Chapter 38

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George's PoV I stood up because I hadn't felt anything in Beatrice and Summer's room. It was about an hour now. "Are we going to begin looking for Louis now?" Garry inquired. "Yes, we'll get started right away," I said to Garry, and he nodded. We exited our room, and I was about to knock when the door opened, and it was Beatrice who spread it. "Should we go looking for Louis?" Beatrice inquired while opening the door. "Yes, we will look for him so that we can end once and for all," I told Beatrice, and Summer rose to her feet. "I'm ready," Summer said to the three of us, taking her small bag and leading us out the door. I held Beatrice's hand as we walked out of the dorm, and now Summer and Garry were walking together; they weren't talking, so I laughed. "What are you laughing about?" Beatrice inquired to me. "Don't you think Summer and Garry can be a couple?" When I asked Beatrice, she was surprised. "Yes, but why is your voice so weak? They can hear you as well," Beatrice explained. "Yeah, I hear the both of you," Garry said abruptly. "You two are cute to be a couple. You both look like a real couple now; why don't you speak up to each other?" Summer became even more embarrassed as I said this. "I told you I didn't have that relationship in mind yet; I'll do that when you're happy and married," Garry explained, and I smiled. "You still have a chance. Summer, don't let Garry go; talk to him and tell him he's not going to eat you," I said to Summer, and she nodded, which surprised both Beatrice and me. "Summer, you have my support! If Garry does something to you that you don't like, please report it to me!" Summer nodded again as Beatrice said. "It's embarrassing," Summer said, and Beatrice let go of my hand and went to her. I smiled because Beatrice was happy now, and I looked around to see if I could see Louis, but he didn't seem to be there. I'm not sure where he went; perhaps he was pleading to stay in the village he was going to. When I saw a boy in the middle, I came to a halt; he was crying, and his eyes were red. I'm sure he was hungry, so I approached him quickly, and he looked at me. "Are you hungry?" I inquired, and the little boy just nodded. "What happened to your parents? Why are you all alone in this place? If you're alone, this place can be dangerous." I asked the little boy to console him. "The vampire hunters killed them," the little boy said, and I was surprised to learn that he meant the mortal vampire hunters killed his family. "I am sorry to hear the news, and my heartfelt condolences go out to you and your family," I told the youngster. Vampire hunters, I've heard of them. They're the people who go out and hunt vampires, some of whom are wanted or who are paid to assassinate a specific vampire. They work in groups at times and alone with others; they are very efficient and know a lot about us. When we come across a vampire, we must be prepared because they should not be taken lightly. "Do you want animal blood?" I inquired, and he quickly nodded. Beatrice and the other two, Garry and Summer, came up behind me. "You were just here; we thought you'd left us," Beatrice said, and I gave the child the animal blood that would have been mine. "I just saw this little boy. Vampire hunters killed his parents," I told them, and Garry was taken aback. "Vampire hunters? We must be vigilant if we come across them," Garry warned me. "They are not taken for granted, and their knowledge to us is astounding," Beatrice added. "I remember a vampire hunter buying something in my shop, but I can't remember when," Summer said. The little boy drank it right away, and I could tell he was starving; when he finished, his eyes were violet, and he looked at me. "Are you a royal vampire?" I inquired, and he nodded, which surprised me. "Mom said I was a half-royal vampire because my father was different, but my family who died included my stepfather," she explained, referring to the fact that his real father was a royal vampire. "Will you be fine here? Do you want to come with us?" I inquired. "Can I accompany you?" The little boy inquired. "Of course, don't worry, Beatrice will protect you. She's my wife. This is Garry and Summer," I told the little boy and introduced him, surprising him. "Can you tell us what your name is?" Beatrice inquired of the youngster. "Darwin Fuen is my name," Darwin told Beatrice. "We'll introduce ourselves to you properly first because I think you're a good kid," Beatrice said, and I went first. "My name is George Leopold, and this is Beatrice Mary Victoria; Summer Herina and Garry Leopold are behind us," I introduced myself along with Beatrice, Summer, and Garry. "Thank you for the animal blood you gave me," Darwin said as he made an ice flower for me. "Your abilities are frost," Beatrice said, and I just smiled as I touched the ice flower. "When we get back to the mansion, we'll adopt Darwin because he doesn't have a family," I explained to Beatrice. "All right, it's fine with me," Beatrice said. "Welcome to the group, Darwin," I said, and he smiled. "Thank you for helping me; I will do my best to assist you," Darwin said to me, and I replied. "Don't push yourself to use it when you're not ready; your safety is our top priority. okay?" I told Darwin, and he responded with a nod and smile, putting him at ease. We stood up, and Darwin took my hand in his. We began walking, but there was a fight in the middle, and Darwin was a bit terrified. **
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