Chapter 2 -The new kid

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(Alex’s POV) Kylie and Brenda both were Axel’s ex-girlfriends, they are also his friends, and guess what they like to do? Bully me…. It’s not a big thing to me that they may hit me or say some really annoying words, I am use to that by now, and I get bullied like every single day, it’s just I don’t like to get hit early in the morning. I put my hair in front of my face, hoping, praying, they wouldn’t see me , I walked past them nervously but for my luck they didn’t notice me, they were too busy talking about something, I walked to my locker and got my books and stuff for my first period, history, ugh it’s so boring, the bell rang so I had to run to class, I read there and took my usual seat, nobody ever sat next to me , because if they did the wont be named ‘cool’, but it didn’t matter to me anyway, even if someone sat next to me, it would be useless, I won’t talk so they won’t talk just quiet I actually kind of liked history, it was the only class I had without Axel and his gang, in every other class I at least have one of them, Brenda in math’s, Aaron and Jake in chemistry etc… Time went by fast and history was over, finally, but then I remembered what my next class was double English, oh god, can I sit in history one more time please? I hate English, I hate it, I hate it, and the thought of it makes me want to die, English is not that tough or anything in fact it is the easiest subject for me, then why do I hate it you may ask, just wait and see... I stood looking at the door of my English class room, I have to get in but I don’t want to, no. I don’t want to, I took a deep breath ready to face it all, ok here we go, you can do it Alex, you deal with this every single day I opened the door and walked, and got greeted in the usual way “Hey b****, we were really hoping you would have died yesterday “said a voice, which I reckon as Sophie’s (another bully and an ex of Axels), I didn’t look, I just wanted to reach my seat “Well hello little miss, s***, saw your little bike run today, it sucked like you, b****” good morning to you to Austin “Why the hells are you still alive?” said Jake “You f***** little *****” it was Kylie “Piece of *****, you are” said Brandon “Mute b****” said a girl who I don’t know the name of I got many others from, Sasha, jasper, Roxy, Edward, Adriana etc… (It’s a very long list) it’s all just the usual, I know some of their name I don’t know others, but there is always the main one “You are the, biggest mistake mom and dad ever made” told my big brother Axel, with his girlfriend sitting in his lap, probably girlfriend of the week or a month that’s as long as it goes with him, and after he said that the both wend back making out, if he would call me mean names and stuff it wouldn’t hurt me this much, but he won’t, he know exactly what hurts me, and it hurts most coming from his mouth I took my seat and started reading, at least I acted like it, actually I was thinking about what Axel said, that’s the problem with him whatever the others say I wouldn’t care, but when Axle says it pierce through my heart, now you know why hate English, it is just the opposite of history, everyone in axles gang is here, oh and there’s one more reason, look here he comes Mr. goateed just walked into the class “Good morning class” he greeted us and he got some good mornings back Here is the fact Goateed hates me, well its obvious cause a lot of people hate me, but the problem with him is that, he hates me being mute, so he has been trying to make me talk since the day I came into this place, if I don’t talk he gives me detention, he is the only person I can remember who ever gave me detention in my life, I mean I am nice He started the class but halfway through the class he started to torture me “Miss Blates listen to the class “he told throwing the marker he was holding at me, and he got of a lot of laughs in my response, WHAAAAAAT?? YOU MUST BE JOKING ME, I was listening to the class ….. But it didn’t stop there, it never did “Blates, reed the last verse of the poem, out LOUD” oh no Axel stood up knowing Goateed meant me, just so he can make the situation worse “Not you, Alex REED IT OUT LOUD” told Goateed “Oh, I am so sorry sir, such a disgrace we both have the same last name” told Alex, and he got like millions of laughs from the 38 students present in the class, ok first of all I didn’t actually get his ‘joke’, second what was so funny here. A very loud, mean and idiotic teacher was terrorizing a mute, sweet little girl… I stood up, took my text book looked at it like I never saw a book in my life, but didn’t dare to open my mouth “I AM WAITING” don’t, I am not going to reed and you know it 2 or 3 minutes passed by, I still didn’t open my mouth, the class sat in all silence But suddenly “Someone here don’t even know the alphabet of the language English, let me help you out it starts with the letter A” told a familiar voice, and he got way more laughs than Axel, wait that was the sound of the dude I saw in Austin’s car, I looked at the boy, it was him, he had brunet hair and brown mixed with hazel eyes, he did look handsome, wait he just insulted me, HE IS MEAN……AND NOT HANDSOME “Well, if Miss Blates is just going to stand there all day, and NOT LISTNEN TO YOUR TEACHER, you may sit you are going to get severe punishment, well umm MR-?” he told turning to boy who just insulted me “Kingsley, Adam Kingsley” told the dude, I mean Adam while I sat down “You ,new here?” goateed asked “Umm yeah” he replied “Well Mr. Kingsley, would you read the last verse please?” asked Goateed He got up and read, when he finished he got like a million girls ‘awww’s’, ‘ohh’s’ and ‘that was so beautiful Adam’ SHOW OFFFF!!! And at the end of the class I got my punishment “All of you are should write500 word S.A on the author and the poem, and miss Blates for you it’s a thousand words, due Monday” thank you. I told in my mind The rest of the classes also passed by fast, there was mean words from here and there, I got a small punch from Axel in the hallway, telling how stupid I was, and pretty much that was it before lunch When the lunch bell rang I ran to the library, there were 2 or 3 kids, I placed the books, which I took 2 days ago, in front of the librarian, she smiled at me one of her very charming smiles, and she was one of the people who took me well Then I went to the cupboard and took another book, I swear I have at least read half of this library, I love reading, it helps me escape from this world, and I don’t need to speak to it for me to understand it , I was about to go and get it signed, when I saw the school nurse, Patricia, she was searching for something , I went next to her, she knew I was getting bullied by my brother and all the stuff, after all I do visit her like every day “oh ,hey Ally” she greeted me , I smiled back in reply, she was the only person in the world to call me Ally “Umm maybe, you can help me, I am looking for this book called, I don’t actually remember the name, it’s about a very hot doctor, who is married and has an affair with his patient and they-“ she told me I knew the book, I have read it once, well it wasn’t interesting to me, well it was a little to romanced, so I ran to the cupboard were I saw the book cutting Patricia halfway off, I took the book and gave it to her , she looked relieved “What the-, how?, I and Muriel (librarian) has been searching this for 3 days, you know this place more that she dose, oh my gosh, if only they knew you” she told hugging me I waved goodbye to my school nurse and signed the book which I took , then I waved bye to the librarian and went to the lunch hall As soon as I entered I heard names calling from all directions “Nerd” really nerd?, have she seen my last math test marks “Emo” just because I have black hair and like the color black doesn’t mean I am a Emo “Fat” I love food, and I eat as much as I want “Dumb” someone just called me a nerd, few seconds ago “B***” I happened to think dogs are amazing creature, and a female dog is just perfect “Ugly” believe me I’d be the last one to care if I am ugly “Mute” that’s actually kind of the truth, oh well “Unloved” my mom wrote a letter for me before she died and in that, it has been mentioned a million time that she loves me Well I get this every day for lunch, I took my lunch and wend and straight to my table, it was small and it was just in front of the window and no one actually sat at there, don’t ask me I don’t know why I started eating, I was super hungry. Then I looked at the largest table, it was crowded full of kids and that’s where my brother sat, and the crowd was his gang, then I saw the new kid Adam sitting right next to axel, as far as I know only axles best friend or girlfriend was allowed to sit next to him, so Adam must me Axel new best friend, perfect I just got a new bully…… [Sarcasm] I was interrupted from my thoughts by a blonde girl, whose name apparently is Savannah Cheshire, she was a senior and a little too hyper, and had lots of friends the best part about this girl is she wasn’t afraid of getting bullied by Axle by talking to me and for her luck axle never bullies her for some weird reason, she come and talks to me although she know I am mute and I won’t reply, it half makes me happy and half annoys me [she can get a little too hyper}, I can’t actually call her my friend because she just pops out of nowhere once in a while, I don’t even know about that much and all she know about me is that I am mute and I am Axles sister “Hey, Alex, my best buddy” she said I smiled in return “How are you?” I smiled in return “hows your family?” I smiled in return, what that’s all I know.. “Hey, do you know about the shoe store which just opened in the mall-“she started and I left taking my food and stuff with me, to most people this may seem mean, but not to me or savannah, when I met savannah, the first thing she told me is to leave if she ever talks about shoes, and I just obey what she told me, I never asked her why, maybe its cause I never responded to her, that girl is weird but that’s what makes her special…. (Axels POV) I came and sat at my table, it was huge and crowded, I love my buds’, and within seconds my latest and hottest girlfriend, Gabrielle, came and gave me one of her sexy kisses, damn she is hot, “Guys, I thought we were eating here” I heard Austin say from behind me as I stopped kissing “What up? Where were you?” I asked, he has been hanging out with that new dude all day “Nah, no big, just showing around for my man, Adam, he already got the number of like 20 girls” he said pointing to the new kid “Hey, Adam” told Gabrielle giving him a wink okay why is this guy everywhere I go, I mean he is ok and all but he is stealing my spotlight and my girls, that not cool “Oh I forgot to introduce him to you, Ax meet Adam, Adam meet Axel” Austin introduced us both “Hey” I told to the dude “Hey “he replied back, and sat down right next to me No way. He just didn’t sit there, it was reserved for my best friends or girlfriend, now I’ll have to kick his bloody a** Everybody put on a very shocked expressions, I was about to get up and beat him, but Austin held me back “What?” I asked angrily in whispered voice “Don’t, he’s new, man, he don’t know anything” Austin said “So what if he is new? Who the hell does he think he is?” “Remember that big mansion, right next to my house” “Yeah I know that sick huge one “I said with a smile but then dropped it “what does this have to do with that?” I asked angrily “Yeah, he lives there” Austin told “No f****** way” “Yeah” he said and turned to the girl sitting next to him Oh there was a very huge mansion, next to my best friend Austin’s house and I always wanted to live there, it’s awesome, and if this dudes from there, he is my new best friend “Hey man, aren’t you having English with me” I asked hopping to make friendship “Umm are we? Oh yeah, you stood up to reed, for that girl who was too stuck up to reed, you know she got some problems, she should sort them out?” I smiled at the thought of him insulting my sister, yeah; we are going to get along pretty well, I hate that little f***** “Yeah, her name is Alex, she is such a b****” I said with a smile “Oh ok” he said a little sadder, what the hell why was he sad when I said my sister was a b****, it is true… “Well she is stuck up, I mean it wouldn’t kill for her to just read it in front of the class, on other all angles she’s pretty nice” he said trying to form a smile, as I almost choked when he said she was nice “yeah” I simply said Then for a while it was just raw silence,(between me and Adam, the table was never silent) Then my eyes fell to a table were, my sister sat, she was being a book worm and was looking at her book, a beautiful girl walked over to her and sat with her, it must me Savannah she was so beautiful, amazing, perfect, smart, and everything, wait did I just say that, no. no way, I don’t think about girls that way I mean hot, sexy and all I was broken from my thoughts me Adam “Aww, you have crush don’t you?” he asked me, I almost fell of from my chair when I heard him, how the hell did he? Whatever “What? I have a girlfriend “ I told him coolly “Yeah, but you don’t like her like you like that Blondie sitting next to…. Wait isn’t that Alex?” he asked a little smile at the end “I don’t even know what you are talking about? You are crazy, and please stop with the Alex, I HATE HER!!!” I made it clear for him “Ok, ok cool down man” he said as he let out a small chuckle He was kind of telling the truth, I mean from the minutes I laid eyes on savannah, I liked her and at that time I was at 4th grade and she was at 5th , but I never got the guts to ask her out , I mean I asked out like a million girls out, half of them being way older than me , but for some weird reason I can’t even get myself to talk to her without freaking out .how did this guy know me so well, I have been crushing on this girl for like 7 years and my friends didn’t know, and this guy who I just met minutes ago knows it, wow Then again I stared back to the table were savannah and Alex sat, but suddenly when savannah was telling something to Alex, Alex left the table without even saying good bye, I mean she won’t say goodbye, she’s mute, but that was very disrespectful and mean , especially to savannah, oh she’s paying for that ….
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