Chapter 39

1228 Words
George’s PoV "That's fine, let them fight to each other; I'm with you. You'll never get hurt when you're with me," I told Darwin, and he smiled. We were walking along when we came across a clothing store, and I stopped because I noticed Darwin's clothes were a little dirty. "Are you going to buy some clothes for Darwin?" Beatrice inquired. "Of Course, Darwin's clothing is filthy. We need to get him some new clothes," I responded by selecting some clothes for him. "Come here, Darwin. George will choose your new clothes," Beatrice said as I was shopping for Darwin's clothes. "If you need anything, Garry and Summer are here to help, and you can also buy the clothes you want. I'm just going to go shopping with Beatrice to get Darwin some new clothes," I informed Garry and Summer. "Okay, no problem," Summer replied. "If you say so," Garry says as we enter the clothing store. "How much are these clothes?" I inquired of the woman who was selling them in the cloth store. "10 dollars with that set, sir," the woman said as he took a brown set of clothes that came with a coat. "Okay, do you have any shoes for him?" I inquired, pointing to Darwin, who was holding Beatrice's hand. "We need you to sit down first," the woman said, and Beatrice and Darwin sat so that the woman could take a look at what size fits his foot. Darwin asked me to choose shoes. He doesn't seem to know what he likes, so I will help him out, which I did quickly because black goes well with brown clothes. I then showed Darwin the new clothes he was going to wear. "I appreciate it!" Darwin said to me as I smiled back to him as Beatrice did as well. "You can call me dad or whatever you want to call me," I told Darwin. "I'm fine with dad," he said. Darwin grew to be 125cm tall, which is unusual for vampires, and he's a half royal vampire. Darwin took my hand and smiled at me after we finished shopping for clothes and shoes for him. "You'll have to handle a lot of paperwork when you adopt Darwin; because he lost his family, you'll have to transfer your last name to him," Garry explained. "Yes, I know the procedure; I'll handle it," I replied. As we walked, I looked around, as did Beatrice and Garry. "Do you sense Louis if he's present?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, I can feel him, but the vampires here are mixed," I explained, to which Beatrice nodded. "Dad, who are you looking for?" Darwin inquired of me. "An opponent we need to catch because he did something wrong to us," I told Darwin, his face solemn. "I will go to any length to assist you and mom!" Darwin told me, that Beatrice had stopped walking because she had heard Darwin call her mother. "It's nice to know you call me mom!" Beatrice spoke up, and she approached us, and Beatrice hugged him. Beatrice hugged Darwin, and to my surprise, the boy hugged her back as well, and I smiled. I know we've lost a child before, so perhaps this is how he feels about the child we will adopt. When Beatrice had finished hugging Darwin, we continued walking until we reached the far end of the village; Louis was still nowhere to be found; perhaps I'll ask the vampires who live here. "Darwin, go to mommy first," I told him, and he nodded. "I'll just announce in the middle," I told Beatrice. "All right, I'll look after Darwin," Beatrice said as I began to walk into the center. Garry and Summer stayed with Beatrice in case something went wrong. I went to the center, and the vampires were taken aback by what I did; I made a sign saying that I was looking for Louis and would give them a prize if they found him. When I completed announcing that I was looking for Louis I had returned to Beatrice, I heard the whispers of the present people. "Let's go," I said to Beatrice, Garry, and Summer, and we returned to our dorm. "We looked for a long time, but Louis isn't here yet; why is he still hiding? He hides after causing me pain; he's a coward." I just heard Beatrice say, and now we're in the dorm. "Garry, you've going to stay in Summer's room. Beatrice, Darwin, and I will be staying together," I informed Garry, and he was taken aback. "How come I can't be there with you?" Garry inquired. "It will be crowded there. Just you and Summer will be fine," I said to Garry, and we rushed into my room with Beatrice and Darwin. "Summer will be ashamed because she's with Garry," Beatrice predicted. "For Garry to get used to having a girl with him, it's impossible for him to have a girlfriend when he's not used to it," I told Beatrice. Darwin sat on the bed, and I removed his shoes and coat. "Shouldn't we keep looking?" Darwin inquired of me. "We're going to the next village tomorrow, Darwin," I said. "All right," Darwin said as he sat on the bed. "What if he doesn't go to the vampire village?" Beatrice inquired. "Where would he go if he didn't go the vampires in this village?" I asked Beatrice. "You know, he may be going to different kinds of hybrid or other monsters besides us," Beatrice explained, and she was correct. "Last village, we'll go tomorrow. Hopefully, he'll be there, but if he's not there, we'll go back to my mansion and visit your family," I told Beatrice. "Okay, but let's include Darwin from visiting my family because I'm scared when we leave him," Beatrice said, and I agreed. "Of course, we're going to take Darwin to make sure he's safe," I told Beatrice, who smiled. "I read mom's earlier thought, did your child die?" Beatrice approached Darwin after he asked us a question. It was pretty sudden he asked a question like that. "Yes, my child died, and it was my fault, so I'm concerned about you because I'll treat you like my own child," Beatrice explained to Darwin. "I'll be good to you, mom," Darwin said, and I considered photographing them. "Beatrice, I'll take a picture of you two," I said, surprising Darwin as I ready my phone to take a picture of the two of them. "Don't be afraid; I have a phone; you can use it if you want to play or take a picture," I told Darwin as he approached me. "Dad can I look at the phone you're referring to," Darwin said as I handed him my phone. I let Darwin look at it, and I was alert because the phone he was holding might have fallen, and when he was done, he returned it to me. He approached Beatrice, who knelt to have a good picture with Darwin. "Smile," I said, and Darwin smiled. When I finished photographing them, I showed them the picture of the two of them, and I could tell Darwin was pleased. "Mom's nice here," Darwin said, and Beatrice picked up my phone. "I'll show you different pictures of us," Beatrice said, and I just watched them both while using my phone. **
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