Chapter 47

1520 Words
George’s PoV "I said I'd move, George!" Beatrice told me. "I want you to move fast. I can't control myself anymore," I said, moving my body as I gripped Beatrice's waist. Her hips were moving quickly, and I could feel her womb touching the tip of my d**k as well. "You like that, George," Beatrice said, and I smiled and nodded as I aided her waist, and her boobs have bouncing up and down. When I heard her growl, I accelerated even more because my entire body felt hot, and when I looked at Beatrice, I saw that her eyes were red and she was crying. "Why are you crying there?" I inquired to Beatrice "Because your d**k is so big, it is reaching my womb," she explained as I kept moving as well. She stopped my moving when she touched my hand, and she began to move again faster. Her movement was great as I touched her waist and connected as she held my shoulders. I removed my d**k and made her crouched. While she bends her waist, I penetrate her p***y from behind. I penetrate her, using my left hand to hold her butt and slap it. "It's a good thing there aren't any people around here," I said. "Well, this kind of position is difficult for us," Beatrice said, and I laughed. "At the very least, this is a fantastic experience," I replied to Beatrice. As I continued to move, I held her hair as I moved faster. "I'm at my limit. Let's try the last position. Let's go in front," I told Beatrice and removed my d**k. I sat in front of my car and adjusted my seat as Beatrice climbed on top of me, but she wasn't facing me. As I sit in the driver's seat, straddling away from Beatrice. Beatrice was lying back with her buttocks facing mine, allowing me to see her wet p***y as I penetrated her. As I held her hips and kissed her butt, Beatrice made circular movements to her hips. "Is anyone there?" I inquired of Beatrice. "None!" Beatrice exclaimed as she continued to walk. Beatrice moaned loudly because I was still moving quickly; I moaned as well, and I felt like I was about to burst. I immediately removed my d**k and c*m outside of her ass, I looked at it again, and I held Beatrice's waist because inside is dangerous. "Are you all right?" I asked Beatrice, and all she did was nod. Beatrice took a tissue and wiped my d**k because that's where my sperm is, and then she sat in front of the driving seat. "That was good, to be honest, and it's a good thing there were no people around this parking lot building," Beatrice said as I rested. "It was good," I smirked to Beatrice. When I finished getting dressed, Beatrice got dressed as well; she got out of the car when she was finished. I shifted into the driver's seat, but she was in the back this time. "I'll lie down for a while so we can continue our journey," Beatrice said, and I just nodded. I put my seat belt back on and adjusted the seat on my side because I lowered it before. Garry's PoV "It's a good thing my mansion is still spacious, and you rest here. George didn't say if we would still search for Louis with him. He just said, let's go home," I said to Summer, and I drank the animal blood that I took out of my fridge. "I'll ask Beatrice if we're still going to be with them in finding Louis; she gave me her phone number," Summer said, and I looked at her. "Yeah, ask her," I said to Summer as I tossed the plastic was contained by animal blood before. I sat on the sofa, and Summer stood up; I assumed she didn't have a phone, but Summer did. She dialed Beatrice's number and waited for Beatrice to answer it. "How are you, Beatrice?" Summer spoke up, and I listened to their conversation. "Are we no longer going to join looking for Louis?" Summer inquired of Beatrice, and I overheard her response. "Yes, because George said we're just going to look for Louis, the two of us only; I'm sorry if I didn't inform you earlier you can ask Garry to take you home, "I overheard Beatrice say to Summer. "If anything comes up, I will let you know. You two take care bye!] Beatrice said, and Summer hung up the phone after Beatrice said goodbye. "I know you heard what we talked about, so take me back to my village," Summer said, putting her phone in her bag. "Don't you want the two of us to hang out first because we're friends?" Summer was taken aback when I asked her. "What are we going to do then?" Summer inquired. "Let us go to the mall, and we'll go wherever you want," I told Summer. "What is your motivation for doing this? Do you like me now?" Summer asked me abruptly. "I don't know yet, but I want to get to know you completely," I told Summer, and she was surprised once more. "All right, are you ready to go now?" Summer inquired, and I rose to my feet. "Yes, we can go today or if you want tomorrow," I told Summer. "Let's go right now. I've taken a shower already," Summer said as we walked out of my house, went into my car, and I got in as well. It's okay now that Summer is with me; I used to be irritated because she'd be included in the search for Louis. But I couldn't help but wonder why George didn't take us with him to look for Louis. I fastened my seatbelt and started the engine, and Summer didn't say anything while we were on the road. When we arrived at Yanche Mall, I went to the parking lot because the only malls I knew were the wealthy ones where only vampires roamed freely. "This mall is beautiful," Summer said, and I smiled. When I parked my car in the parking lot, I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited; when I left, Summer went as well. As I walked into the mall, she followed me as well. Summer took the lead and looked around as if she had just been here for the first time. I followed her as she walked. "Is it your first time to be in a wealthy mall?" Summer nodded when I asked her. "Because I used to only go to mortal malls, so this mall is different," Summer explained, and I nodded. "Have you had any ex-boyfriends?" I inquired of Summer. As her eyes widened seems like she was surprised by what I had said because I was curious. "I don't have one because they say I'm weird because of my power." Summer explained. I had no idea people were like that. "I'm sure I lived longer more than you did," I told her, and she smiled slightly. "You're right, you're older than me, but other vampires said we don't count our age because our whole body isn't aging," Summer explained. "But even though I'm older than you, I know how to talk to you because I'm a sensible man," I explained, and Summer softly laughed. "Why are you laughing there?" I inquired to Summer. "Because I know you're a great man, that's why I like you," Summer said to me, and I was surprised by what she said. She was as well. Summer suddenly covered her mouth and didn't say anything, so I laughed so no one would notice us. "You're right, you're strange, but it's not about your power; it's about being yourself," I told Summer as we took the elevator to go to the top. When we arrived on the third floor, we exited the elevator, and I looked at the watches for sale, as well as Summer. "You like wristwatches and also the heavy-looking watches as well; perhaps you'll buy one now?" Summer inquired, and I shook my head. "I just wanted to see if they had a new brand or a new style," I explained, and Summer immediately followed me as I walked away to Watches Store. When we went to a jewelry store, I could tell Summer was taken aback. "What are we going to do here, Garry?" Summer inquired. "Don't you want to look at jewelry? Maybe you want something," I said to Summer, and she walked into the jewel shop. "I'm not sure what I want, so it might take me a while to decide," Summer explained. "It's okay, I just want to give you what you want," I told Summer, explaining that I'm not sure why I'm doing this, but it's better that I give her what she wants. I stare at Summer in whatever she wants; when she becomes my girlfriend, I'm sure she'll hear my family's insults. George's family is different from mine, but no matter what happens, I will be able to defend her. **
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