Chapter 40

1024 Words
George's PoV The following day, we prepared early to go to the next village, and Beatrice fixed Darwin's clothes before putting his my coat. "I'm going to see Summer and Garry so I can tell them we're ready to go," Beatrice said, and I just nodded. I heard Beatrice come out, and Darwin and I were left here; later, Beatrice returned, and when she entered, she was laughing. "Why are you laughing there?" I inquired Beatrice. "Because those two are talking next to each other, maybe you realize the two became close right away," Beatrice explained. "It's good that Garry has found someone to talk to and that he won't take you away from me," I said as Beatrice took her bag. "Let's go," Beatrice said, taking Darwin's hand, and we walked out of the dorm room, Summer and Garry following as well. "Good morning to you," Summer said with a smile, clearly in a good mood. We went downstairs, and when I returned the key to the man in charge of the dorm, he was surprised that we had returned. "Did you only stay for one day?" The man in charge inquired. "Yes, we're just looking for something," I explained, and he looked over at the boy with us. "That boy wasn't with you when you checked in yesterday, was it?" He inquired why this man was asking so many questions. I need to stay calm and maintain my composure. "No, he didn't; we took him out because he didn't have any family," I told him as we exited the dorm. When we went out, put our things as I mounted my horse, and Beatrice came to her house as well. "We will ride the horse?" Darwin inquired. "Yes, we need it because when we walk quickly, our energy is immediately depleted," I told Darwin as I lifted him to ride the horse. "Just hold on to me so you don't fall," I said to Darwin. Darwin now had a firm grip on me. Summer and Garry are already on the horse. Beatrice is in her horse also. "Come on, let us find Louis," Garry said, and the last village we passed through was Ave Village. I was surprised as I was riding my horse because there were low vampires in our path they were 10 of them; they looked at us and quickly attacked. But I was shocked when the low vampires that attacked in front of us became frozen, and I remember Darwin had ice power. I got down on my horse, and the others got down too. "We don't have time for this," I pointed out. "Let us deal with these low scumbag vampires," Garry stated. "This will be over in a second, Summer, stay in the horse," Garry said to Summer. "We're going to fight the low vampires again," I said, taking Darwin with me. "Be careful, Darwin, stay behind me," I warned Darwin. I grinned and dashed forward, using my telekinesis power to float them while knocking them down. On the other hand, Darwin assists even though his power is ice, sharpening them and shooting the low-class vampires, while Beatrice has a shield built for her and Summer. But I remembered Summer's voice was loud, so I jumped up and approached them while Garry easily fidged with the ten low-class vampires. "Summer, use your voice to make them vanish instantly, Darwin, come here! Keep your ears closed!" Darwin dashed towards me as I spoke. "Garry, go to Beatrice's shield in here!" I yelled, and he dashed into the shield; Summer jumped out of the horse emerged, staring at the low vampires. I doubled our shield so we wouldn't get hurt by Summer's voice power, and I saw Summer's aura come out, ready to shout. "Cover your ears, Darwin and Beatrice," I said, and he immediately did so as Beatrice. Summer yelled loudly, and the low vampires were at a loss for what to do; the others exploded their heads and died instantly. After Summer did that, the other typical vampires fled, and the low vampires were gone. But when Summer appeared in front of us, I noticed that her nose was bleeding, and she collapsed, prompting Garry to rush over to her. "She's only now used his power again," Beatrice said as we quickly approached Summer. "Wake up, Summer!" Summer opened her eyes as Garry sighed. "I forgot to tell you guys that I only used my power now again," Summer said to us. "That's fine, but you did it. You exterminated the other low vampires, and the others died as a result." When I told Summer as she slowly got back up with the help of Garry, she looked around. "It was good, and I helped, but now that I'm weak, I need blood," Summer said as Garry carried her. "George, we'll return when Summer is finished drinking some blood," Garry explained, and I nodded immediately. "I'm sure she'll make Summer drink his blood," Beatrice predicted. Summer can drink the royal blood because she is also a vampire. "Summer might become strong because of the royal blood she takes," I said, looking at Darwin, who was staring at a low vampire he'd hardened. "You were fantastic, Darwin," I told Darwin, and he smiled. "Dad, I have another power, but I'm not sure what it is," Darwin explained. I was surprised what his second power was. "You're right. You have another power because you're a half-royal vampire," I told him, explaining that, like Beatrice, she has shield power and can also take energy from our fellow vampires to weaken them. We eventually saw Garry and Summer; they had returned, and Summer was okay. Summer approached Beatrice right away when I noticed the button above Garry's neck was open. "What are you up to?" I asked Garry, even though I knew he had made Summer drink his blood. "What do royal vampires do when a friend becomes weak?" I laughed as Garry told me. "Having s*x," I joked, and Garry became instantly became frustrated. "You are an asshole, George," Garry said, and I got Darwin on the horse. **
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