Chapter 43

1173 Words
George’s PoV I wiped Beatrice's stomach and discarded the tissue in the trash bin. I went to bed as well and felt Beatrice's hand on mine. "When we have a child, I'm certain Darwin will protect our child because we rescued him," Beatrice explained. "You are correct, but that is still based on his personality; what if our baby is a girl and Darwin likes her? Would you let him love our daughter?" I inquired about Beatrice. "Yes, I would let him, and we would let him go as an adopted father and mother," Beatrice explained. "All right, you said that Darwin is kind, and I have no issue with him," I explained as I wore my underwear. When I wore it and was finished dressing, I noticed Beatrice was also dressed. I approached her as she was finishing up. As she sat, I hugged her; here is my face next to her stomach. "You like hugging me while I'm sitting on the bed or sofa," Beatrice said as she stroked my hair. "I just want to hug you this way," I said to Beatrice, and I heard a crash in Beatrice's room, which Darwin occupied. I rushed out, and upon entering Beatrice's room, I noticed that the items on display were covered in ice. I looked at Darwin, whose eyes were silvery like ice. "Darwin, are you all right? What are you doing?" I inquired, and Beatrice was also present. "I recall how my family was murdered, and all I could do was look because I was told not to assist in any way, and I just run," Darwin said as I hugged him. "They are already in heaven, and you will be fine if you stay here in my mansion for an extended period," I said to Darwin as I let go of the hug. "Perhaps you want to do something besides watching something on TV? Inform your mother and us," I said to Darwin, and he considered. "I'm curious about one of my abilities; can you tell me how to let it out?" Darwin inquired, and I considered. "I'm not sure how, but maybe one day you'll be able to use it; just wait, and you'll find out," I told him, and he smiled. "Thank you, mom and dad!" Darwin exclaimed as he hugged Beatrice and me. "I will give you something to read," I said to him as I exited the room, leaving Beatrice and Darwin behind. I hurried to the library and picked up a book I'd read as a child; once I'd gathered the three books, I returned to Beatrice's room. "It's beneficial to read to understand yourself better; however, avoid exhausting yourself while you're still young," I advised Darwin, who nodded. "Thank you, Dad!" Darwin said to me, and we said our goodbyes. Beatrice and I went out, and we went to the living room below as we did. I noticed Beatrice was smiling. "You're good with kids. You can be a real father." Beatrice said as she took something to eat from the refrigerator. "What are you going to eat?" When I asked Beatrice, I noticed she held a cup of noodles. "I just want to eat these noodles," Beatrice said as I sat down on the sofa. After Beatrice finished cooking her noodles, she went to the dining table. Beatrice sat down and began eating, and I observed her as she ate. It's only now that I realize Beatrice hasn't been mad at me since I first met her when her name is still Caroline. Maybe Beatrice loves me so much that she can't be angry with me; she gets angry occasionally but isn't truly angry with me. I stood up and walked in front of Beatrice, and she looked at me. "Do you want to know why I'm not mad at you?" I sat down after Beatrice asked. "Yes, why is it not?" I inquired her. "I don't know either because maybe my love for you is stronger than my anger," Beatrice said as she finished her noodles. Beatrice stood up and quickly went to the trash can, where she threw the empty cup of noodles, before turning to face me and looking at me. "Why are you staring at me like that?" I inquired to Beatrice, who was staring at me. "What if you fell in love with me early? Would it happen now that it's happening right now?" I stood up when Beatrice asked. I took her hand in mine and looked at it while playing with it. "This won't happen right now if I'm not cold to you and we will live happily, and I just wish I had secured your safety, and I just wish I built my trust on you earlier and don't ever believe on someone talk s**t about on you," I told Beatrice, surprised to see her crying. "I have to die just so you know how much I love you," Beatrice said, and I immediately hugged Beatrice. "Do you forgive me for what I've done?" I asked Beatrice, who was hugging me tightly. "I always forgive you, George," Beatrice assured me, so I smiled and let go of her hug. "Let's go to our room; we need to get stronger so that we can be strong tomorrow," I said to Beatrice, who nodded. We went upstairs, but before I entered Beatrice's room, I looked at Darwin and noticed he was reading a book, so I went inside our room, and Beatrice did as well. The next day we prepared early and ready to go to Beatrice's family home. I adjusted Darwin's coat after I finished putting on my shoes. "Is your mother also a vampire?" Darwin abruptly inquired to Beatrice. "Don't say the word 'vampire' in front of my family, Darwin, because she has no idea that we're all vampires," Beatrice said, and Darwin nodded. "I'll just keep quiet and respond when she asked me something," Darwin said, and Beatrice nodded. "It's fine if his eyes are violet, and we don't need contact lenses anymore," I told Beatrice after she finished wearing a white coat. "Yeah, that's fine," Beatrice replied. We left the mansion, and I immediately put Darwin in my car. Fortunately, Johnny bought my new car right away because I told him to because my old one had broken down again. I got in the car, and Beatrice was in the back because she had to watch Darwin, and we were heading to Beatrice's parents' house. Soon after we arrived, I unbuckled my seatbelt and exited my vehicle. I asked Beatrice to open the door, and Darwin and I came out. I saw Joel come out, and he immediately recognized us. "You never said you'd come here, but I'm sure, mom, we'll be glad you're here, and who is this with you?" Joel asked us right away. "We will adopt him because he has no family; we brought him here so Beatrice's mother could meet this child," I told Joel, who nodded. **
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