Chapter 37

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George's PoV I kicked Harry out, and he was still getting up; luckily, Garry was with me so he could keep an eye on Beatrice. I know Harry is planning to kill Beatrice and me right now. "You two must perish!" I was surprised because he had acid in his hand when Harry told me. I quickly drew back and used my gravity power on Harry, causing him to fall to the ground, and then I just smirked. "You should tell me the one to die because you will pay for what you did to Beatrice and me," I told Harry, and he looked at me as he got back up quickly. "I don't care! Vampires like you should be exterminated!" Harry growled at me and stood up, resisting my gravitational power. "Can you hear what you're saying? Aren't you a vampire? What do you call someone who has turned into a vampire-like you?" When I told him, he just laughed while resisting my gravitational. "I'm a good vampire, and you're terrible!" That's why I laughed, as Harry said. I was surprised because Harry abruptly jumped up, and when I looked behind me, it was clear from his expression that he was irritated. I rushed back to Harry and choked him again using my right hand, lifting him once I extinguished a fire in my hand in my left hand. "Did you know that if your entire head burns, you die instantly?" When I told Harry, he struggled to get free. "You rushed at us without learning how to fight people like us," I said, putting fire in his face and hurting him. "Stop!" Harry yelled in agony, and I didn't stop until half of his face was bone. "Why am I going to stop? What about you? When you give that fake letter to my wife, did I beg you never to do it?" I angrily said, and he smirked. "You only want to kill us, and that is your motivation!" I growled at Harry and grew my long nails to dig into his neck "If I die, you will fight someone, and he is the one who will kill you!" Harry said, and I can feel who it is. I threw Harry away and used my most vital gravity power, which I'm sure he couldn't resist; smashing him to the ground, he tried to stand up, but he couldn't. "I'm calling it quits. Please forgive me for what I did previously." I approached Harry after he told me. "Can you explain why I have to forgive you?" I inquired of Harry, who was hurt. "Beatrice is back with you, and you will be back together; I will not mess with you two ever again," Harry said, but that was not enough to convince me to forgive him. "Yes, I know Beatrice is back, but you have left her a traumatic past. Do you believe it is simple to forgive someone like you?" I inquired of Harry. "I don't know why I'm doing this, but when Caroline died before, I felt better. I know it's wrong," Harry explained as Beatrice approached him. "You didn't realize you also killed a child," Beatrice said, and Harry shook about it because I knew he hadn't realized Beatrice was pregnant before. "I didn't realize you were pregnant that time; my fault; I should just die or flee!" Beatrice and I exchanged glances as Harry spoke. "I'll let you go, but don't ever show up to me again; if you come back, I'll kill you, and I promise you will never live," I told Harry as I took away my gravity power on him. "Get out of my sight and never come back," I yelled at Harry. Harry took off quickly, and I got up on my knees, looking at Beatrice. "He's gone; Harry is not coming back; don't worry; we only have one opponent now," I told Beatrice, and he hugged me. I sensed she was worried. "I was nervous because I thought you were going to lose, but Garry told me you don't lose fights. Why did I only find out now? I wish I had known before, so I didn't believe others that you were dead," Beatrice said as I stroked her back to comfort her. "At long last, the battle is over. I know that you were not going to lose as the usual result!" Garry said to me. "We have to get to the next village," I said. "Let's go get our bags in the rented house. We need to find Louis as soon as possible," I said, and they agreed. I took Beatrice's hand in mine, and we hurried to the house we had rented along with Garry. I took Beatrice's bag and my coat, and after we finished gathering our belongings, we went downstairs. "I'm hoping Louis shows up," Garry said while he was preparing his things, and when we got down there, we saw Summer, but how did she know we were here? "I saw you had an opponent, and I just wanted to see if you were okay," Summer explained while Garry was surprised to see her. "We're fine! Do we bother you? You already know we're royal vampires!" Beatrice said to Summer. When I noticed Summer staring at Garry, I approached Garry and whispered to him while he was fixing his things. "Summer is staring at you; why don't you look at her?" I inquired of Garry while he was fixing his things. "Are you serious right now? I'm not going to abandon the both of you right now. It would be best if I accompanied you two first," Garry said to me, and I had an idea for Garry and Summer. "Summer! Do you want to accompany us? I'm looking for some additional help; perhaps you'd like to learn how to fight?" I inquired of Summer. "I know how to fight, but I use an only sword," Summer explained, surprising both Beatrice and me. "You're an expert with using a sword! But, if we bring her along, who will look to your shop?" Beatrice inquired. "It's fine if I don't have any sales when I come with you," Summer responded. "Okay, I'll change my clothes; please wait for me!" Summer informed us. "We're going to your shop. We will wait for you there! We'll meet you there!" Beatrice said, and I smiled, that she had made a new friend. We finished packing the items we needed and paid for the rented house that we also rented. "Why aren't you speaking up there? Are you upset because we're bringing Summer with us?" I inquired of Garry. "I'm not upset I was just shocked, and she is weak. How can she help us?" Garry asked me. We went to Summer's store and waited for a while. Additional assistance will also be beneficial, so I accepted Summer into our group. Summer is also interested in Garry, and Beatrice wants to be her friend. "Don't worry, we're with Summer; when she sees us fighting, she'll be strong as well, plus we haven't seen her skills yet," I told Garry, and he just nodded. I noticed Summer had come down and was dressed as well; she smiled at us as we began to walk, and Summer and Beatrice were together. "I didn't know you were riding a horse to go to the next location you are going," Summer clarified. "I haven't told you yet that we're looking for someone, and my car broke, so these three horses are what we're using," I explained as Garry approached Summer with his horse. "You're going with me here on my horse; I'll help you get on," Garry said, and I heard Summer's heartbeat. Beatrice and I exchanged smiles. Summer mounted Garry's horse, and Garry mounted as well, and Garry placed Summer's hand on his waist so she could be safe while riding the horse. "Oh, they're so sweet," Beatrice wished, and Summer blushed. "Let's go," I said as I led my horse away. "I'm hoping we catch Louis soon so I can be with my mother," Beatrice said. "I promise we'll catch him," I said. They pursued me, and I quickly fled on my horse, and Beatrice also fled because her horse was white and mine was dark. We arrived at the next village, and I hope Louis is there because if he is not, I will be forced to order Johnny to summon my employees to assist me. "It appears to be vast here in this area," Beatrice said as we entered the Pure Village. When we entered, everyone looked at us, and I knew they felt we were royal vampires. Beatrice dismounted her horse, and I followed her to a rented dorm and tied up our horse like Garry with Summer. The owner greeted us as we entered the dorm. "You'll pay $100 to rent here; how many rooms do you require?" The owner asked, looking at Garry and Summer. "Two rooms," I said, noticing his grin. "Summer, Beatrice, you two are in the same room. Garry and I are in the other room, and I have a feeling he intends to take us over," I informed and said softly to them. "All right, I don't have a problem," Beatrice said. The owner handed us the key after I paid. Something doesn't feel right, but I need to double-check right now. I'm aware that something is off about this dorm. "Beatrice, if something happens to you, protect Summer; if something happens to you, I'll be there; be cautious of this place; something doesn't feel right," I told Beatrice. "All right, you stay safe with Garry as well," Beatrice replied. I let Beatrice and Summer enter their room first, and Garry and I entered our room. "Why are we both together in the same room? Do you not want to spend time with your girlfriend?" Garry inquired. "I'm feeling strange here, so let's go together; maybe it's something to do with Beatrice and Summer," I told Garry. Which made him realize something was not right. "Beatrice has a shield, so she'll be fine, plus I can sense them even we are in the different room as well," I told Garry once more, and he nodded. I sat on the bed. I closed my eyes and fixed my gaze on Beatrice and Summer's room; I'd know if anyone entered. "I thought George and I were in the same room," I laughed because Beatrice expected me to be with her. "We can switch if you want him in the same room," Summer said. "We should stick to his plan because George said something doesn't feel right in this dorm," Beatrice said to Summer. I know Beatrice would stick to our plan because something is off about this place that I can't put my finger on just yet. "I understand, but hopefully, we'll both be safe here," Summer told Beatrice. "I didn't ask what kind of power you have." Beatrice inquired of Summer. I was also curious about Summer's abilities. "My power is deafening. You have to cover your ears when I shout," I was surprised to learn that Summer can shout and that her power appears to be strong, like a supersonic screech or a sonic boom. Because nothing was happening, I opened my eyes. "Garry, I'll be going out; keep an eye out for anything unusual," I said to Garry as I stood up. "Got it," Garry said in response. I stood up and went outside. I went downstairs to look for the owner of this dorm, but I couldn't find him; perhaps he was looking for some customers as well. When I was about to go up, I was interrupted by a woman calling me, so I looked back. "What does a royal vampire doing here?" The woman who called me was a prostitute. "Who are you? You don't care if there's a royal vampire here, do you?" When I told the Prostitute, she just laughed. "I'm looking for a royal vampire like you. I think you look yummy when we have s*x," The Prostitute said, and I knew Beatrice could hear us talking right now. "I'm not interested; find someone else," I said, and the Prostitute promptly blocked my path. "Would you like to die right now?" When I told her, Beatrice pushed her away, which surprised me. The Prostitute tumbled down the stairs, and I swerved to avoid her. I laughed softly because I knew Beatrice was now envious. "The person you're talking to is married, and you're inviting him to have s*x with you!? You're disgusting!" Beatrice spoke up, and I looked at her. Beatrice's face was irritated now, and the woman that spoke to me had fled. I approached Beatrice, took her hand in mine, and kissed it. "She was hoping I wouldn't hit her," Beatrice added. "She's indeed gone, I'm yours and only you," I said to Beatrice and kissed her. I touched Beatrice's waist, but I was relieved to be kissed when I realized the owner of this dorm was now behind me. "What exactly are you doing there? Why are you obstructing the path?" His eyes are now bright red as he asked me. Previously, his eyes were not red; was he hungry, and thus his eyes turned red? "Come on, George, let's go back to our room," Beatrice said, and I didn't respond to the owner of this dorm; instead, I went into my room, and Beatrice went into hers. **
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