Chapter 26

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George's PoV I looked at Beatrice while she was sleeping; I smiled as I touched her cheek while she slept soundly. If only I could sleep, we'd sleep together, but when she becomes a vampire, she won't need to sleep either, and we'll be able to do the roam again every night. I was surprised when Beatrice opened her eyes, looked at me, said nothing, and hugged me. I was taken aback, so I hugged her as well, stroked her hair, and smiled because I could feel the warmth of her body. The next day, Beatrice awoke on her own and looked at me, and I looked back. "Did you get enough sleep?" I inquired, and Beatrice nodded. "Are you happy because you hugged me?" I laughed when Beatrice asked. "You, the one is hugging me," I told Beatrice, and she was taken aback. "Did I hug you?" Beatrice asked, and I was surprised as if she hadn't realized she'd gotten up at midnight. "Didn't you realize you woke up in the middle night?" When I asked, she shook her head, but she still looked at me before hugging me. "Perhaps I don't know because I'm dreaming about something," Beatrice explained. "How did you dream with your eyes wide open? You even gave me a look." When I told Beatrice, she was taken aback. Beatrice got up and couldn't respond to what I said; I just wouldn't have forced her if she didn't know she woke up last night. "I didn't realize I woke up at midnight," Beatrice admitted as she got out of bed, prompting me to get out of bed as well. Beatrice was the first to leave, and I was the second. I followed her to the kitchen, where she washed her face. I can read her thoughts now, and she is wondering how she woke up last night. "Don't think about it; you just looked at me and fell asleep again," I told Beatrice as I sat in a chair at the dining table. "I'm sorry if I didn't know what happened last night, but there is nothing wrong with hugging you, right?" Beatrice asked a question, and I responded with a smirk. "Yes, there's nothing wrong about it, and you're my girlfriend," I told Beatrice, seeing her cheeks flush. When I heard a car outside, she was already preparing breakfast; who could it be? I was taken aback because it was Edwardo; what was he doing here? Is there anything important he wants to tell me? I got up and left the house when I noticed he had just gotten out of his car. "Good morning, boss. You are needed today because someone wants a partnership with your market. They want to discuss it with you." Edwardo said to me. "I don't need a partner; I can invest my market, and it was already stable," I said to Edwardo, and he handed me a document. "Mr. Garry wants to form a partnership because he was ordered to do so by your family," Edwardo explained, and I was frustrated. "My family is making a mess again; Caroline and I own that market; why should they make a mess again? They did not use their money to create that market," I said as I handed back the document to Edwardo. "Just speak with Mr. Garry," Edwardo advised. "All right, go to the market first; I'll be there after saying my goodbye to Beatrice," I said, and Edwardo bowed to me out of respect. When I returned to my house and saw Beatrice eating egg and bacon, I approached her. "Would it be okay if you stay here alone first? I need to go to my market, and it may take me two days, I guess," I informed Beatrice. "Yes, that's fine, but you'll be gone for two days? I needed a weapon so that I could fight if a vampire comes here and to protect myself, of course." Beatrice informed me. "I'll just let Johnny come here because he's my butler," I explained to Beatrice. "All right, just be cautious in your market," Beatrice said as I kissed her cheeks. "I'm going to miss you," I noticed Beatrice's cheek was flushed. "Take a bath and fix yourself," Beatrice said, and I smiled. I quickly went up to my room and went straight to the bathroom to take a shower; after I finished, I quickly dressed and fixed my hair and necktie. I exited my room and went downstairs, noticing Beatrice washing the dishes. I approached her and hugged her, but she was taken aback. "You surprised me," Beatrice said as I kissed her neck. "I'm going to miss you, but I promise I'll be back," I said, and Beatrice laughed. "It's only two days, not a year," Beatrice said, and I laughed along with her. "All right, I'm leaving," I said, and I turned her to face me. "I love you," I said to her and kissed her. "I love you, too. Be back after two days!" she said after I kissed her. I walked out and immediately got into my car, wondering if it could form a partnership with my rival. I'll fix what my family has done, and I'm not going to let the market dictate the change. Caroline and I created it. I started my car, and I couldn't stop thinking about Beatrice because I was still concerned. When I got to the market, I parked my car and dialed Johnny's number. [Good day, master,] Johnny's responded right away. "Johnny, go to my house right now because Beatrice is alone there and I'm in the market. I have some business things to fix." I said right away. [All right, master, I'll take care of it,] Johnny said as he hung up the phone. I unbuckled my seatbelt, exited my car, then entered the market, where Garry approached me and conversed with my employees. Beatrice's PoV I also finished taking a bath and chose what to wear today; perhaps I'll wear a sweater because it's a little cold now; I wore it, and when I finished fixing my hair, I went out of my room, but I heard a car outside. Maybe it's Johnny because I know George is always worried about me, so I went outside and saw Johnny, and went to him. "I know it was you, Johhny. Did George send you here to look after me?" I asked Johnny, and he bowed to pay his respects to me. "You don't have to bow when you see me because I'm not in a position of authority in his house," I said to him. Johnny is a respectful servant, as far I can see. "You are master's girlfriend, so I need to respect you," Johnny explained to me. "All right, it's okay for you to respect me," I said, and Johnny went inside. I followed him inside and went straight to the kitchen. What can I cook later? I'm the only one eating, so I need to prepare something just for me. When I opened the fridge, I saw that the vegetables were there. I'm just going to make chicken soup, I shut the fridge and went upstairs, but Johnny was sitting on the sofa and looking at his phone. When I got to the top, I went to the library, and when I walked in, I noticed the book on the table, which George had not put away. I went there and looked at the books George was reading. I was surprised because he was reading about people who were similar to me. There is also a new book here that says "new generation," he is eager to learn from people like me. I didn't put the books away because George might wonder why all the books were put away, so I went to the bookshelf and looked at the titles there. I came to a halt when I came across a book about vampires. The title was "Royal Vampires," and I took it and went to the chair. I sat down and opened that book. I read it and was suddenly terrified because they don't just drink blood; they also eat mortals. But I don't think George would do that to me; he loves me and considers me a special someone, so he can't. 'A royal vampire can transform into an unexpected monster.' What I read surprised me. Does this imply that George has a monster form? But what exactly could that be? I don't want to ask; maybe he doesn't realize he has it because it's listed here; the royal vampires don't know unless they're enraged. "Beatrice," I exclaimed as soon as I heard Johnny's voice. "What is it, Johnny?" I immediately responded, and he opened the library door. "You haven't eaten yet, have you? It's already 1 p.m," Johnny said to me, and I was surprised that I'd never realized I'd been in the library for so long. "Okay, I'll go eat now, but I need to cook first," I told Johnny, stood up, and came down, but I was surprised to see chicken soup on the dining table. "Did you prepare this food?" I inquired him when Johnny got down too. "Yes, because I read what you're thinking. I know how to cook mortal food," Johnny said, so I went to the table and sat. "Thank you, Johnny," I said as I began to eat. I couldn't believe he could cook our mortal meals, and while I was eating, I heard Johnny's phone ring and looked at him. "Are you sure, master?" I heard him call it master he was speaking with, George, but why did he call Johnny? Will he return here to the house earlier? "I'm going there, master; I'll just put a shield on the mansion," Johnny said as if an emergency had occurred. "What happened, Johnny? Is there something wrong with George? "I immediately inquired about him. "Garry is fighting him now, and he needs me because fighting Garry is difficult," Johnny said, and I stood up worried. "Take me with you; I feel like I'm the only one who can stop them," I said, surprising Johnny. "But, Beatrice, that place is dangerous," Johnny warned me. "I don't care! I have a feeling in my heart that George needs me," I explained, and Johnny nodded. "Let's go," Johnny said, and I walked away from the dining table, although I had only eaten half of it and had already drunk the water. We got out, and I hoped in the car, putting on my seatbelt even though I was only wearing slippers and a sweater. It was also cold outside when Johnny drove, and we quickly arrived at the location where George and Garry were. When I saw the two fightings, I hurried out and ran towards them, blocking the middle, and George was taken aback. "What exactly are you doing here?" I felt the force of the wind as George inquired what I was doing here. "I know I'm the only one who can put an end to this fight; Garry said you are his rival. I know he said that to me, but you can't kill each other." When I told George, I heard Garry laugh. "Caroline, I miss you! Is that already you?" I heard Garry say this, and he quickly approached me, but I was taken aback because a shield-like barrier appeared from within me. The shield is gold, and I'm unsure why I have it. Is that what George did? I looked at George, but he was taken aback, and he wasn't the one who had done it. "Caroline." I overheard George say. "George, I don't remember yet, and I have no recollection of memories yet!" I told George, and my head began to hurt. I felt a pain in my head, making me dizzy. I felt like there was a vision again. I saw something in my vision as if I were blocking the middle, and the shield was the same as the shield I have now; the area was clear, but the frontman was far away. **
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