Chapter 1- Casey my savior

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[Alex’s POV] I slowly opened my eyes, ugh I wanted to sleep, and then still sleepily I turned and looked at the old clock lying on my bed side table 8:27 Oh it’s just 8:27, I pulled the blanket back on to my face happily, but then I remembered one small thing, the school bell rings on 8:55, and it was 25 minutes’ walk to school… 8:27 Oh crap, I told to myself and got out of the bed like I was a ninja, I am late, I am super late, I am going die. Oh god saves me!! Praying I put on my slippers and hurried downstairs I don’t have a toilet in my room, well who has a toilet in the attic right? So I have to go downstairs and bath I took the first thing saw in my closet and ran like I was a contestant in olypics,I started striping myself half way through the stairs, I got in and started to bath, one reason I like my house is cause of this bathroom nobody ever comes in here so it was more like my bathroom I heard Talia footsteps from inside the bathroom, what dose se want now? I hate her and she hates me but my brother loves her because she tortures me, how simple…. “Axel, dear, come on wakey, wakey, you will be late for school honey, wake up” I heard her annoying voice say, I am not the type to hate people easily but, this woman, nobody knows her like I do, she called my brother a few more times so he would wake up, guess I am not the only one who is late today, but its ok for axel I mean he has a car and it’s only a 10 minutes’ drive, guess what I have a cycle, but I love my cycle though I even named her Casey, pretty girly huh? Well not to a girl like me who doesn’t have any friends her cycle would be like her savior, so Casey is my savior I got dressed and ran back upstairs, time 8:35, oh god I am so dead. I dried my hair with a towel and combed in for like 15 seconds, that’s the best I ever do, even if I am not late, and for telling the truth I like it like that, I took my school bag and put on my glasses, I don’t actually need glasses any more, I can perfectly see without them but for some weird reason I like wearing those, it help me roll my eyes at people and the wont even know it, well that’s just a side fact, I hurried down stairs and into the kitchen for my breakfast, time 8:37 I sat there at the dining table waiting for Talia to give me something to eat, I was so hungry, last night I starved myself because Talia had some friends over and since I am such a disgrace, they didn’t want them to see me, so I couldn’t eat when my family was having a small party, yeah I am use to that kind of things by now, I sat there about 2 minutes, time was ticking, why hasn’t she gave me anything to eat yet, normal kids would take the cereal box from the cupboard take milk from the fringe and have a normal breakfast, but I am not allowed to touch anything in the kitchen according to Talia, so I have to sit there and wait for Talia to give me something to eat I was getting late and starving I decided to ask her for something to eat, so I wrote in a piece of paper Can I have breakfast? And a little scared, I handed it to her; she looked at the piece of paper and turned to me with disgusting look on her face “You girl open your mouth and talk to me, if you give me one more of these silly paper I swear you are going to have the worst day of your life, and for breakfast NOOOO YOU KNOW WE ONLY EAT WHEN AXEL EAT, you animal” she yelled back at me Yep, I forgot about the ‘Axel eat, we eat rule’ but I was really late, and axel still hasn’t got out from the shower yet, and he probably wouldn’t now because I am pretty sure he heard Talia yelling at me and now he knows I am late, so to help me get a detention he would just want to make me late, what a perfect brother, isn’t he? [Sarcasm] Even telling Talia that I am late will be use les because number1- she would want me to be late and get detention too, number 2- if I write and hand her the paper again I am sure she will kill me, number 3- she hates me, well that proves it no breakfast for today I got up, took my school bag and ran outside to my cycle ‘Hey Casey’, I told inside me head pretending my cycle could talk, I checked my watch again, time 8:40,’today we are going to do a bit of James Bond, I am super late, ‘ I told inside my head again to my bike while putting my helmet and safety pads on, I got on my Casey and started pedaling fast as I could with all my might As I opened the gate and left the house, I heard axle asking what was is for breakfast today, probably something he like ,I rode away from there as fast as I could not wanting to hear the reply I was going faster than some of the cars on the road, but still I won’t reach class in time, so I’ll have to go through the park, the problem with the park is there is a big pillar thingy and it has about 40 or 50 steps I’ll have to ride through it but that not even the half of the problem, the main problem is ill have to ride in front of Axels best friend Austin Tyron’s (the one who threw rock at me when I was 3) home, and let me just say we don’t get along that well I was just about to reach Austin’s home luckily he wasn’t there, YESSSSS GOD DO LOVE ME, wait I spoke too soon I saw Austin’s stupid car and he was in it and there was someone else too, I don’t remember seeing him anywhere, I passed by them luckily Austin wasn’t looking at my side, but the other dude was, for telling the truth he looked kind of handsome, but of cause all mean dude are handsome “Wow, man look at that chick go” I heard him say looking at my direction pointing at me so Austin could see. I looked away blushing a little, WAITTTT, did I just blush, no., no, no way… but my blush was replaced by a frown when I heard Austin say “Isn’t that Axels, Emo Sister?” “What cells, what?” I heard the other dude say But I couldn’t and I didn’t want to hear the rest of the conversation, I rode away fast as I could because I was getting late and there is a good chance Austin might follow me The rest of the ride I thought about the other dude, he had a nice voice And in minutes I reached school .as I saw my brother getting out of his car , greeting his friends, and going inside. I parked my cycle behind a large tree; it was always my parking spot, I got off and looked at my watch, time 8:53, that’s a new record, I thanked Casey in my head she surely was my savior. I walked to my school silently as some faces fell on me, my next aim, get to my first class without getting beaten up, but I doubt that would be possible cause I just saw Kylie Relends and Brenda Willet….Oh god….
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