Chapter 11: Reflection

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Chapter 11: Reflection Alice’s POV "Hey, you done?" Mae asked in her 'oh-please-hurry-up' tone, already wearing her uniform for work while standing right in front of the door, hands on the doorknob, glancing over me as I struggled to put my shoes on. "Yeeeah!" I said, barely tying a knot up on my shoes and was about to stand when suddenly I stopped on the spot where I couldn't feel my wallet in my pocket—sending me a mini heart attack just by mere imaging going on out without it. Mae, tilting her head up, sighing as if she just heard my mind, said— "Go, go get it you, dummy," putting her fingers in-between her eyebrows' gap while sighing at me. I dashed inside my room to check it, saying— "W-wait!" As I tried to dig in the messed-up blankets on my bed, which I didn't get to fix when I woke up in a panic, figuring out that I had forgotten to set my alarm on before dozing off. "Geez, you'll be late." Mae groans, probably checking the time on her phone. "Ugh, I know—just give me a d*mn sec!" I said, still trying to find where the heck I threw my wallet. Ugh! Seriously? Where is it?! I thought as I continued on rummaging my desk in my room where I used to put my bag. A minute passed, and I still couldn't find it. And so, from my room I dashed to the bathroom, into the living room, flipping everything around, feeling the anxiety intensify when I still couldn't find it anywhere. Ah! My washer, that must be there! Finally, having the guts that I'd find it there, I hurriedly went into the laundry area. "Hey, Alice! I'll just go ahead and hold the elevator, okay?" Mae shouted, opening the door. Good idea, Mae! Get that elevator. "Okaaay." I said, digging into my clothes pockets. Ugh! I'm so dead! Too bad for the first day of work! Gosh, getting late is not like me at all. It's just that—I didn't expect that I would quickly fall asleep thinking about what happened yesterday. "Geez, you sleepy head." Mae disappointingly groans, shaking her head as she closes the door. Ugh, I swear I'll tie my wallet to me next time. I thought when I finally found it tucked in the jeans I used yesterday. Why didn't I think of this earlier?! Wait a sec—but I stopped when I remembered that I did not use this pants yesterday. So, why is this here? I don't remember putting these jeans at the bottom of these clothes—ugh, anyway I'm getting late! Not paying any mind, I immediately stood up and put my wallet in my bag’s pocket as I ran fast towards the door. After closing it, I ran straight to the hall to catch up with Mae holding the elevator, undoubtedly on hold because of me. Getting closer to it, I could see Mae standing in the corner near the buttons. "Hey! Mae, good! Hold up!—" I said right after stepping inside and paused when I noticed another figure on the other side. And for a brief time, I sensed an eerie aura—glancing over it, a gentle smile welcomed me, thoroughly rubbing out the strange air I just felt. Huh? J-just now— "Oh, good morning, sir." I greeted him, trying not to look suspicious. After getting in, I pushed the closing button on the side and smiled back at him again. Am I just imagining things?—Aack! Forget that, your boss just caught you late, Alice. On your first day! Then, I secretly glanced back at him again, at him, but he caught me looking at him just a second after he took a look on his phone, so to make it less awkward, I smiled at him again, trying to make it more natural as it should be. Ugh, this man, ugh, I don't think I'll get used to him—and here I’ am ironically employed by him. "Good morning. Guess we'll bump into each other more frequently from now on." He said, smiling at me, as if he’s making it feel like there's nothing awkward in bumping into your employee outside work—well, maybe for him, but for me?! Ugh, I'll have to adjust my alarm to at least not meet him before work. Also, this energy— this sheer energy makes me want to puke—I can't keep up with this pretentious gig— Now that I think about it, receiving this favor would surely put me in a tight spot. I should distance myself from him at work—as much as possible. Yes, let's do that, Alice. Even if he's the boss, there are still many supervisors to ask around. "Ah, yes," I said, keeping up a smile. Usually—no, normally, people wouldn't want to see their boss after work and that’s still the case here, but I have no choice because from now on, the chances of seeing him before and after work is undeniably high—I should keep this a secret at work. They may have figured that I got in because of some sort of connection—even if I don’t, I’m afraid that would be hard to explain after the attention we got yesterday just by walking together. And based on those stares we got, it does not need a genius to know that letting anyone know at the office that we just live in one building would just create any sorts of issues. Ugh, my head hurts thinking of what reputation I will have for the next few months. I thought and stopped when I noticed Mae, glancing over her, who was strangely not making a fuss because of Lennox. I nudged her side, but she still kept her eyes on the floor, not even moving a bit. Tilting my head sideways down to look at her, I frowned when I saw her terrified pale expression. "Mae?" I asked worriedly. Why does she suddenly look so pale? What happened? "Ah-yes?" Quite baffled, she asked and as soon as I noticed her eyes could not keep an eye contact as if she suddenly, became anxious, I began to get worried and asked— “Hey? Are you alright?” but instead of answering right away she turned her head down and look at me and as if she’s hesitating on something. “Mae?” I uttered, waiting for her to say something she seems she wanted to say but in the end she didn’t say anything and steps aside the corner. Before I could reach her and ask more, the elevator dings open, allowing at least five people to come in from the twentieth floor. Looking like they’re on their way out to go to work and school, judging from what they’re wearing. I didn’t notice we were going down this fast. I thought to myself, thinking there must be fewer occupants from this floor to the penthouse. I experienced the same thing yesterday except when— Hmm, there must have been some mechanical issues going around that time when we used the elevator with Lennox— I thought to myself, assuming the possibilities, when Mae and I were going down with him that time he told me about the firm. Mae was so excited that time around and talking to Lennox—so, why is she being like that now? Looking at Mae, confused about how on earth she suddenly acted this way until she finally glanced at me, eyes wavering as her mouth trembles—looking like she wanted to tell me something but couldn't. "Hey, what happened? Are you alright?" I asked, pulling her to the back of the elevator when more people started coming in as it opened next to the fourth floor. "Huh? O-of course, you dummy." Stammering, still not looking at me as she clenches her trembling hands. "You sure? Seriously? What's gotten into you? You look like—" "Ah—yeah, a-anyway, I'll see you later." With that, she dashed off through the people getting out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened on the ground floor, leaving me alone at the back. "Huh?" What? Hmm, is she perhaps? Constipated? Pfft. wait, but—she would tell me right away even if there are people around, there's no way that she would get embarrassed— "Looks like your friend's not feeling good," suddenly Lennox said as he walked by my side, heading out of the building—dang, now, how do I say 'get lost' nicely? It's going to be troublesome if this continues and people from work see us arriving together. It’s like telling everyone there that ‘I got in because of your boss—I’m being favored’ right in their faces—and no one wants to be around someone like that. Ugh, based on those looks yesterday, I bet they will surely not like this. Not that I care, but even if I were them, I would get the wrong idea considering the fact that he's the one who really got me through. Not only do I hate being eyed at but I also hate it when I know I’m indebted to someone I specifically feel suspicion of. And just before I could completely let that thought exclaimed out of me confidently, my mind abruptly reminded me of my decision that brought me up here in this situation—well, if I had not gone to his office yesterday— , I thought to myself when I remember it was solely on me, on my own accord of how things turned out the way they are now, especially with how I pushed with that interview, motivating myself to get hired no matter what—ugh, yeah right way to go, Alice. I said to myself sarcastically. "Yeah, that's weird. She was fine just earlier," I responded to Lennox before I could forget him and, at the same time, worried about Mae. Knowing her, she'd just blurt it out—or, something must have happened in the elevator—and as if someone had whispered in my mind, I turned to Lennox again. “Hmm?” Looking at me with anticipation, he locked his eyes with me. Did something happen between you and Mae while I was not around that time— “Oh, nothing.” I said, instead of asking what I really wanted to ask. I wanted to ask him directly, but the thought of something happening to them in that short minute in the elevator before I arrived is too unlikely and I could come out offensive if I sounded accusing him. However, at every step I take on the way to the exit door, the more it feels wrong not to ask as Mae’s horrified face flashes back through my mind. It's as if she looks terrified to the boot. But, why? "Oh, since we're both headed to the same office, do you want to ride with me?" Lennox suddenly asked—Ugh, I don’t know, but no matter how nice he looks smiling, I feel off—it’s like there’s something so unnatural to him. "Ah…to be honest, I'd love to, but I’m afraid your other employees would misunderstand," I said, saying the most obvious thing just in case he had not yet realized it himself. "Oh, really? Then—"He was about to say something, but I immediately started walking towards the exit door to come out first and make sure to get go distance from him. "Yeah, thanks for the offer, but I think I need to pass this time. See you at the officer, Sir Lennox," I said, turning ahead of my way, ready to depart from his sight. "Lennox…" He uttered, reminding me of his request to just call him by his name, in an almost imposing tone, making me glance over him again. Still not giving up on that? I purposely call you 'sir' to keep things professional—can't you read between the lines?! "Sir?—" Glancing over my shoulder, holding the door’s handle, I paused when he grabbed the same handle from my back where he is now standing. "Just call me Lennox." He said, smiling eye to eye, while holding the door’s handles, looking down at me as if he wouldn’t let me go unless I did what he wanted. "Uh—sure sir—I mean, Lennox," I said awkwardly, leaning back, giggling as I pushed the door, giving myself a lot more space to get out of his sight. Good thing there are two more doors here in the lobby which the other people are currently using, not paying us any mind as they pass through. But, nonetheless, I still would mind if anyone sees us here like this any longer. Dang it, can’t he see that he’s getting too close—ugh? I thought to myself, pushing the door slowly as he loosened his grip on the handle, and when it felt right to go out through the gap I made, I turned from his face to the opposite side, which is the outside. Smiling was just when I was about to walk out—I stopped when the next thing I saw in the glass door's reflection. Making my heart skip a beat in shock—then I instinctively looked at him again. "Mmm?" He uttered with puzzled eyes, still smiling gently at me. Just now—are my eyes deceiving me? Wait--no... just like before.
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