5 minutes, thank you, sir," the waiter said, and while we waited, I took my phone and placed it on the camera. "Let's take a selfie," I said to George, and he smiled when he saw my phone. When we finished taking selfies, I changed my social media profile picture and was surprised when George squeezed my cheek. "I've lost my temper because of you. Thanks for reminding me never to hurt someone," George said to me, and my cheeks warmed. When our food order arrived, I immediately smelled the udon ramen and wanted to eat it. After placing our order on the table, I took the fork, and George did the same. "The smell of udon ramen is delicious," George said as we began eating, and I couldn't help but smile because the udon ramen was so delicious with onigiri. I was full after we finished eating, so I drank my coke from the can. George completed his meal and drank his cola when I was done drinking. "I'll call the waiter for our Darwin's order," George said, and he did. "Sir?" The waiter inquired of George. "I want to order udon ramen for takeout and then onigiri with cola, please," George said, and the waiter nodded. "10 minutes, sir," the waiter said as he walked away. Darwin's takeout meal arrived soon after, and George paid for everything we ordered. We got up after George put his wallet in his pocket, exited the Japanese restaurant, and drove straight to his car. I got in the car, and George did as well. He handed me the plastic bag containing Darwin's food. I put it on down first, then fastened my seatbelt, and I retook the plastic because it might be thrown if I just put it on the down of my seat. George was already driving, and we were home in a flash; the shield I had put on was still there when we arrived. George parked his car, and I unbuckled my seatbelt, exited, and walked straight into the mansion. "We've arrived!" Darwin quickly got down, and Johnny was sitting on the sofa, using his phone, as I said. "Do you have something for me, mom?" Darwin inquired, his gaze fixed on the plastic I was carrying. "Yes, we bought you Japanese food because we ate at a Japanese resto," I told Darwin, who looked pleased. "I'm going to eat it!" Darwin smiled and went straight to the dining table. I followed Darwin and sat down next to Darwin, who opened the udon ramen and smiled. The onigiri was the first thing he ate, and he ate it again, but I was shocked because the chopstick was in our takeout. "I'll just get a fork," I said to Darwin, taking a fork before handing it to him. "Thank you, mom!" Darwin said, and I smiled back. "I'm glad you enjoyed the meal we brought home for you," George said. "It's so tasty, Dad!" Darwin told George. "Just eat there," George instructed. "Johnny, how did my design turn out at our wedding venue?" I heard George ask Johnny a question, so I let them talk. I was so happy now that I looked at Darwin while eating udon ramen. **
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