Chapter 35

2149 Words
George's PoV "Aren't we going to stay somewhere now that it's getting dark?" Beatrice inquired. She is right. It is getting dark. We need to find a safe place to stay. "All right, let's stay here first," I said, and here we are in the big tree taking shelter, where I sat, and Beatrice sat as well. "When will Garry return?" Beatrice asked as I took her hand in mine. "Don't worry, if Garry dies now, we will buy his coffin," I reassured Beatrice, who laughed. "You're mean to Garry, but even though you two are rivals, are you concerned about him?" Beatrice questioned. "Yes, sometimes I'm concerned, but sometimes he becomes a friend, but I know Garry is not a bad person," I told Beatrice, who rested her head on my shoulder. "I knew it you still consider Garry as a friend, even though you called him a rival," Beatrice said, and I noticed Garry strolling towards us. Garry appears exhausted and gasping for air; I'm curious what happened while he was looking for Beatrice's bag and my car. "How come you didn't use your powers to teleport here?!" When I asked, he was already carrying Beatrice's bag. "When I got to your car, that woman is still there; I fought her again, so I'm weak now, but I will be fine," Garry explained as he handed Beatrice's bag to her. "Thank you, Garry," Beatrice said. I stood up. "Are you in need of animal blood?" I inquired, and Garry nodded. "Of course, I need animal blood!" Garry informed me. "Beatrice, take your animal blood that's in your bag," I said, and Beatrice did as she took it out from her bag. "Drink it now," I said to Garry as I sat down next to Beatrice. "Are you not hungry?" Beatrice inquired. "I'm not hungry," I told Beatrice, laying down on her legs. "What exactly are you doing there?" Beatrice inquired, and I hugged her. "Aren't we going to make a bonfire? It will be dark soon," Garry said, and I didn't listen to him. "You just make a bonfire, you know George, he doesn't want to leave me when he's clingy to me," Beatrice said, and I heard Garry laugh. "I want to kiss you," I said softly to Beatrice. "Stop right there," Beatrice replied to me, so I tightened my grip on Beatrice. "Come on, while Garry is taking some wood," I said to Beatrice, and I let go of the hug around her waist. "All right," Beatrice said, and I got up. I kissed Beatrice, and my whole body immediately warmed up. I want to have s*x with her now. When I finished kissing Beatrice, I saw her cheek was red, I touched her cheek, and Garry was staring at us as her eyes widened. "Sorry about that, Garry! It was George who couldn't control himself," Beatrice told Garry. I just scoffed. "It's hard to come with you like this," I heard Garry tell us. "Find a woman you can also love," I told Garry, and I saw that he had dropped the wood he had to gather for our place. Beatrice's PoV I laughed because Garry was dramatizing again. After all, he saw George and me kissing. Garry used his power to start a fire. "What game do you like?" I asked the two, and I pulled out the chess game and the snake ladder, just a small case in my bag. "Why are you carrying something like that?" George asked me. "So that we won't get bored while we're staying here in the middle of the forest," I replied to George, and Garry chose the snake ladder. "This is the snake ladder we're going to play," George said, and I nodded. I landed in the middle of it, and they took the moving circles when they rolled the dice. I was the first to roll the dice when we started playing. As time went on, I noticed that George was bored; I knew he wasn't fond of this game. Maybe he was just forced because of me. "I can read what you're thinking," George said to me, and I just pouted. "If you read my mind, what I'm thinking right now?" I asked George. "I never said I didn't like this snake and ladders game," George told me, and he read what I'm thinking right now. I can also read what he was thinking, but his thoughts are blocked because Garry is here, we have finished playing, and Garry left first; I don't know where he is going. "Where are you going, Garry?" I asked him, and he looked back at me as he walked away. "I'm just going to scout the area to make sure," Garry stated that as he left us here. "I want to sleep, but I don't have a dream anymore," I said to George, and I laid my head on his lap. "Just lie down, but you aren't going to sleep," George said to me and closed my eyes. "Are you serious? Are you going to sleep?" George asked me. "I'll just try," I told George, and I couldn't feel sleepy, so I opened my eyes again. "You're right. I can't sleep anymore. Maybe this is the effect of being a vampire," I said to George, and he laughed. "Garry didn't come back. Where did that mango," I wondered to myself. "Maybe he's giving us time for just the two of us," George said to me, and I got up from lying on his lap. "Maybe sometimes Garry is nice too, and he gives us time to talk," I told George. "I know; Garry respects our privacy as well," George said. George kissed me, so I was very close to his neck while he kissed me, but I stopped him when he touched my breast. "Are you sure we're going to have your s*x here in this forest? Remember Garry is with us," I asked George, and he laughed. "Sorry if I touched your breast," George said to me, and he moved away a bit. "Let's just talk about what we can talk about," George said to me, and I saw Garry come back here. "You did something. I heard you," Garry told us, and I laughed. "We didn't do anything. We were talking," I told Garry. "I want to join in your story and conversation," Garry said and sat down. "What will we talk about?" Garry asked, and I started myself. "Did you know that I liked George when I saw his picture when he was young," I said, and George had no complaints as I told Garry about it. "After that, then George rejected you, am I right?" Garry asked me. And I was quite surprised when Garry said that. "George didn't reject me or reject me completely; he just became cold to me because he didn't want to have a wife before, and it was a bother in his life," I explained, and George remained silent. "I wish I had been the first person you met," I was taken aback by what Garry said, and I sensed George's aura. "I'm just kidding!" Garry spoke up, and George rested his head on my shoulder. "You have nothing to say to me?" I inquired of both of them. "What else do we have to say? You can see how I grew up, but George, you don't know it," Garry informed me. "I remember George's childhood; he used to tell me stories," I said, and we heard something in the bushes as if it was moving. "Stay here, Garry. Be in on the lookout as well," George said as he stood up. George went there, and Garry stood up to block in front of me, but then a white rabbit ran away, and I caught it, and I fell. "It's just a rabbit, but he's afraid of you," I told George, looking into rabbit eyes. The rabbit suddenly bit me, so I let it go. "Are you all right?! I knew that rabbit was going to bite you!" George stated. "I'm fine, my wound will heal right away, plus rabbits don't have any babies," I said as I explained the bite on my finger. The wound is healed, and the rabbit has vanished; perhaps it wasn't used to lifting himher. When George and Garry sat down again, I took my phone from my bag and checked to see if my mother or brother had texted me. "Have you heard anything about Mom's test?" I inquired of George. "I instructed Johnny to find out the outcome of her medical tests. Don't worry, if you have to pay the bills, I will take care of it; I'll take care of her medicine, plus I am planning to get an HMO for her. Even though we are vampires, it is still a helpful guess." George informed me. "Thank you so much, George," I said as I rested my head on his shoulder. I opened my Social media account and scrolled through the posts, and as the sun rose, Garry stood up and extinguished our bonfire. "Let's go find Louis right now," Garry said. "Problem is, my car has been destroyed again," George told Garry. "I need to get a car or a horse," George explained. "Just get a horse," I said, and George nodded. "They're already tied up in the tree so we can continue our journey," Garry explained. "Can you tell me where you got those three horses?" I inquired of Garry. "Let's just say there were low-class vampires on the horses who tried to attack me," Garry said to me. "Let us continue our journey then," I said as George rode the black horse and Garry rode the brown horse, and I rode the white horse. We resumed our journey and arrived at 'De Paro Village.' We went inside, and the present vampires looked at us; I believe there are half breeds in this place. We dismounted our horse and began asking around the village. "Let's split up here. I will go with Beatrice. You ask around as well," George said, to which Garry nodded. We parted ways, and George took my hand in his, clearly concerned that I would be taken. We went to the blood bank to ask around. "Did you happen to see this man?" George inquired about the woman who was selling, showing a photo of Louis. "No, I haven't seen that guy around here," the woman said indeed, and she knew right away that George was a royal vampire. "Because my eyes are a different color, she knew right away that I was a royal vampire," George explained, reading my thoughts. "Thank you," George said as the woman responded to his query. We left the front of the store, and we continued to ask if they had seen Louis. Why does he have to hide? Is he afraid that if we see him, he will be defeated? I burst out laughing. "What are you laughing about?" George inquired why I was laughing. "I was laughing because I thought Louis was a coward because he was hiding from us," I explained, and we saw Garry coming from us. "He's not here. I toured the people in the village right away," Garry told us. "Neither did we," George said, and I was looking for a grocery store, but why is there a mortal food store here? "How come mortal food is selling here?" I inquired of George. "Because some vampires eat the dish of mortals because vampire lives are different, and others like mortals and others try something new," George explained. "That's why they sell something here, buy me what they're grilling," I told George, smiling. "I knew it. You're going to buy mortal food," George told me as we walked into that store. "What exactly is this?" I approached the seller, accompanied by a woman who appeared to be his girlfriend. "It's chicken and meat, ma'am," the grilling man explained. "All right, one chicken and meat," I said, and he nodded, sensing the woman's mortal status. "Well, no one can smell your girlfriend, can they?" I inquired him who was grilling "I'm a royal vampire, and I'm strong," I was taken aback by what he said, and it was only now that I noticed his eyes were green. "I didn't notice," I explained, handing the food I had purchased. I tasted the chicken right away, enjoyed it, and noticed Garry staring at me. "Are you sure you're going to eat that? You're not sick, are you?" Garry inquired. "I was a mortal before, so I am used to eating these kinds of food," I explained, leaving Garry speechless. "Let me taste it," George said and passed some chicken to him, and he smiled. "It's delicious," George said, and I just kept eating as well. **
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