Alex Blates

2177 Words
Umm hi? Hello? Ok I am not really good at this thing…I will still try….. For NARNIYAAAAA (just joking I like Narnia very much though) Umm my name is Alexis Averill Blates, my mom named me and Averill is her middle name too Well I am 15 going to be 16 in about three months I am a junior at Astoria south high (ASH) school, and I hate that place I am very much into music, its soooooooooooooo beautiful; I make my own music (by playing instruments) but very secretly I like to reed huge bookworm right here….. I was born to joseph Edward Blates and Amanda (Amy) Lillian Blates but my mom died the day I was born making me unlucky, I don’t mean to offend my mom or anything it’s just if she were here, she wouldn’t be too happy If you guys thing that I am a very talkative person after reading this much you are very,very,very wrong I haven’t talked in almost 11 years, I stopped talking when I was 5. I think I take the quote ‘if you haven’t got anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’ a bit too seriously. I am mute , but that doesn’t mean I am like full of all that complain about how horrible my life is or anything, I talk to myself like 247 about…..EVERYTHING I share my opinions to myself , it’s kind of weird but cool Oh and I talk to my dead mom, you know I imagine she is alive and all, I have a huge imagination and I think a lot, so being mute doesn’t always stink… So you must be thinking why I am mute, there must be a reason, and my reason is my bully…. Have you read stories about girls who are in love with their bullies? Well mine is kind of like that… I am in love with my bully too, my bully is my big brother… Before you get all the wrong idea and go all ‘ewwww’ let me explain I have a big brother older than me by 11 months and some days (I am bad at math’s) I was born on a 13 and he was born a year ago on the 23 of the same month (now you do the calculations), so we have like glorifying 10 days when we both share the same age, wait I forgot to say his name didn’t I? his name is axel, Axel alexander Blates, I love Axel, he is my big brother, doesn’t matter what he does to me ill love him, but just one small problem , he hates me so he does everything he can to hurt me, but its ok . I mean I can’t blame him, I shouldn’t be born; people say my birth was a miracle, an unwanted miracle. If I wasn’t born maybe my brother would be happy, because of me he didn’t get any attention from my parents he has all rights to hate me But just one thing, he think my mom died because if giving birth to me, but it’s not true my mom had cancer, but the world don’t know that so the whole world blames me for her death You may ask how I know my mom had cancer, well my mom had a dairy , she kind of wrote that dairy to axel, so when I found it I decided to give to him without even opening it but when I walked to his room he shouted at me for coming on to his room and hit me(yeah I am used to that by now) so I decided to read it and that’s how I know my mother, I love her ,she’s my inspiration, she’s my everything I doubt axel even cares I think when we both were like really, really young we got along, but as we grew up ,well… he started bulling me I remember the time when I was 3, I started going to school a year early so we both are in the same year [Flash back] Alex’s POV I was sitting on the swing set, day dreaming as always, not a lot kids came here to play so I was alone, I liked being alone Suddenly someone threw a rock at me and it hit my head , my head started bleeding I started to cry, it hurt so much, threw my tears I saw the person who did it, Austin? Austin was my brothers friend but he was very mean to me Then I heard someone laughing and clapping, then a second one joined it, but I recognized the second sound it was my brother I looked through my tears for his face, I saw him and i ran and hugged him hoping he would comfort me “Axy, Axy that mean guy threw a woke at mwe” i told in the middle of my cries “Wait, what? Ax you know her?” Austin asked dropping the rocks he took to throw at me “He is my big brother you mowron” i said between my cries, that was the last time I stood up to a person and those were the words “Ax?” some girl asked worried and surprised “I..i..” he said And I hugged him tighter hoping he would just hug me back “she is my sister” he finally spoke “but I hate her like hell, she killed my mother” he finished and pulled me of him, I started to cry more and more I couldn’t believe what I heard, ofcouse axle was always mean to me but I never thought he would say this “look, you are stupid girl and I hate you, I am not your brother, you are just a big mistake, everybody hates you “axle told with a half smirk in his face harshly and then slapped me in the face expressing all his anger I didn’t know what to do, those mean words kept repeating in my head again and again i ran crying away from him and his friends I was sent to the nurse and she told me to to rest, so I just laid there thinking… [normal] And that was the first time he ever bullied me and that’s when I decided to go mute, it really hurt me that day, but it’s nothing compared to what he does to me these days, every single day I get bullied by my brother and his large group of sidekicks, the hurt me physically, mentally and emotionally but I just lay there, taking all the pain and try my best to not cry or scream, praying he would get bored and leave me, in my body there are like 200 something bones and I swear I have broken all of them at least once, there have been times I just wanted to die end it all, but I won’t do that, why you may ask because of this.. Hey Alex honey if you are reading this I know I left you in a bad condition, and I am sorry I know you are facing a very hard life but know that, mommy loves you, and I will always love you, know that I am always there with you it’s just you can’t see me. And how hard life gets I want my angel to be strong, and I know you will, if you ever think of killing yourself, baby please don’t do that at least for mommy, even if all the world turn against you I will love you, I will always love you this is a part of letter my mom wrote to me I found it in her dairy, she wrote many things in that letter like she knew what was coming a head, and right now I couldn’t be more thank full, the best part of that letter is she writes it like I am 4 year old, she was an amazing person I am axle are nothing alike, the only thing we have In common are probably the parents ,for example.. He is popular, I am not He has millions of friends, I have none He plays girls like those are his toys, I haven’t ever had boyfriend in my life Everybody loves him, everybody hates me He haven’t stepped into the library ever in his life, I live there He is the perfect child, I am the unwanted mistake He is a genius when it comes to sports; I don’t know the different between basketball and handball He looks like my dad all American, I look like my mom all Asian He is very strong, I am very week He can’t keep his mouth shut; I haven’t talked in 11 years He goes to parties, get drunk and play with girls; I stay home completing my homework or writing, drinking chocolate milkshake playing with my pillow Spent an hour with him, your high school life will be like a dream, spent 2 minutes with me you can nick name high school as hell These are just part of it , if I was to write it all there will be no morepaper or ink I this world, but getting bullied by him really hurts… And if getting bulling isn’t worse enough guess what? I can’t go to hospital cause of my annoying stepmom(future) Talia I hate her, and she hate me, she know how much Axle bullies me but she don’t care, and when I come home with a broken arm or bleeding face she shouts at me telling what a disappointment I am to the family instead of taking me to the hospital and when that happens there is a smile on my big brothers face, the smile which makes my heart burn of pain So if I learned to bandage myself and how to cover up wounds by the help of books, yeah I love books they are my friends Speaking about friends I have none, why would anyone want to be friends with a piece of s**t according to axel and I think it is kind of the truth Sine I am the ‘waste of space’ in our house, I live in the attic like Cinderella, but that’s a good thing for me, my room was my mom’s writing place, that’s how I even found the dairy and all , so I love my room it keeps me close to my mom, I really don’t get anything it all go to ‘the perfect little son ‘for example it has been almost a year since axle was 16 and I swear Talia and dad brought Axle more than17 cars and I haven’t even got a piece of toy in my life, but still they raise me. They feed me, gives money to buy cloths etc.. But my dad was not always like this he kind of showed me affection than any human ever did to me, he still sometimes he buys me things, but my brother gets 100000000 times more than what I get, I am mostly ignore in the family, my name only comes up in the subject ‘disappointment’, well compared to axle I am kind of a disappointment, he is the captain of the soccer team the best at everything and me well… I haven’t got a chance to find out what I am good at, but I do know one this I make music don’t know if it is good or bad , cause no one has ever heard , I don’t actually sing you know being a mute and al… I compose the music on my mom’s piano and guitar, and write the lyrics down on a paper I am more of boy than a girl and I like it that way, I haven’t touched make up in my life, and the last time I remember me wearing a dress was when I was 8 to my cousins marriage, but I am into boys, I have crushes but I never made a move, so I did not have a boyfriend in my life This was fun…but I have to go back to reality….
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