Chapter 45

1084 Words
Beatrice’s PoV George started his car; we were going to his family's house. I had no idea that the day would come when mom would be gone, and I couldn't accept it, so I looked outside and held my tears. "Everything will be fine; I am also present, also Darwin; you are not alone," George said to me. "Thank you for everything, George; I appreciate all of your assistance," I responded to George. "We're here for you, mom," Darwin added, as my worries dissipated as the two of them consoled me. We arrived at George's family home an hour later, and Darwin and I went out first, followed by George. I looked at him as he took my hand, and then I took Darwin's hand. "Don't be afraid of your dad's family because they are kind," I told Darwin, and he nodded. We walked straight to George's mansion's gate. "I can't believe you're coming here," George's father exclaimed, followed by his mother. "I didn't tell you that Beatrice and I were going here; we just had something important to say," George explained to his parents. "You have a child already?" When George's father inquired, I immediately shook my head. "He is not our child; we will adopt him," I informed George's father, who was taken aback. "Let's go inside first and talk there," George's mother suggested, and we entered their mansion along with Beatrice and Darwin as well. Darwin peered inside the mansion, George and I sat on the sofa, and his mom and dad did as well. "Why do you have to tell us you're going to adopt this child? You are welcome to introduce him to us as your adopted son," Dad informed us. "I should tell you then introduce Darwin as my adopted son," George explained, and his mother agreed. "Darwin, come here and introduce yourself to your grandmother and grandfather," I said, and Darwin came over to me. "Hello, my name is Darwin Fuen. Nice to meet you," Darwin said respectfully to his grandmother and grandfather. "Hello, can I ask if you're a royal vampire?" George's mom inquired of Darwin. "I'm a half-royal vampire," Darwin replied, surprising George's mom and dad. "That's why your eyes are a different color because you're a half-royal vampire," George's mom explained, and George's dad remained silent. "If this child's birth certificate is registered, you must obtain his files. What happened to his parents?" George's dad inquired. "My real mother and father are gone. Vampire hunters killed them," Darwin told his grandfather, who couldn't believe it. "I thought the vampire hunters had vanished, but they're still around, don't worry when my son and Beatrice go somewhere. You will be here at our house, and we'll look after you," George's mom said as she smiled at Darwin. "Thank you, mom and dad," I said as I stood up. "How is your market doing?" George's dad inquired. "Come, Darwin, let's go to the garden first," I said to Darwin, taking his hand in mine and leading him there quickly. "Mom, you have a market. What kind of market do you have?" Darwin enquired of me. "Blood market, we sell human blood; when you get big enough, you can work there. We will teach you the ways of the business as well," I explained to Darwin. "But I'm not your biological son; I'm your adopted son. How can I collaborate with you?" Darwin said this to me as we sat on the ground near a tree. "We'll treat you like our real child, and when we have a baby someday, you'll treat him like your own brother," I told Darwin, who nodded. "I will protect your son or daughter no matter what, and I will not abandon himher," Darwin assured me, making me even happier. "I think you're a wonderful brother! You're also a wonderful son!" I told him and hugged him. "You're having fun there. I can see that" I heard George say, and he emerged. "Are you finished speaking with your father?" I asked George, and as he took a seat next to us. "Yes, we are done talking. We are welcome to stay here if we like to stay longer," George said, looking at Darwin. "Darwin, do you see how strong I am with your second ability?" George inquired abruptly of Darwin. "Yes, I see you're powerful, but mom's only a little stronger," Darwin explained. "You see the power in me, but when you look at mortals, you see how weak they are," George explained to Darwin. "Yes, you are correct; I was also taken aback by what I witnessed earlier. Your brother, mom, I see he's about to get bronchitis and a fatty liver as well," Darwin's words astounded me, and I couldn't believe it. "How many times have I told my brother that if he doesn't listen to me, he will take care of his own life now," I said, taking George's hand in mine. "How did you find out it was Bronchitis?" George inquired to Darwin. "I used to read a book about medicines for mortals, plus I can see that his chest congestion is not normal his breathing and his liver is not in normal size as well," Darwin revealed, and both George and I were taken aback. "If I'm correct, mom, your brother has Acute Bronchitis, which isn't that serious, but he'll be fine if he quits smoking and has a fatty liver, but it could be reversed if he quit drinking hard drinks as well," Darwin told me. "It appears that I already know what your job will be," George said, and I turned to face Darwin. "We're going to have a doctor for humans," I told George, who smiled. "That's good; I know not all mortals are bad," George said, and Darwin formed ice in his hand in response. "What are you up to, Darwin?" Darwin created a figure of George and me after I asked him. "This is all I can make small figures of you two, but I hope you like the figure I made," Darwin said, and I smiled. "Would you rather stay with my butler or with my family, Darwin?" George inquired because I knew we needed to leave. After all, we were still looking for Louis. "It's all right with me to be here with your family, dad," Darwin said, and George smiled. "Okay, I'll inform mom and dad," George said as he stood up. George left us here in the garden. **
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