Chapter 49

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Beatrice's PoV It's been a month since we are still looking for Louis, but we're going to the werewolf village just in case he's already there. It's a good thing the vampires and werewolves aren't fighting because we might not be able to enter this village if we have an issue. We've arrived in the village of the hawk werewolf, where we can meet the other low vampires who have a relationship with werewolves. "When Louis comes here, I'll laugh a lot because he went to the wolf village," George said, and I was surprised because I had seen Louis come here to the hawk village. "Speaking of Louis, here's what we're looking for," I told George, and he looked at Louis. "Wait, George, what are you going to do?" I noticed his car picking up speed as it approached Louis. "On my mark, we're going to jump away from my car, and I'm going to ram Louis with this," George replied. "Protect yourself with your shield," George advised as we approached Louis fast. "Ready? Now!" As we jumped out of the car, George yelled. "Make a shield for yourself, so you don't get hurt from the fall," as he rolled and looked at his speeding car toward Louis. People in the area were yelling after his car exploded. "Did we get him?" As I approached George, I inquired. "No, I can still feel him," George said, and he was correct; I can still feel his aura, indicating that he is still alive. "Is that all you've got, George?" Louis yelled as he emerged from the wrecked car and smiled at us. He doesn't appear to have been injured in any way. Louis looked at me. George immediately dashed towards Louis and kicked it out of the hawk village. George hit Louis in the face with a back kick that he executed while keeping his kicking leg close to his standing leg and using his heel as a striking surface. It surprised Louis. A butterfly kick is one in which the back is arched backward while in the air, resulting in a horizontal body and high-angled legs. It continues to astound me how George can such a complicated attack. "It hurts," Louis said as he laughed. George performed a roundhouse kick to wheel kick, utilizing the protruding point on the backside of the heel to strike with, the kicking leg coming from around George's back as he pivots. The knee remained relatively straight on the follow-through hitting at Louis. "Louis, you talk a lot," George quipped, chuckling. While Louis is engaged in combat with George, I will attempt to weaken him. "How come you're still alive?!!" Louis inquired to me, and I absorbed his energy, but it didn't affect him. "Do you believe your power will work on me?!" Louis stated, and I never saw him move until he suddenly appeared in front of me. "Beatrice!" George yelled as I raised my shield, but Louis' body shot was so powerful that it shattered my shield. I fell, but fortunately, I wasn't seriously injured due to my shield. I immediately stood up and built a shield around him, but Louis quickly shattered it. I was too weak to create a shield. "Did you really come looking for me to kill me? You didn't realize I was stronger!" Louis growled at us before kicking George and me out. I leaped to my feet, avoiding his left and right jabs and George darting in front of me, blocking Louis's body shot as we jumped high in preparation for another attack on Louis. "You're not that powerful, to be honest," George responded, aggravating Louis. "I'm going to attack Louis first, Beatrice; just put a shield on me no matter what!" I nodded in response to George's statement. I once again shielded George. We made a mistake by not including Garry and Summer in the battle. We need help as much as possible, but hopefully, they know we are now fighting Louis. I could see that George and Louis were moving in the same way they fought. Despite Louis's best efforts, George avoided all of his punches and pushed him hard enough to knock him down in the nearby house. "Do you think you can defeat me?" George said something to him, and Louis, understandably, became increasingly agitated. He evaded his right punch and slapped his head from the side as he stood up, shook himself, and rushed into George. Louis's first attempt to use his left punch, which George blocked with his right forearm and punched him in the right side of the neck with his left fist. After mocking Louis with a white handkerchief, George threw it away. George, who stood directly in front of Louis, blocking his jab, were no words. "Come on, Louis, I know you are better than this," George called out. George's slapped two of his ears after punching him in the right cheek. Louis tried to land a haymaker, but he was George. He was too bright blocking it. George landed a body shot after an elbow block. His right elbow blocked it, which he used to weaken Louis's right jaw, and dislocated his jaw with a left strong punch. He then went down in the boxes, destroying the other property. "Contain your attention on the shield to me, Beatrice," George advised, and I nodded. "He is regenerating," George added as Louis reclaimed its feet. I made the shield stronger so it wouldn't break right away, but I felt weak because I was only a half-royal vampire. I mustered the courage to keep from becoming discouraged as soon as I realized we were going to win. "Will you always defend this one?" I was stunned because Louis kicked me out even though he and George were fighting; I collided with a tree. I passed out and vomited blood; my vision was blurry, and I couldn't see them well. "I'm going to murder you!" I forced myself to stand up when I heard George yell. I attempted to take energy from Louis. While he was unaware that I was taking energy from him, I felt stronger immediately, and his power differed. I smiled and rushed to Louis and George, kicking Louis simultaneously. Louis just smiled and choked me, as did George. "I've lived with you before, so I know how to fight, but I also know you took energy from me to fight me, Caroline!" Louis said to me, and then he choked me "Leave her alone!" I fainted as soon as I heard George shout because he is like me, he can draw energy. "Do you believe you are the only one who can take energy? I have it as well." I was surprised because I heard a loud voice, and Louis jumped out when he released George and me. When George and I looked behind us, we noticed Garry and Summer. "Even if you don't take us with you, I believe your life is in danger, so we're here to assist!" I smiled as Garry said this. "We have a sense that something is wrong, and, fortunately, I was able to locate you," Summer added. "Thank you, Garry and Summer," I said, and we saw Louis stand up and laugh at the same time. "You called your ally! You pathetic royal vampires! I'll admit I'm jealous, but you haven't become strong yet?!" Louis said something to us, and I looked at him. "We don't care what you think! You shouldn't be hiding if you're strong!" George said this, and he rushed over, and they fought again. "Beatrice, let me get a sword for you, and let's attack Louis together," Summer said, but I was taken aback because I dropped to my knees. "You're hilarious! Beatrice is mine now!" What's going on? I can't move! "Stop being a jerk!" When I heard Summer scream, Louis lost control of me. I was able to move again, and as I backed up, I put my shield on for protection. "Would you like me to seek assistance from the werewolves?" Garry inquired. "It's okay because maybe Harry will come here later, and he'll come back," I told Garry, who nodded and jumped high while I focused on George and thickened his shield even more. "Don't shield me, Beatrice; you'll only get weaker!" I came to a halt when I heard George say this, but I noticed Louis smile. Louis threw a large rock at us, and I quickly pulled Summer away, but it hit my back as I hugged Summer. My eyes widened as a large rock smacked me in the back of the head. "Are you okay, Beatrice?" Summer asked me right away, and I looked over at George and Louis, still fighting. "I'm fine; I can still fight." If Summer hadn't stopped me, I would have stood up. "You're in so much pain! Allow me to fight!" Summer said, and she left me sitting here, with my ears covered, but she did something else. When I saw that fire came from her sword, she rushed to Louis, and George was taken aback by what he saw. I can't believe Summer has had so much impact. "Summer drank blood from me, so she's half-royal blood, and when she gets royal blood like that, she will have another power," I heard Garry's voice. I looked at him, and he had werewolf companions. **
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