Chapter 24

1990 Words
George's PoV "I'm glad you're here now, Mary!" exclaimed the older lady, and I looked at both of them. This is most likely Beatrice's mother. I leaned over, and I noticed Beatrice's brother staring at me earlier. Beatrice is unaware that her brother is in business, and he sells human blood to vampires if there is one in their area. "Would you mind introducing your new boyfriend?" Beatrice's mother said. "Yes, actually, he's my boss; a lot has happened, and I never thought he'd be my boyfriend," Beatrice explained as I approached them. "My name is George Leopold, and your daughter was very nice. We're also engaged, so I'm here. I'd like you to know that she is my fiance." Beatrice's mother was taken aback by what I'd said. "I can't believe it, but as long as my daughter is happy, I won't meddle her," Beatrice's mother said; Beatrice's brother tapped me on the shoulder. "You are taller than me," Joel pointed out. "Mom, I have money here to give it to you while I was a maid in George's mansion. Buy your medicine when we get married. You will stay at our house instead of this old house of ours," Beatrice explained. "And what about me?" Joel unexpectedly said on Beatrice. "Why do you have to tail mom when you're grown up?" Beatrice explained that I laughed softly because her brother and mother were lovely. "Can I first speak with her? Can you leave us in private?" Beatrice's mother said to me, and I understood. "Come on, bro, the two of them will talk, and only the two of them will know," Joel said to me as we walked out the door, and I noticed he was smoking. "I can't believe you're Beatrice's boyfriend; you're a vampire. How do you keep yourself under control?" Joel exclaimed, leaving me speechless. "I want my sister to be happy with a normal person and like a person that is human, but as long as you don't hurt her, I'm fine with that," Joel explained while taking his cigarette. "I also don't know that you are his brother; I am not the person who will know all of your sister's information because I respect her private life as well," I told Joel. "I discovered that there are vampires in our area, and they have spread, so I decided to sell every night to help my sister with our daily expenses as well," Joel explained, and I sensed Beatrice's presence. "Your little sister is already here," I said, and Joel stepped on his cigarette. "I smell your cigarette, Joel! Are you smoking again?" Beatrice said, and Joel immediately covered his head because Beatrice was hitting him. "Are you okay here? Don't you want to go inside now?" Beatrice inquired to me. "I'm okay. Are you done talking with your mom?" I asked Beatrice. "Yes, we're done talking, and she accepts our love. My mom gave her blessings to the two of us," Beatrice said to me, and she smiled at me. "I'm happy that your mother agreed we don't have a problem anymore, only my family doesn't like you but don't worry when you remember everything I can prove that you are Caroline," I told Beatrice and touched her cheek. "Am I not bothering you? Mom wants to buy something, and you two will buy it because no one will watch over mom," Joel told us. "What does mom want?" Beatrice asked Joel. "The medicines that mom needs to buy for her maintenance, here take this money," Joel said, but I refused. "I'll pay for her maintenance medicines, keep that," I said, and Beatrice was surprised, and Joel entered the house again. "Are you sure?" She asked me. I took Beatrice's hand, and she looked at me. "Why are you asking me that? Isn't your fiance rich?" I asked her, and she laughed. We got in the car, and I fastened my seat belt. I started driving, and Beatrice pointed the way to the pharmacy store. When we arrived, I was about to remove my seat belt when she stopped me. "I'll be the one to buy it, stay here in the car," Beatrice said to me. Was she worried about me because there were so many humans inside the pharmacy store? "All right," I replied as I handed over my wallet. She removed her seat belt and came out of my car. I looked at Beatrice until she got inside. I turned off the engine first, and while I was waiting for her, I used my phone. No one texted me, which means nothing happened in my market. It means there is no problem whatsoever. A minute passed, and I heard Beatrice open the door of my car. She went inside, carrying food with the medicine that her mother needed, so I laughed. "I knew you were going to buy your food, and what did you buy?" I inquired about Beatrice. "Strawberry juice and some biscuits," Beatrice said as she began to eat. "Are we going to stay here for a while?" I asked Beatrice. "Let's go back to Mom; she needs her maintenance medicines," Beatrice said, and I started my car's engine. I noticed that Beatrice's seat belt was not locked to her, so I used my strength to fasten it for her. "You're eating there, and you forgot to put on your seat belt," I said to Beatrice, and she smiled. "Thanks for putting it on for me," Beatrice said to me before continuing to eat. I drove us back to their house; when we arrived, I unbuckled my seatbelt, as did Beatrice; she came out, and so I did. She came in, which surprised me because Garry was on the roof in Beatrice's house, and I was annoyed. When I got up, Garry was taken aback. "Do you think I won't notice you? I can see you down there," I said, and he laughed. "Is that so? I want to see Beatrice because she has Caroline's soul in her," Garry explained. "I know Caroline's soul is in her body, so why are you following her here?" I inquired about Garry. "I thought you didn't know that's why I'm here," Garry lied once more. Was he looking for more trouble? "Would you like to fight me again?" I informed Garry. "I'm not in the mood. Maybe next time. Plus, I don't want other people to get involved in our personal affairs." Garry said as he quickly vanished; if only I could teleport. I'm hoping I can get to where I'm going fast. When I entered the house, I saw Beatrice and her mother conversing, and her mother looked at me. "I've been waiting for you to come in. Is there something wrong?" Beatrice's mother inquired. "Nothing is wrong. I just looked at your entire house," I explained, and Beatrice's mother smiled. "Perhaps you want to go somewhere else? You can leave now. You already buy my maintenance as well," Beatrice's mother suggested. "Is there somewhere I can take him for a walk? He is unfamiliar with the area," Beatrice stated in her case. "That's why you are going to roam in this area. Bring him where we roam when you are little," Beatrice's mother said. "Okay, mom, will you be okay here? We will be back here if we have free time," Beatrice said to her mother. "Yes, I will be fine; I can wait for your wedding," Beatrice's mother said, and I smiled. "Thank you, and you gave your blessing to us," I said, and she signals me to come closer to her. She hugs me, and I hug her back. "She grew up without a father, and no man truly loved her; I hope you don't abandon her and truly love her, and even if I am sick, I can still take care of myself," Beatrice's mother said and I smiled. "You can count on me. I will also help with your hospital bills," I replied to Beatrice's mother softly as I let go of her mother's hug. "What did Mom say? I didn't hear it," Beatrice inquired right away. "She simply says thank you," I lied to Beatrice. "What did you say to George, Mom?" Beatrice inquired about her mother. "It is nothing! You two should be going now. Take care," Beatrice's mother, so I went out first. Beatrice also came out, and I could tell she was overjoyed because her family already knew about our relationship; I was delighted because her brother Joel accepted me despite knowing I was a vampire. "George, in case something emergency comes, I'll give you my phone number. Don't hesitate to get in touch with me right away," Joel said as he handed the small piece of paper with his number written on it. "Be careful," Joel said as he entered the house. "Shall we go?" I asked Beatrice, and she nodded, so I opened the door of my car. Beatrice came in, and I got into my car. I buckled my seat belt, and she did as well. I started my car's engine, and she showed me where we were going on Google Maps. "What place is this?" I inquired about Beatrice. "This is where we used to go when we were kids, and we were with mom," Beatrice said, pointing to a mall. "All right, let's go there," I said to Beatrice as I drove the car, and I wondered if I should tell her about his brother's work while we were on the road. Maybe I wouldn't tell Beatrice I knew she would be angry when we returned to their house because his brother was doing his job. We've arrived at the Century Mall, also a large mall. "It's not the same as it used to be, but it's still fun to go back to this mall," Beatrice said as I parked my car. Beatrice came out first, and I came out also, locking the doors of my car. After I finished closing my car doors, I held Beatrice's hand. "Perhaps you have something to tell me you didn't say," I suggested. "I'll tell you later at dinner," Beatrice said, and I just nodded. We entered the mall, and as the two of us walked, I noticed the jewelry stores and informed Beatrice's mother that I was her fiance. But I'm lucky that she didn't look at Beatrice's hand for the promise ring. "Why are you looking at the jewelry store? Are you going to propose to me even though I'm not the person you are looking for?" Beatrice asked if it was okay if she wasn't Caroline yet because if it weren't here, I'd be ready to forget my previous wife. "Why am I unable to propose to you? Is it wrong for me to love you and for you to love me?" When I asked Beatrice, she was surprised by what I had said. "I think you just love me because Caroline's soul is in my body," Beatrice said as we came to a halt when I faced her. "I love you, Beatrice; why do you think I love you because Caroline is in your body? I feel like I've moved on because you love me," I informed Beatrice. "But if you were Caroline, I would be even happier if you were my previous wife," I told Beatrice as I touched her cheek. "Maybe I am your wife, but I can't remember anything. Do you know what it's like when someone forgets the person they love? Your brain can forget you, but your heart will never forget you, and that's how I feel about you; I feel in my heart that I love you and miss you terribly." Beatrice told me, and I couldn't believe it. I embraced Beatrice. Even though many people were in the mall today, I was delighted to hear what she said. **
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