Chapter 51

1207 Words
Thirdperson’s PoV "George!" Beatrice yelled, and George flew faster to pick up Beatrice. They got down, and George returned to his human body figure, and the two exchanged glances. "I'm fine, but we won," Beatrice told George as she hugged him. George jumped high, and they returned to the battleground; they went straight to Darwin, and the boy was still cold. George looked at Beatrice, and then he took her sword. "My blood can save him," George said and cut his palm. George put his hand over Darwin's mouth, and blood dripped into his mouth, which the boy drank. Darwin soon awoke and turned to face Beatrice. "Mom?" When he called Beatrice, she immediately hugged Darwin. "I thought we were going to lose you!" Beatrice said, and Darwin looked at George after hugging his alleged mother. "Dad, I'm sorry if I come here. I am just worried," Darwin explained. "I'm not angry with you because you helped us," George explained to Darwin. Garry and Summer went up to Beatrice and George. "You two are great, and for the last time, I saw what you looked like, Beatrice," Garry said, and Beatrice smiled. "I thought I'd keep that look," Beatrice said, and when she looked at Louis, their opponent was gone. "Let's go back to the mansion and let us rest," George said, and Beatrice and the others nodded. Beatrice took Darwin's hand in hers and walked. "We'll pass another way," Garry told George. "All right, be careful, and thanks for your assistance and also to Summer as well," George told Garry and Summer as they parted ways. "Invite me to your wedding," Garry said, and George just smiled. Beatrice's PoV "I'm tired, mom," I heard Darwin say that. "We will go home. Don't worry, Darwin, we'll take a break when we get home." Darwin nodded as I spoke and carried him because George's car got wrecked again. George thanked the werewolves who had aided us earlier in the fight against Louis. When he had finished, he returned here to us. George thanked the werewolves who had aided us earlier in the fight against Louis. When he had finished, he returned here with Darwin and me. "Let's go home," George said, and I nodded. "My car was destroyed because we crashed it into Louse, but it had no effect, so I'm going to buy a new one," Geroge told me. "I believe a horse will benefit the three of us because Darwin is tired," I told George. George asked the werewolves if he could borrow a horse to get to our mansion, and they gladly obliged. "You lost your car for the second time, if I'm not mistaken," I reminded George. "I can get another one, so let's go home," George said as he became a black dragon assisting Darwin and me in riding him. Thankfully, and we have no problems now. We'll take care of our paperwork to adopt Darwin as parents. Darwin had a touch on me while we were flying. "What is it?" I inquired of Darwin. "I'm bored, mom," Darwin said, and I took out my phone so that he could play on it; luckily, I have games on it. "I'll teach you how to play," I told Darwin, who nodded. When I finished teaching Darwin, he began playing on my phone, and I looked down to see that we were getting close to our house. We eventually arrived at our mansion. As George landed, he waited for us to go down, and when we got down, George turned back as a human figure. Finally, we've arrived at the mansion. It was a tense battle, and I can't believe George lost his car yet again. "Thank you so much, Mom, for lending me your phone!" I smiled as Darwin told me. We went inside; I went to our room first to put in battle the things I had brought. I heard George enter as I was putting my belongings on the bed. "I took Darwin to your room, and that will be his room because you're here with me," George said, touching my waist. "George, I'm tired; I need to rest so I can be stronger the next day," I said, and he smiled. "I can't believe I got stronger before and became a black dragon," George said. I should have told him about the monster I read in the book. "It's entirely in you to become a monster when you're so angry," I told George. "Why didn't I turn into a monster before? I was enraged because you died and someone gave you a forgery of a letter," George informed me. "Perhaps it's because your sadness is stronger than your anger, so you didn't become a black dragon back then," I said to George as I sat on the bed, and he imitated me. "Perhaps my sadness is stronger than my anger," George said as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Now our lives will be calm because we don't have any more problems; we'll just take care of our documents with Darwin," I told George, taking my hand in his. "I'll consult with my parents first; is it okay if I leave you and Darwin here?" George asked, and he took his head off my shoulder. "Yes, everything is fine here. We no longer have a competitor," I told George, and he stood up and walked away. "Be careful!" I said to George, and he came out of our room, and I got up and organized my belongings in the bag I was carrying. When I was finished putting my belongings in my bag, I placed them in the cabinet. After our room, I went to Darwin's room, and when I peeked in, he was reading a book. "Hello, mom," Darwin said to me, and I went straight to his room. "Are you okay in your room?" I inquired to Darwin. "Yes, mom, my room is fine," Darwin said to me as I stood next to him on the bed, where he was reading. "What exactly are you reading?" I inquired of Darwin. "It's about mortals because dad gave me this book," Darwin explained. "Perhaps you want to eat mortal food. We have noodles here," I suggested, and Darwin was surprised. "We have mortal food at home?!" I nodded when Darwin asked. "Yes, your father purchased that," I told Darwin. "Cook me some noodles!" Darwin exclaimed to me, which I will do for him, of course. "All right, I'll call you when the noodles I'm cooking are ready," I told Darwin, and he nodded. I jumped out of bed and went to the kitchen to prepare Darwin some food. I took the beef-flavored noodles from the kitchen drawer and heated the water first. I open the cup noodles and pour hot water over them when the water is hot. "The noodles are cooked, Darwin!" I called Darwin as he quickly went down the kitchen. "Mom, come on, let's eat!" Darwin said to me as he grabbed the cup of noodles. "Careful, it's hot," I told Darwin and went to the dining table. Darwin sat down, and I sat down; we began eating, and Darwin seemed to enjoy the beef-flavored noodles. **
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