Chapter 44

1185 Words
Beatrice's PoV When we entered my house, I noticed my mother in a wheelchair. When I approached her, she was surprised to see me. "I had no idea you were going to be here today," mom said, and I immediately hugged her. "We came here unexpectedly, Mom; how are you? Are you all right?" I inquired to mom. "Yes, I'm fine; did your older brother tell you that I had surgery as well" My mother inquired. "Has she undergone surgery?" I asked Joel, my older brother, and he nodded. "I didn't call you about the operation because mom needs to be operated on right away after the results," Joel explained. "It's good that you've had surgery," George said, and Mom noticed Darwin. "Even though mom had bone marrow replacement surgery, the doctor says there will be additional tests to ensure everything is fine," Joel told me. "She will be scheduled for chemotherapy as well as radiation therapy," Joel added. "Let us do what the doctor said, and this is for mom's health," I told them. "I'm sorry if we can't be by your side during your surgery," I said to mom as I hugged her, and she hugged me back. "Don't worry, everything will be fine, and I'd like to thank George as well for his assistance," Mom said, looking at George. "It doesn't matter; what matters is your health." With a smile, George responded. "The important thing, Beatrice, is that it was detected early," Joel said to me. "Who exactly is this kid?" Mom inquired. "His name is Darwin Fuen, and we're going to adopt him," I told my mother, who was taken aback. "Aren't you going to have children, so you'll adopt him?" Mom inquired. "It's not like that; Darwin doesn't have a family, so George and I took Darwin," I explained, and Darwin approached my mother. "Hello," Darwin said to my mom. "You can call me grandma because my daughter is going to adopt you," mom said as she stroked Darwin's head. "Perhaps you're hungry, Joel. Cook them something to eat," mom said, looking at my brother Joel. "Okay, mom, I'll cook," Joel said as we went to the dining table while I pushed mom's wheelchair to the go-to dining table. When Joel finished cooking, we were ready to eat, and Darwin, thankfully, knew how to eat mortal food. When we sat down, mom, we began to eat. While we were eating, Joel was staring at Darwin. "Don't stare at Darwin," I told Joel, who smiled. "I can't believe you adopted him; are you confident you can take care of him?" Brother Joel asked George and me. "What do you think of us? We can't afford to take care of a child?" George said, and I remained silent. "Just eat Darwin, don't mind them," mom told Darwin, and when we were done eating, George gave Joel some money. "Even though Beatrice and I aren't married yet, I know you need this money," George said, and mom thanked him. "Thank you so much, George; I'm slowly getting better because of your help. I appreciate it," mom said, and George just smiled. "Mom, we may not be able to see you for a long time, but you are invited to our wedding; we don't know when our wedding will be because we take so much care of our work," I told mom, and she nodded. "Won't you inquire about my job, Mom?" I inquired of my mother. "I have to trust you. I know that your work is not illegal," mom said as George and I exchanged glances. "Don't worry, mom; once this issue with George and my work is resolved, we'll be able to see you right away and take good care of you," I told mom holding her hands, and she nodded. "Thank you for the food, mom, and Joel, but we had to go now, but I'm glad you're fine, and I hope this continues to make you feel better," I told my mother. "If anything comes up, Joel will let you know. Please let me know if you would like me to provide you with a private nurse for additional assistance." George also added "That'll do. Thanks again for your assistance," Joel replied. "Thank you very much, George. Don't worry, and I'll be fine; I'll make certain that I complete all of the tests." My mother said. I hugged mom and kissed her. Mom smiled at me and touched my cheek. I need to ensure that my mother has received all of the necessary tests, medications, chemotherapy, and radiation, but most importantly, that her cancer has been detected early to be contained and treated sooner. We said our goodbyes to mom, and now that we're out of the house, when we go out, George's older brother Joel approaches him. After I got inside, I let Darwin go inside the car. "Are you all right, Darwin?" Darwin seemed stunned, so I questioned. "I don't know, mom, but I feel like a grandma; I know her life is short, even though you said she already got her surgery well done," he says. I was taken aback; is this one of Darwin's abilities? "Tell me what else you noticed in mom that the doctor didn't see," I said. "I'm not sure, but when I look at grandma, I see the future in her, and I can read her thoughts as well," Darwin said as George entered the car. "George! Darwin has an important to say to us. Darwin claimed to have seen something in mom that the doctor was unaware of and that only he was aware of," When I told George, he was surprised as well. "Okay, tell us about what you see," George asked. "Grandma is only waiting for your wedding, and then she will rest. I noticed it in her future sightseeing," Darwin said, and we were taken aback. "I think she'll be fine, but why does she think she'll die even though she's fine?" George inquired. "When I used to be at home, she was always thinking of dad because dad died when we were kids," I explained to George. "She intends to commit suicide. We need to inform Joel of your mother's plan," George stated, and he was about to go out when Darwin stopped him. "She is not going to kill herself; she's frail even though the pain she is suffering is gone," Darwin explained to George. "Does that mean you recognize someone's frailty?" Darwin nodded when George asked him. "All right, I won't tell Joel, but you have to be ready Beatrice, your mother is frail, and there's nothing we can do about it, but I pray that little by little she can regain her strength back," George said to me, and I was sad. "I can do it. I know life eventually has death, but I will be ready once that time comes; let's go see your family," I told George, and Darwin took my hand in his. "I'm just here mom, don't be sad," Darwin said, and I chose to smile in response. **
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