Chapter 12: Images

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Chapter 12: Confirmation Alice’s POV Looking back at him intently, as a familiar feeling crept back up in my nape—reminding me of what happened right after I got off the elevator the first time I ran into him—I paused, and looked back at him, processing in my mind if what I felt that day was not simply an imagination. “Alice?” Lennox then said and opened the door wider, and when he looked at me worriedly I knocked my senses on as I took a step back. "Oh, uh yeah sorry I spaced out a little.” I said, while what I saw just now still overlapped with what I felt he did that day on the elevator. He giggles and said “Does that happens a lot?” “Oh, yeah—ah, no! ha-ha, anyways see you later!” Before anything gets into another conversation, I ran down the stairs out of the building and caught up the cab that's parked in front. “Aspex building, thank you.” I said in urgent that immediately made the cab’s driver started driving as soon as I got in and gladly no matter how I looked like I was running away from him, I felt the relieved just not being this far from him. Quite nice, for someone who has not yet started her first day yet—of all people, I already got the urge to quit. Ugh, and whose fault is that, huh Alice? I thought to myself sarcastically, as I know well that, in spite of how I’ve seen this coming in the end, I chose this—ugh, all this stress just for a job?! Is this worth it? Fixing my hair back, sighing as I look out the window while the cab goes, Lennox’s face in his reflection a while ago flashes back in my mind again, as if he didn’t want me to rest off my mind of him. What was that? Just a second ago—I swear I saw him sneering at me through that glass! What the f*ck. Screaming inwardly when I knew I wasn’t seeing things—I know to my guts that I don’t doubt what I saw there then, Mae's petrified expression came into my mind as I realized I somehow sewn a possible connection— Could it be? That…Lennox…no, wait, relax Alice, and let’s not assume things too fast— Then, I paused and stared blankly—dang it, was being too cautious is the problem? Was I too slow? I don’t know anymore,. Anyway, all of this will be done when I get to talk to Mae. First, call Mae and ask how she's doing.—but after a few attempts to reach her, she didn't answer any of my calls. “Mae, what are you doing? Answer your phone.” I muttered to myself but in the end, I couldn't contact her. Come on. I need answers! What happened back there— “We’re here, ma’am.” Darn it, I'm late. I put my phone back in my purse and got some cash to pay for my fare. Now, all I have to do is to walk in there shamelessly. Great start for building trust and reputation with co-workers, huh? “Oh, yeah. Here, thanks.” But, after giving it hastily with time in mind, I soon noticed the two people standing just outside the passenger’s door that seemed to be working in Aspex as they were wearing their IDs. After that, I saw a lot more people coming out of the building, but I didn’t mind, not until, while I was getting out of the car, I managed to hear some parts of the conversation of the two people waiting for me to get out of the car just so they could get in. “Good heavens, of all time why now?” Frustrated, the woman said while she was on her phone. “I know right. They should have notified us ahead of time before they were planning on doing some electrical maintenance. Ugh, now I have to adjust my schedule.” The man said, and with that I finally understood why people got out of the building. There’s an electrical maintenance going on? What does that mean? Do they mean like a brownout? I thought, walking farther away from the drop off area, feeling relieved that it would not look that bad if I walked in there now since this happened. “I should have printed those documents yesterday if I knew this would happen.” I heard a man groan with a group of people while passing by my side, and was about to walk out of the building when a car arrived first at the drop off area. I guess they stopped because they suddenly couldn’t hear their voices,—anyway, why do I care—I’l only look like some weirdo if I turned…is it me or everybody here and inside the building seems to look this way—that way where the group is— Well, if everyone’s looking, then I can spare a peak, right? And because of my curiosity about following everyone’s eyes, before I could even realize it, my eyes were already locked on him—to where everyone’s eyes seemed to look at. Oh, of course it’s him. Well, I’m not mostly surprised it’s him for two obvious reasons. Number one, it’s him that I just bumped on earlier this morning. He’s my boss and he’s on his way here like me so it’s natural he’ll arrive as soon as I did here. Number two, besides being such a head turner I’m having this feeling that these people really aren’t used to seeing him based on how they look. “Good morning sir, oh—ah! Right, the documents regarding the bidding—uh, well, there’s a sudden maintenance thing so the office is currently on a short brownout—“ “Forgot to print them? No worries, the bidding's deadline was moved just now. Check your email.” Lennox said as he subtly turned his eyes to the person he was talking with from me, smiling warmly—a smile that I couldn’t put close to what I had seen a while ago. Well, now that he looks busy with that group, now is the chance to turn the other way and avoid him. Besides, I already got a lot of chances to see him outside work—ugh, what have I done to myself—ninety-nine percent of probability of meeting your boss all twenty four seven should feel great, huh? I thought, turning around to the front door, taking the opportunity to disappear from anywhere near him. Besides, I don’t see anything beneficial for me to stay here. Passing through the main doors, I walked in fast into the elevator as I try again to continue my attempts on contact Mae, but…before I knew it, lunchtime has already come, yet any of my calls and texts remained ignored by Mae, which made me more bothered. Is she avoiding me? Why? [Hi! This is Mae! Try calling me again later—] I ended up the call, finally giving up on reaching her. I tried contacting her repeatedly every chance I had this morning, but none of my calls were returned or answered. I sighed, more or less feeling anxious as I recalled what happened earlier when I was introduced as a new team member in front of those engineers and architects. Just by their stares, I could feel and say that I'm more than unwelcome. Because of that, I had to toughen up all this morning just to survive through their judging eyes. I sighed and shook my head, trying to brush them off, and while walking up the stairs to the roof top I tried my best to wind off everything that stressed me out early in the morning other than Mae. Don't worry, Alice, you can do this! The salary and incentives are competitive. Don't back out now—I can do this! I said, trying to motivate myself, as I started opening the rooftop’s door, "thank goodness, at least the rooftop's empty," I uttered, as relief immediately made my chest light off of the tension I felt earlier. Scanning all around the area, confirming if I sat all alone, I sat down on a bench and looked back at my phone. With that, an instant matter just struck me in mind. "Ugh, seriously, Mae—why aren't you answering?" I said in annoyance, just as I could remember how strange she acted earlier. Again, I sighed heavily, standing up I walked near the railing, leaning on the railings, looking down at the buildings and the people walking at their own pace when suddenly a memory from two years ago flashes— "Hey…remember what the professor told us earlier? That there's one psychopath in an organization of at least thirty-five people?" Mae randomly said, two years ago. “Then…at least I would like to meet one…" I uttered, remembering exactly how I responded to her mindlessly that time, while looking down on the people below and before I get my mind lost—I suddenly remember Lennox's reflection making me, gasp in realization. “No way, he can’t be a psychopath just because of that?” I said, convincing myself to look the other way around, yet I find it hard when I couldn’t stop but think that every coincidence that happened up until now had eerily good timings. First, when we were inside the elevator—that time he gave his number to me, I knew something felt off when I started noticing we were stopping at every floor—I don’t know, but no matter how I wanted to shrug it off, it still felt like we bumped on him on purpose that day and something’s definitely doesn’t sit well with me right with how we stopped on every floor back then despite not having anyone pressing those floors. And if there really was any maintenance on the elevators that day, it would have been put on hold— Wait a sec, maintenance? “I know right. They should have notified us ahead of time before they were planning on doing some electrical maintenance.” In an instant, what I happened to hear earlier echoed in my head. Then, not long after that, I remember Lennox not mentioning I was late even after we bumped into each other. At first, I was relieved and thought that he must have just forgotten to mention about the time and I’m about to get late – which was part of the reason why I was so eager to leave him immediately. “It can’t be…” I uttered, looking afar down the ground, holding the railings as I unwittingly and slowly sewn the dots together. So, I wished something mindlessly and now it’s all becoming true? Ugh, why of all the wishes I wished, it has to be that ‘meet a psychopath’ what the heck. "What in the world…" I uttered, still looking down, thinking of Lennox's expressions—his gentle smiles, expressive eyes, bright aura, inviting voice—then I thought of the reflection I saw, telling myself that those expressions were complete opposites from his glaring, sneering face. Ugh, psychopath or not, everything about him screams red flag. I'm confused and torn, should I just resign now—darn it, am I already giving up? Tsk. This sucks. If I give up now, there’s no guarantee that I will get a job sooner before I lose all my savings. This is frustrating. I even signed a contract—tsk. Wait, should I just ask him directly like why, why me? There has to be some sort of reason why he’s doing what he’s doing with me now—whatever it is—not that I’m already convinced he’s the real deal psycho or just a random pervert, but I need to know what I’m facing with, so… Right, I don’t see anything wrong with asking him but, if I’m not careful, things could go wrong if I go too forward with him. “Ugh, looks like dealing with him and the people around here would be harder than the job itself, ugh.” I said to myself, thinking of what should I do next the moment I bumped into him again. Anyway, I’ve been all cautious of him this morning just in case he suddenly shows up but since I saw him this morning, I still haven't caught him around the office—even after running errands for a supervisor—anyway, the office is too big to ever bump into him. "A psychopath, huh?" I uttered, walking back towards the bench as I searched through the internet with my phone. Interested in what a psychopath really means, sitting down, drowned in curiosity about how to know if someone is a psychopath—but when some people abruptly came in, laughing while they converse—I stopped and was about to stand up and leave casually before they noticed me, but then— "Did you see the new girl? Alice? Pfft—she looks so stiff." Someone said, because of that, I decided not to move from my seat and stay to listen. They must not have seen me here yet because of the tall and thick hedge planted in-between the bench I'm sitting on. And because of their carefree laughs approaching my direction, I instinctively know that they're about to sit on the bench just behind me. Oh, what an excellent spot for me to eavesdrop on. I thought sarcastically. Knowing that it isn't easy to get recruited and accepted as an employee here, indeed—I can understand their frustration with me. Being brought in by Lennox, straight through all the necessary processes sure makes it hard to be taken seriously. "Hey—be careful of what you say." Another girl said, trying to be wary of my surroundings, which made me a bit alarmed, thinking they've sensed my presence behind the hedge between us. "But it's true, do you think she'll last a week here?" The girl who just has been hushed asked sarcastically, crunching up her food. Last a week? And from what? Ugh,no, no, Alice, calm your nerves down. "Yes, of course, the Hatter favors her—"The girl responded but was immediately cut off by the other girl. If I'm to base on their voices, I bet they're just two people hanging out here to gossip. "Hatter? Pfft! Where did you get that?" The girl said, trying to hold on to her laughs. Hatter? Who's hatter? "Oh? You don't know? That's the psycho's new nickname. It started when Ms. Allen says that the new girl's name is Alice—you know? Alice in the wonderland?" The other girl says, trying to lower her voice as she explains. Alright, I get the gist of it. That Lennox sure is the psycho, the hatter, and I'm Alice—ugh! Are they making a pun out of this?! So what now? I'm in wonderland?! Argh, this isn't my first time being dragged into rumors, but I just couldn't get used to these kinds of people. "Pfft, so what now? Do you think that Alice just came here to drink tea? I’m sure she’s just the boss’s hoe and I’m sure as hell that she can’t do any proper job." With that, I almost stood but I immediately got a hold of myself and just imagined throwing that girl’s face on the ground. But, I can’t blame them for thinking of me that way—after all, Lennox seems to have a bad reputation with his employees. And here I am, being brought in here straight up through those employees—sure I’ll make the perfect headline to hate on. I thought, knowing I unknowingly brought all this to myself. Know in a way that all I did was to apply for a recommendation and unknowingly for applying even though I already sensed something off—anyway, it’s too late to regret it now. "Well~ if you ask me, the first question you should ask is—did they just drink tea inside Ms. Allen's office?" Giggling, the girl said with such an obscene tone, and together they continued to talk more about lewd things that Lennox and I could have possibly done inside the HR office yesterday and from everything they were gossiping about, I was still frozen in anger. And the more they make lewd scenarios, the more it’s hard for me to say still. Not until— “Oh! Well, that Alice sure is lucky! Ugh, if it wouldn’t be for his attitude sir Lennox would be a great catch—handsome, rich—like rich, rich! And not to mention hot too!” To which the other girl agrees to and says— “Yeah, right and that Alice had her way to him—but hey, if you think about it. He looks different since he was with that girl yesterday and today. When that girl arrived yesterday, I’m sure all of the people were in total shock when he personally walked with her from the lobby to the HR office—“ I knew it. I thought to myself about hearing my suspicion being on point, but then I shortly felt a lump on my chest thinking about what more suspicion would be confirmed from now on.
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