Chapter 31

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George's PoV Beatrice and I exited my house, and she immediately got into my car; I got in as well, and I fastened my seatbelt. I was taken aback because she didn't wear her seatbelt. "How come you didn't wear your seatbelt?" I inquired Beatrice. "What's the problem? Am I also a vampire? Don't worry, I will not get hurt or anything," Beatrice inquired, and I assisted her in fastening her seatbelt. "Mortal or vampire, you're important to me; even if we have power, we still need to be safe at all times. Don't abuse yourself even you're a vampire now," I told Beatrice as I started the engine. I started driving, and the phone rang because someone was texting; I looked at who was texting while the stoplight was stopped on the road. Johnny texted me saying he couldn't find Louis, and he's not in the mansion; I'm sure he is far away now. "The light is green, George," Beatrice said, so I restarted my car, and we were soon off at the market. I unbuckled my seatbelt, as did Beatrice, and we got out of the car, with Beatrice looking around the market. The employees here were staring at us. "It's been a long time since I was here, but nothing has changed; if there are any renovations, please let me know, George," Beatrice said as we walked towards the market. "Good evening, sir and ma'am," our employee said, carrying a box. "Look who's come in the middle of the night; do you have anything to say to us?" When I saw Edwardo, he asked me right away. "Isn't Beatrice the reincarnation of Caroline, as I said? So we've come because she's already remembered everything she wants to see the market now." Edwardo was taken aback when I told him. "Is what you're saying correct? What caused this to happen?" Edwardo inquired. "Someone kidnapped Beatrice, and it was Louis; he killed Beatrice, but I made way for her to live again by making her a vampire," I explained, and Edwardo immediately understood. "You turned Beatrice into a vampire, and she remembers everything, right?" I nodded when Edwardo asked. "I'm glad her memories have returned, and Beatrice is still alive," Edwardo said to me. "I didn't know what happened, boss, but you should call me if you need help. You know that I will help you if you need me," Edwardo said to me, and I tapped his shoulder. "That's fine. I'll go inside now because Beatrice is already inside the market," I said, and Edwardo nodded. I went inside and saw Beatrice talking to the present employees; she was taken aback and looked at me. "Have our old employees already left?" Beatrice inquired. "Yes, they have been replaced. Some retired others looked for a better opportunity, but don't worry, they're still alive, and we can ask them for assistance if we have another fight," I told Beatrice, and she nodded. "I missed them; I thought they were still here," Beatrice said as she quickly went to the top, and I followed. Beatrice walked into our office and smiled as she looked at the items placed there. "You still haven't changed the design and style of your office. When I came here, I'm still mortal, and I don't remember anything," Beatrice said as she sat on the sofa. "I have no plans to change when you're not here, but you're here so we can change the design and style of this office," I told Beatrice, and she stood up as she approached me. "Even if we had to have s*x in the office, I should have remembered that right away," I was surprised because Beatrice touched my necktie, so I smiled. "Would you like us to have s*x today here in the office?" When I asked Beatrice, she laughed at me. "I am just teasing you! We are at our market. Of course, we should respect this place!" Beatrice laughed, and I smiled because she was right. "I knew it! You were teasing me again," I said, and Beatrice hugged me. "Do you want to visit your favorite forest?" When I asked Beatrice, she was surprised it had been a long time since I had visited there. "Is that possible? Tonight, there might be low vampires present in the area." I shook my head as Beatrice said this. "I'll take care of them on second thought. They can't get close to us," I told Beatrice, and she smiled. We quickly exited the market and got into my car, "Are you going somewhere, boss?" Edwardo inquired. "Yes, we're going somewhere you take over and look out of the market," I said to Edwardo as I shut the door of my car. I drove us to 'Arie Forest,' and I stopped my car when we arrived. We arrived in the forest at night, there were fireflies in the area, Beatrice came out right away, as did I, and I noticed fireflies in the tree. I took Beatrice's hand in mine, and we usually walked. While we were walking, I saw Beatrice pulling out her phone. "There was no such phone before, but now there is so I can take a picture of this place to make memories," Beatrice explained as she pictured the large tree with fireflies as I looked at her. "I remember you being happy when you came here because I wanted you to wander around this forest," I explained to Beatrice while we were walking around. "Until now, I was still happy when we arrived. It has been a long time since I have been here, and I am happy to see this place once again," Beatrice said as we walked to the big tree with fireflies. Beatrice sat down, so I sat down as well; the fireflies came down and landed near us; Beatrice smiled as she looked at them. I summoned all of the fireflies to come forward to me. "What are you up to?" Beatrice inquired. "I call all the fireflies," I said, with all the fireflies in front of me, and I whispered something to Beatrice. "I heard you whisper," Beatrice said, as the fireflies formed a heart shape around me. "It's nice when they're in the shape of a heart," Beatrice said, and I smiled. The fireflies flew away, and I rested my head on Beatrice's shoulder; she didn't say anything and held my hand. I heard her heart beating fast and my heart beating too fast; I remember being with her, but it was tinged with coldness. "You were cold to me before, but now you're so sweet and thoughtful," Beatrice said to me. "I changed because I blamed myself, I did wrong when you're still alive, and I want to change that," I told Beatrice, knowing she already knew I wanted to change for the better. "It's almost morning," Beatrice said to me, and I checked my phone to see what time it was; she was correct. It was almost morning. "You'll drink my blood later, and you'll do it in nine days," I told Beatrice, who was stretching her body. "Let's go back to the mansion. I had a drink with you earlier. Even though I am a vampire, I crave human food." Beatrice said this to me, and I stood up. We just walked, and as we walked towards my car, I felt Beatrice hold my hand, so I smiled, and as we arrived in my car, she got inside before I did. "Will my eyes change color after ten days of drinking your blood?" Beatrice inquired while she got sitted in my car. "Yes, it will be violet like mine, but isn't there something to cover the eye color? Like a contact lens?" I inquired of Beatrice. "Yes, I know that, but it will only be available on mortals who buy that, but it doesn't have the grade. We can buy a contact lens that is good for a year." Beatrice said. "If we have some time, let us purchase contact lenses to an optical clinic," I said to her, and she nodded. I started my car's engine and started to drive my vehicle; soon after, we arrived at my mansion, and when I came out, she also came out. Beatrice rushed into our home. "Are there any spicy cup noodles here?" Beatrice inquired. "The only available is chicken flavor. Do you want us to place an order?" I asked Beatrice, but I had no idea what to order. "Don't worry, I read what you're thinking, and I know how to order!" That's why I laughed when Beatrice said because I knew what she would say. "When I'm with you, I let you read my mind," I told Beatrice as she sat on the couch. "I ordered spicy noodles and cola," Beatrice said as she was booking to a delivery app, and I joined her on the sofa, laying down on her legs. "What exactly are you doing there? Why are you lying down?" Beatrice inquired while I was resting my head to her thighs. "I just want to be here," I told Beatrice, returning her gaze to her phone after I hugged her and turned my face to her stomach. "You're surprising me, George!" exclaimed Beatrice. Beatrice's PoV I've already ordered spicy noodles and cola, and all I have to do now is wait for it. Perhaps I'll only do it once a day because I still need blood, so I don't get any hungrier. "Has Johnny tracked down Louis yet?" I inquired of George. "Johnny was unable to locate Louis. I need to act to find him myself," George responded to my question. "May I accompany you?" I inquired of George. "You can come, but you need to get stronger first, so you'll drink blood from me to regain your power," George explained. "It's fine with me. I'll strengthen again, but you don't have to teach me to fight again because I remember how to fight," I told George, and he nodded. I heard someone call outside, so George left when he was lying on my legs, and he came out and took my order himself. He placed it on the table when he came in, and I remarked on the dining table. When George handed me a fork when I sat down, I immediately smelled the spicy noodles in the paper bowl. I smiled and opened the cola after that I started to eat. I was surprised because of the taste of the spicy noodles I bought, I thought I'd lose my taste in mortal food, but no, I just kept eating. While I was eating, I noticed George was looking at me again. "Do you want some?" I inquired of George. I am asking if he wants some spicy noodles. "Let me taste it," George said, and I let him eat spicy noodles, to his surprise, and he stood up right away. "That's spicy! It's not something I'm used to!" George exclaimed, that's why I burst out laughing, "I'm used to spicy food because that's what I used to eat when I was in the mood," I explained to George as he drank milk to remove the spicy flavor from his mouth. "Does that mean you're in a good mood today?" I nodded when George asked. "Would you like to do something right now?" George inquired to me, and I wondered what he was talking about. "What is a good thing to do today?" I thought to myself, having already finished the spicy noodles I was eating. "Do you want us to start looking for Louis right away? It's as if we're about to embark on an adventure," George informed me. "It's okay, but I need to be strong first," I said as I drank the cola that was nearby to me. I was full when I finished drinking, and I still felt mortal, but I felt differently when I tasted George's blood. I was not too fond of the taste at first, but I had to get used to it. "Don't worry, you'll get used to drinking blood again," George assured me, and I smiled because it has been a long time since I drank firm. I got up to dispose of my trash, and I went to the trash bin, where I placed my paper bowl and can of cola. I would have fallen if George was not there when I was finished. "This is how I felt when I ate mortal food," George explained, but how could he control it? "How do you control it?" I inquired George. "Because I'm a royal vampire, and I'm powerful, but I noticed that my vision was blurred," George explained as I grasped my head. I noticed George removing his sleeves. "Drink my blood," George said, and I bit him on the chest. **
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