
Big Brother's Baby Sister

friends to lovers

Alex Blates ,is a mute 15 year old girl who is bullied in the worst ways, her mom died giving birth to her and dad acts like she is not alive,but the big problem she has to face is her bully, Axel Blates, her own brother. What happens when a boy comes between these two? read to find out..

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Axel Blates
Axel Blates Hey, sup, I am Axel Alexander Blates. I am 16 going to be 17 in about 3 months and I am a junior in high school I am not going to tell about my favorite color, movie, band or any of these girly stupid shits, those are so not cool. People say I am kind of a jerk but I don’t get that, I have almost 80% of girls in my school worshiping over me (so I had a lot of girlfriends, I lost count, so some jealous idiots call me as a player or heart breaker) , I have tons of friends I even get good grades, I mean I am nice well kind of, my parents love me more than my stupid mute sister maybe its cause they clearly ignore that b**ch but whatever I don’t care Yeah I almost forgot to say the main point of why people think I am a jerk is cause I bully this one girl and that girl is Alex Blates, yes, my sister (you probably have noticed by the letter changing and stuff you know the x) before you judge me and tell me how mean I am for bulling that little i***t you should know my story I was born to joseph and Amy Blates, and I had 4 perfect months of my parents love, I believe those were the most perfect times of my life and yes I am talking about the times when I was a 4 month old baby, but of Couse there is an end to every good things right, so when I was only 4 months old a big surprise came in to the family, Amy Blates was having another baby in her stomach, man, my parents work fast, anyway nobody could believe it, having another one so soon was really rare, and all my family attention went to the second one, to make things much worse she gave birth to my sister Alex in her early 8 month which resulted in my mom’s death, I still pray it was Alex who died instead of her, I have heard many stories about my mom and I made her my idol although I never knew her but I am sure Alex hates her, she died 10 days before my 1st birth day ,so I got a sister who was 11months and few days younger than me, but we have this 10 days when we are both the same age So you can say I was kind of born with a twin, just one problem we look nothing alike, we are nothing alike, she looks like my mother who was an Asian and I got the genes of my father who is a American Anyway, since the moment she was born I hated her, well I don’t actually remember the first few years so I don’t exactly know when I started bullying her but I still remember the time when I was 4 It was the 3rd or 4th week since I and Alex started school [Flashback] Axels POV Ugh why did dad have to send her with me, she’s too small, she’s only 3 and I hate her, stupid girl, she don’t even have any friends ,she’s always alone, even my friends hate her, they wouldn’t talk to me if they found out she was my sister, what am I going to do? It was playtime, and all of us were playing in the play ground “Axel, Axel come on, you has to swee this” said Kylie “What? Where?” I asked curiously She took my hand and ran to a corner of the playground, she grabbed my hand and pulled me down, so we both were hiding behind a slide, I saw my best friend Austin with a rock in his hand aiming for a very small girl sitting in the swing set alone, I looked closer and I understood who it was, Alex. Within seconds Austin threw the rock at her head and hit her perfectly and blood coming soon and I could hear her cries Suddenly kylie pulled me out and she started laughing and clapping her hands, at first I didn’t know what to do but then decided to follow my best friends and started laughing and clapping with them But suddenly Alex got of the swing and came and hugged me with her tear filled face was bleeding head “Axy, Axy that mean guy threw a woke at mwe” Alex told in the middle of her cries “Wait, what? Ax you know her?” Austin asked dropping the rocks he took to throw at her, Austin was a little older than me so he could speak better than most of the class “He is my big brother you mowron” Alex said between her cries “Ax?” Kylie asked worried and surprised “I..i..” I started out but couldn’t get the words out “she is my sister” I finally spoke “but I hate her like hell, she killed my mother” I finished and pulled Alex of me, I could see Alex’s tears getting higher “look, you are stupid girl and I hate you, I am not your brother, you are just a big mistake, everybody hates you “I told with a half smirk in my face harshly and then I slapped her in the face expressing all my anger She ran crying away from us “Awe you poor thing, it’s not your fault you have such a horrible sister” told kylie “yeah, you are my bust bud” told Austin (normal timing) Good times, good times, and that was the first time I bullied her and I understood I liked it, so by time I started to bully her in the worst ways, first it was once a week or sometimes but now I bully her every single day, I am surprised she hadn’t tried to kill herself yet, if she dies that would be amazing, and my friends did the same, they started bulling her too, and I have a lot of friends so it’s hard for her to escape Oh, and talking about friends you should probably know them too, I have a lot of friends that I still don’t know their names correctly, we are the bad kind , you know we party ,we get drunk, we get girls all the cool stuff Wait my story still isn’t completed yet so where were we? Um.. Yeah,I bullied her, so after the throw rock incident, she never talked to me and she was only 3 that time and by time she stopped talking and in 2 years she became completely mute, and by that reason she don’t have any friends, I feel like I am talking too much about her and less about me , I mean the heading clearly states AXEL BLATES not bitchy idiot So umm yeah , then I have my parents after moms death dad was working too hard, he was always busy, no time for kids, no time for anything (another reason I hate Alex for, if she wasn’t here dad and I would have a great family) any way when I was 14 my dad kind of slowed down because he found a girl, yes my step mom( she’s not yet my step mom Couse they are only engaged now) Talia Bitslongs or the future Talia Blates, I don’t actually hate Talia because she’s a lot supportive to me and hates Alex, so I guess I kind of like her, but I am not sure, all I know is if I act nice to Talia she acts worst to Alex I am the captain of the soccer team. So I like soccer very much and I even sing a little but that’s not a big deal Well that’s pretty much it..the only thing you should know is I HATE ALEX Bye..

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