Chapter 48

1061 Words
Garry's PoV Summer has already decided what she wants; I looked at what she pointed out and saw that it was a bracelet; it is lovely, and the design is a leaf. "Is this what you want?" I inquired to Summer. "Yes, this is exactly what I want; I don't want anything else," Summer said, and I nodded. "How much?" I inquired of the jewelry lady who is using the phone. "300 dollars," the sales lady told me, and Summer was surprised. "Nevermind that it's too expensive," Summer said. That's why I laughed. "What do you think of me? Poor? I have money, of course," I said to Summer and took out my wallet from my pocket. "I'll use a credit card to pay," I explained to the jewelry lady. "All right, sir, just come here at the counter to pay," The jewelry lady said, and I followed her to the counter after pulling out my credit card. When I finished paying and showing my valid id, I handed over the bracelet box to Summer. She immediately opened it and put it on. "Is it lovely?" I inquired to Summer, and she nodded. After the jewelry lady gave me my card and the receipt, we left the jewelry store. As we walked, Summer remained silent and focused intently on her bracelet; I smiled because I had made her happy in just a simple way. "Thanks for the bracelet you gave me; I'll keep it!" Summer told me, and I thought about where we were going next. What if I could ask Beatrice where else I should go when I'm at the mall with someone? I took out my phone and texted Beatrice. "Let's sit down first; I'll just text Beatrice," I told Summer, and we sat on the side, where she didn't complain. To: Beatrice What else can you do while you're at the mall? I'm with Summer. I waited for Beatrice to respond; I'm sure her phone would ring as soon as I texted her. From: Beatrice Take Summer to the arcade because that's what I did with George, even though he's a boy, as long as you know how to play there in the arcade. To: Beatrice Let me look up how to play arcade games at the mall. After I finished responding to Beatrice, I went to Google and looked up how to play arcade games. It's a good thing Summer didn't complain because the longer I talked on my phone, the more embarrassed she became. "I'll just search something for a while," I told Summer. "Okay, I'll wait," Summer said, and I just smiled while searching at my phone. I looked for the arcade in this mall and watched the videos on how to play at the arcade. I noticed that you could buy coins right inside the arcade so you can play. I stood up after learning how to play in the arcade, and Summer stood up also. "Is everything all right?" Summer inquired. "All right, let's go!" I told Summer and took her hand in mine. We went to the fourth floor because the arcade was there. When we got upstairs, I saw the arcade, but it was full of children and families. "How are we going to spend our time here in the arcade? There are so many children," Summer wondered aloud. "Are you familiar with the arcade machines?" Summer nodded when I asked her. I was surprised; I couldn't believe she knew the arcade; I was still trying to figure out how to play, so we went into the arcade and then to the coin shop. "You buy the token coins. I'll wait for you here," I told Summer, as there was a line of people waiting to buy tokens. After a while, Summer purchased tokens, and we proceeded to the toy claw machine, where Summer dropped coins and began playing. I just watched Summer play, it's embarrassing, and it's a good thing I didn't say anything about how I was still trying to figure out how to play here in the arcade. "I almost have it!" I spread my hand in response to what Summer said. "I'll play," I told Summer, who handed me two tokens. After that, I dropped the two coins, and I played with the toy crane; my target toy was the teddy bear. I was surprised because I thought I could get it, but the teddy bear fell when the claw moved. "You thought it was so easy to get a toy. It is hard to get a toy from a claw machine," Summer said as she continued to play. I was surprised because Summer got the teddy bear I was hoping to get instead of me getting it and giving it to her instead. "Are you okay?" Summer inquired. "It's embarrassing because you got the teddy bear instead of me," I explained Summer, to which she laughed. "I'm not going to give it to you," Summer said to me. "Besides, your money was used to purchase the tokens, so this is a gift already for me," Summer explained, and I smiled. We moved to another claw machine, a panda and a pig were there, and Summer dropped tokens. After that, she plays again. When I looked around, I noticed them staring at me. Did the female vampires know I was a royal vampire? "What does a royal vampire doing here? And he's with another low vampire," they laughed as I heard a woman whisper. When I looked at them and showed them my white aura, they were taken aback because they immediately recognized the power I possessed. They left right away, and I heard Summer exclaim with delight. "I got it once more!" Summer said, overjoyed, and she got another stuffed toy from the claw machine. We left the claw machine Summer had obtained the piggy stuff toy and searched for another toy machine that could be obtained. I can also read what she thinks, and I know she prefers stuffed animals, so we only play with the claw machine. "I have a feeling George and Beatrice are going to get into trouble," Summer said as I looked at her. "I can sense it as well, and I believe we should follow them." I inquired of Summer. "Yes, we should leave right now," Summer said solemnly. **
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