Chapter 13: Mad Love

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Chapter 13: Mad Love Alice's POV "Ah, right. You're definitely right, Alice. I can't do this anymore." Lennox uttered, making me more uncomfortable than I was a minute before. I can't believe seeing someone shifts his mood immediately. I've seen it happen many times but i just can't get used to it. Looking directly at him, keeping my best not to let him see a slipping shock reaction from me, I stood there as my heart kept on pounding faster. "It's getting too tiresome… a good thing you're not dense to not notice." He said, completely different from his usual gentle-harmless looking guy. I knew it, I saw this coming, but somehow I'm still not fully prepared. "Actually, I have been noticing it since the first time we met in the elevator. Seriously, if you're going to pretend, at least make sure not to sneer as soon as I turn my back." I said, recalling the first time I met him. Ugh, now that I think about it, I almost fell simp over him, but I managed to get my senses back thanks to his creepiness. Ah, such a waste. "What? Really? Ah—so you knew I was sniffing—" "I didn't exactly know, but my senses are seamlessly sharp." I cut him off, not wanting to hear more of his weirdness. As I thought! He was sniffing my hair back there! Argh, should I kick his balls now?! I thought, as I couldn't hide the disgusted expression on my face any longer. Looking at him, who seems to be enjoying what's happening, frustration rushes through my nerves. "Ah right, it was my fault—"He was about to utter some words, but I couldn't care less anymore. "So, hey, excuse me. I'm in a hurry now, and I don't have time to spare for a f****d up person like you." I blurted out in pure impulse, making him quite shocked and frozen on his spot. He looked at me. My eyes widened in disbelief. Oh? Surprise? You have this coming. "Oh, oops—did I just say my thoughts out loud? Oh, anyway…I also had enough of being surrounded by people with a f****d-up inferiority complex. So, Lennox, let me get my mask out of my face too." I blurted out about the office mates I have. Feeling fed and fired up, I stepped closer to him and emphasized every word I'd said and about to say—glaring up at his shaken eyes. "Also, playing tag and hide and seek with you isn't as fun as it seems. That being said, don't worry, I'll make sure to pass my resignation letter on the clock tomorrow. Goodbye, f*****g mad hatter." I said, full of resolve. I have thought of this had just if my suspicion of him being right that he had something to do with what happened to Mae last two weeks. Bumping his shoulder, I walked past him. "Oh, one more thing…" I stopped walking and glanced at him for the last time. Still looking dazed, speechless as his lips parted hanging. "If we ever cross paths again, please don't ever dare to talk with me or I'll make sure to f**k you up," I said, glaring menacingly at him. Not caring about people passing and looking at us—they must have felt the tension. Am I looking too much? No, I don't think I'm overreacting. It's better to cut off the connection now while I still can than to regret not doing this later. I thought, as I didn't wait for him to wake up from being stunned. I turned around and continued walking out. After all, the stalking incident is still not solved with just the footage I've seen. His relevance to what's happening now isn't clear, but I'm sure to get him out of my way. As he said, it's getting too tiresome. Finally grabbing the door's handle to get out of the building—suddenly, from my back, someone pulled my arm abruptly, making me face him again. "HA HA HA HA HA! Oh, Alice…" Catching me by my arm, I quickly tried to pull myself out of his grip but he pulled me closer to him—without warning, embracing me—which caught my system off guard. "What the heck—"People who were watching were about to run and pull him away from me when suddenly he made it look like— "I LOVE YOU." He shouted, absolutely turning the table—I stood there frozen. "…Huh?!" I uttered, having a hard time processing what he just said. I looked around at the people who were just about to jump in and rescue me, but they immediately turned their gazes away from us. As if they misunderstood the situation—just like the guard earlier. Dang it! This is not what it looks like! This isn't a lover's quarrel! Ugh, I feel more helpless knowing that even if I blurted this out, no one would come! Pushing Lennox away with all my might, I began to struggle when he pulled me closer, leaving our faces a few inches away. There I hesitated and stopped when I saw his face blushing, eyes shining with excitement like a high school boy who had just seen his lover. He looks at me with such adoration—just what the heck is he trying to pull now?! "Alice, you being furious is utterly gorgeous! That was one of the best—most exciting sights I've ever had! Alice! Look here! See?! Can you feel it?! My heart can't stop beating faster—f**k it feels like it's about to explode. Doesn't this mean I'm in love?!" With the same thrilled tone, he exclaimed, looking at me with pure anticipation. "Wha-what the heck—" "Alice! I love you! You can f**k me up—any time!" With that, all the people who turned their gazes away from us earlier just glance back at us abruptly with shock and interest in their faces. What's up with you?!! All of a sudden?! Gah! This is embarrassing! Whatthe heck?! Why am I the one getting embarrassed?! " That is it! You really need help! Ugh—get off me! f*****g nuts!" I exclaimed, pushing and punching him off his chest—but just like that, he pulled me closer, entirely embracing me. I feel my body getting stiff with utter humiliation. When people just stepped a little closer to us, making us the center of attention—clapping and cheering—the f**k?! "What are you trying to do—" "Alice—I LOVE YOU!" He cut me off, embracing me more as I felt his breath touching my neck. Sending heat to my cheeks—this psycho! What is he trying to do now? "See? I'm even getting turned on. Do you feel me getting hard—" "SHUT THE HELL UP!" I shouted at the top of my lungs when it hit me that I was the one who said— "… I'll make sure to f**k you up." Ugh! I'm getting nuts! 3rd person's POV From across the road, in front of the condominium's tower building. There is someone watching, looking at Alice and Lennox. He clenches his fist, piercing his eyes to the sight. "What are you doing, Alice?" The man mutters. "I…warned you!" He added, gritting his teeth at the sight of Lennox embracing Alice. Meanwhile, in a fancy restaurant, there a man who dines who's surrounded by bodyguards in suits sitting not too far away from him. "S-sir? I'm sorry, but I think I'll have to back down on our agreement—"Someone across the table said, nervously stammering, not even trying to meet the man's eyes. Hearing this, the man stopped chewing his steak. Looking up at the person in front of him, he wiped off the sides of his mouth and took a sip of his wine. "What the hell? And here I thought that after helping you out, you'd do anything I ask… isn't that right?" He said, looking down at the person in front of him. "B-but…I can't do this anymore! S-someone caught me!" The person said, stammering, feeling trapped. I-if not only because of him! Things would go smoothly! The person thought, trembling in fear. "Who?" the man asked, threatening to sound a bit rougher than before. "Didn't I tell you to be careful?" He added, reprimanding the person in front of him. "Tsk…now, what about her? Has Alice found it all already?" He asked, impatiently looking across the table when the person sitting in front of him didn't respond. "Tsk. Now, something troublesome just popped up." He hissed, frustratingly lighting up his cigarette. Just wait a little more time, Alice… I'll make sure to hog everything. Alice's POV "Can you remind me again, what the heck am I doing here?" I asked, still dumbfounded, feeling too tired to argue, sitting inside Lennox's car. He turned his gaze on me, always smiling. But unlike before, the smile he's wearing now doesn't have any trace of pretense. "I guess I'm taking you away?" He said, grinning cunningly. How the heck did everything happen?! I thought, at the same time, thinking of what happened back inside the lobby. People kept on cheering and exclaiming cheesy things to us, assuming we were a couple. "Oh my goodness, I feel young just by watching you too." A middle-aged woman among the crowd, getting teary-eyed, joyously said as she clapped, looking at us. "Ugh, where's my boyfriend—kiss! Kiss!" Someone said, completely misunderstanding the situation— "Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" That led the whole crowd to assume we were a couple. "Show us a kiss!" Chorused, they started cheering. That made Lennox's grin grow wider. With his losing grip, I pushed him back but was immediately caught with his arm. Not wanting me to utter more words, he pulled me out of the lobby, leaving the people hanging. He chuckled and waved at the back, and now here I am, processing how I let him drive me inside his car that seemed to be waiting in front of the building from the beginning. I looked at him, whose hand's on the wheel, looking at me, flashing his triumphant grin. "So? Where are we off to?" Lennox asked, starting his car. For a moment, I looked at him irritably, not making it evident that I was sniffing the subtle smell of lavender scent. But then, not bothering to mind it, I rolled my eyes when he caught me gawking. "What the? Ugh, enough. I already told you to get lost—"I stopped when I couldn't open the door. I looked back at him, smirking. He chuckled. "Open the door," I said coldly, not even giving a hint of pleasure. "Why would I? Didn't I say that I'm taking you away?" Then, he tilted his head, looking at me with his smiling eyes. I sighed irritably, arching my brows in disbelief. "Unlock the door now. I'm a busy person, and I don't have any more time to spare. Also, I believe I'm done talking." I said, about what I just blurted out a while ago. Then, as if flustered, he covered his parted lips and crossed his arms, grabbing the bottom layer of his shirt, looking at me with an exciting expression— "Oh! Right! The f*****g! Are we doing it now? Here?" He said. "Was that the only thing that you heard from everything I just—ugh? Goodness! Seriously! You! Ugh, this is enough! I'm calling the police!" Frustrated, I took my phone out and was about to dial, but his chuckles made me pause. "The police?" He said, laughing and looking at me as if he heard me crack some joke. Th-this psycho! Can't he tell that I'm in a hurry?! Tsk, I have matter on hand to deal with. I can't waste any time! "What's so funny? Is getting arrested this exciting for you? If not, unlock this damned door." I said sarcastically, keeping in mind that I had to be the bigger person. He can't tell what's right or wrong—who would have shouted 'I love you' like a mad man to someone who just confronted and cussed him?! And laugh at someone seriously talking about the police?! Yeah, he's gone nuts—just by mere thinking of how he pulled off that feat in front of many people earlier still making me feel speechless— "Alice…if you like the police, then shouldn't you have already called them before?" Lennox said, looking at me slyly as if he saw right through me. "What are you saying?" I said, frowning at his confident smile that was making me feel cornered other than the fact that I am. "Oh, what I mean is…" He uttered, putting his hand behind the headrest of my seat, leaning his face on me until certain inches away from me. "If you wanted the police to interfere, then that should've been the first thing you did, right?" He continued, making it hard to control my unfazed demeanor. Stunned for a moment, I felt my eyes widen a bit because of his ever piercing eyes, telling me that I couldn't escape any moves from him. Just why? Why do I feel restrained? I thought, asking myself when I finally caught the words to express the feeling his eyes gave me all this time. "Why would I call them? Are you a stalker? If not, given a chance, you admitted you were a creep from the beginning. Are you a pervert?" I asked, thinking he knew I had gone into the monitoring room. If he knew, then could this be my chance to ask him about what he showed to Mae? No, that's risky. What if he just gave me twisted lies? Considering I didn't see what was on the paper—and this setup, I'm doomed if I miscalculated and took him lightly. What if he used violence and took me away? Tsk, those muscles, using those, could simply send me to Jupiter if he wishes to. I thought, thinking of the possible routes that could happen if I confronted him now. Then, he suddenly blinked and looked at me with perplexed in his eyes, and then he laughed. "What are you thinking? Well, I don't know the difference between them, but I'm neither of those." He said this, chuckling; with the distance between our faces, I certainly could smell the subtle peppermint scent from his breath. Although we're not as close as earlier, the air he exhales warmly touches my skin. Making me lean back to realize how absorbed I was to think of that in this scenario. I cleared my throat and glared at him. "Alright, stop beating around the bush and tell me what are you trying to say?" I asked. "Well, it just happens that I was with the security guards this morning when they received your—"When I at least confirmed that what happened was a coincidence, I cut him off and put my hands on the car's door handle. "Wow, what a perfect excuse. Anyways, open this door." I said drop-dead seriously, looking at him, making him look dumbstruck. Pulling back from his seat, he looked at me with shock and dismay on his face. Oh wow, would you look at that? Seeing more expression from him since he dropped that gentle-looking-harmless man act is still surprising me. "Aack! Hey! Aren't you too cold towards your boss,"As soon as I heard him say the word 'boss', I cut him off as it knocked off my nerves. "Are you deaf? I said I'm quitting! Weren't you listening—never mind! Hurry and open—"There I stopped, when in a few seconds I noticed the shift of his facial reaction. At a certain point, I caught a strange feeling. Seeing his eyes looking at me as if he flinched me with lips parted, I didn't notice that I gulped and flinched when he leaned back again. However, unlike earlier, I fazed. Eyes widen from his not so sudden but smooth approach, looking at his eyes intently as if it's hypnotizing me. "H-hey why are you looking at me like that? You're creeping out." I said the moment I caught myself staring at his deep black eyes, putting my hands in front to stop him from getting closer. What's with him?! Tsk. I feel like I've just got myself entangled with the hardest person to read. "Nothing, I just thought that you're deadly gorgeous just now." He said, smirking, but thinking he had been taking too much of my time since I bumped into him, I wasn't careless and grabbed his collar, pushing him back on the seat. That took him by surprise. "Stop, flattering me won't do you anything," I said, gritting my teeth, pissed off while taking advantage of him spacing out. I tried to reach the unlock button but was again halted by his grip. From our position, where it's easier for him to lean, he smiled and whispered— "But, helping you, will…right?" With that, I looked at him suspiciously. "Helping me? how?" I asked, arching my brow at his smiling, tidying face. Huh, helping? Did I hear it right? Right? Then what does he mean by it?
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