
Rabbit Hole (Romantic-Suspense)

kickass heroine

Alice Gomez unknowingly caught the eyes of the thirteenth-floor penthouse resident, Lennox Astor. A CEO and founder of one of the best and leading architectural firms in the country, with his geniuses and charisma, he manages to achieve many things for his young age, which inspires Alice much. Taking an interest in him, she accepted his offer to work under his firm.

But what will she do when she discovered that the kind, inspiring, calm, and genuine facade Lennox has been showing in front of her are not genuine at all? that everything he is in her eyes is far too different from what he truly is? What will she do if he’s not just some obsessed psychotic masochist but was also all along luring her into his world? Will she run away? Or, will she even thought of running? The minute Lennox, even though being a threat begins to become an important key to unlock doors of the unknowns, what will Alice do? Use him to her advantage? Or follow the “dove’s” warnings through poems and flee?

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Chapter 1: Into the hole
Chapter 1: Into the hole In the midst of the afternoon break, calm, and as the autumn breeze brushes roughly through my hair sending it everywhere my face, then out of the blue— "Hey…remember what the professor told us earlier? That there's one psychopath in an organization of at least thirty-five people?" my friend, Mae, randomly said, standing and hanging down her body on the railing as she stared down at people below the ground as the strong wind passed through us. Dancing at the innocence of the good old high school days at the roof top, I didn’t know that what my response then would bring me regret to this day. "Really?” I asked, remembering the discussion we had just had earlier. Not denying the fact that I was one of the many students that were not paying attention. Yet, what’s new to me is that Mae listened and took it deep in mind till here. I was just about to tease her because, just like her sudden question, the mere fact that she listened to the subject that she just usually sleeps on seemed all new to me. But, I stopped when I saw her face and eyes from her side, looking like in deep thought as she stared down at the ground. And so, I held back and take her seriously, like what is she thinking? I thought and grip harder on the railing, examining the mood around us. “Then…at least I would like to meet one…" I said mindlessly, not even whole fully meaning it. Then I leaned on the railings forward, imitating her, I looked down at what she’s looking at. There I saw different kind of groups of people below on the ground while they're busy doing whatever they're doing, at the given moment on their own paces. Yet somehow, as if being drowned in what she just said, I began to be convinced— I think it'd be cool to meet one. After all, as what I could remember to what I heard at that discussion. Psychopaths tend to be successful in everything they do—be it good or bad. And with these many people who could possibly be the psychopaths here? Hmm, wait, how do they even become one, anyway? I thought, counting each person present at the school’s quadrangle inwardly when Mae's shocked and baffled voice stopped me. "Huh?! You want to meet a psycho?! Are you nuts?” She exclaimed and looked at me with utter disbelief. Then I looked at her, raising my brow, giving her the eyes saying—are you serious? But not too long, she also got interrupted when we heard a loud bang that made our hearts jump. Hearing it, someone harshly opened the door. We both instantly looked back and gripped hard at the railings, pulling our bodies straight back from almost hanging down on the railings. We immediately distanced ourselves from it, but before we could escape— "Hey, you girls! Rooftop's out of—" "Sorry!" Mae and I shouted nervously, dashing out off the rooftop, not even letting the guard finish his nags. Going straight down the stairs to escape being caught and get punished for trespassing on the rooftop, despite it being under prohibition of access especially for us—students. We ran and ran as fast as we could, circling around the railings until Mae on my back trips down and stumbling me down in the process. Good thing we had already reached the ground floor by that time. We hurriedly looked up and once we got reassured that the guard hadn’t bothered about following us—we immediately burst into laughter. “I swear that will be the last time I will follow you—” I swore at her furiously right after realizing what trouble she had almost led us into. But before she could say anything, her frightened eyes widened as she pointed her hands to the top of us. The guard caught us?! What the—if we get caught we’ll for sure get punished—I can’t let my brothers know this! Instinctively, I did not look at what she was pointing at and grab her up immediately, but before I could drag her away, she— “Got you, Alice!” She said, laughing out loud enough for everyone passing by here on the ground floor to turn their heads to us. I turned and saw her nostrils showing as she laughed harder. Because of this, I get that being angry won’t work for her. I sighed and shook my head, laughing at how fast I immediately took my own words of not following her anymore. Laughing joyously and carefree from all the stares we’re gathering, I held her arm and made our way to the clinic as we talked about how dumbfounded that guard must have been—a pure bliss we can’t recall we had. Because before we know it, time passes by fast and, in the bliss of ignorance that everything will be just fine after graduating from college, I of all people ignored the signs, he—the psycho, is just around the corner. Time eventually came to an end and the next thing I knew—I was already regretting what I wished on a pure whim that day, for no matter how childish it was, it was now coming back at me, haunting me down…like this. Literally, haunting me down. . . I don’t know when everything did start to turn down, but all I know is that everything started when he suddenly came into the picture. The handsome psycho who turned my world upside down. . . Two years ago… Moving into a new place, I stepped into the empty elevator carrying the last box of my packages. I sighed and couldn’t wait more than a minute to get back to my unit. Exhausted and seeing no one was coming for a ride up, I pressed the closing button but when the door was just a few inches away closing, someone’s hand stopped it. Seeing someone coming in, I hurriedly pressed the open button. Although the doors would eventually open, I took the initiative to help the person open the doors open faster. I just can’t risk someone from the neighborhood getting me on their bad side—not that I came here to make friends anyway, but I’m the new one here, so I at least owe everyone a good impression— I froze, the very moment the doors revealed the face of the person who rushed through his hands on the door. D*mn right, I have to make a good impression. I thought to myself, the moment we made an eye contact and immediately stepped aside, giving him space to press what floor he was going on to. What the…he’s gorgeous. I thought, take a sideways look at the broad shoulders and figure that seemed to suck my full attention in, I couldn't help but admire and think of how attractive this person is. Suddenly I began to wonder, what if we got stuck in here like in those movies. Those movies are where they trap a pair in an elevator. I thought to myself as imagination plays through my mind. Would this guy date me afterwards just like in those movies?—But then, catching myself ridiculously daydreaming, I stopped and inwardly said—being single since birth isn't really paying me well. And just before I noticed, right after I laid my eyes on him, I'm already mesmerized by his strikingly hard yet soft features from his side profile when he stepped back to my side. For the first time in my life, I finally feel like I know how it feels to get star-struck. And if there is a situation where I could use the phrase 'no words could express how I'm feeling now' well then, I believe this is it. How should I even begin to describe him? Where should I begin? Ugh, my goodness, why does he smells so irritatingly good even though he's clearly sweating? I thought when I noticed how his scent easily invaded the room. This is not good, this is the first time I feel like being attracted to—ugh this is not good. He smells light but good. Is he even human? Is he sweating sweats or perfume? Ugh, d*mn. In this situation, if he ever caught me looking at him, for sure, he'd immediately misunderstood me as some weird pervert with lewd thoughts going in my mind. I thought hugging the box I am carrying. At first, moving in here was dreadful, but not until he got in the elevator and now we’re alone as I stand right beside him. I may appear like a creep here but I’m usually not like this—not to anyone. In fact, I have always been keeping keen eyes in everything. Be it for architectural details or any structural details. That’s why I can’t help but just watch him in awe—but this is the first I’m feeling like this to someone. Is he a model? He must be one of my neighbors since he looks like he just got back from a morning jog. Anyways, now that I know what kind of neighbor I’ll be having, I feel like more than grateful to my father for kicking me out of my apartment and previous company and for throwing me here. Well, not bad. Especially if it means I get to see this man every day, then—all is good. I thought, stepping back to look at him more efficiently as my eyes were glued on his back, watching how his defined muscles get more emphasis through his dry-fit shirt. Hmm, if I go out using this elevator around this time tomorrow, will I ever get to see him again? Hmm…I wonder which floor he's going onto—wait a minute. What am I thinking? And have I already pushed my floor's button?—realizing the thought completely slipped from my mind when the man I was just daydreaming about suddenly glanced over. Allowing me to see how great his hard features are, I stood there buffering with choices of question in mind. Should I look at him more? Should I press the button now? Should I ask him why is he looking at me? Nonetheless, his deep black eyes seem to freeze me on spot which made me in the end chose the first thing I thought. Looking at him with awe, I gawk at his muscular drawn-back shoulders, the strong jawline, the impressive cheekbones with shapely hollows beneath, the pair of gentle-looking—curious eyes looking at—me?! Eyes widen at how i***t I must have looked like. I gasped, waking up to reality. I pursed my lips together before asking— "Huh? Yes?" with the seemingly unavoidable flinch, the weird heat rushing through my face. Sums everything I’m feeling now. This is embarrassing! How could I space-out like an i***t?! What’s gotten into me? Ugh! "Oh, I'm just going to ask if what floor you'll be dropping onto." He asked, chuckling, smiling at me kindly with such a deep husky voice that I felt I could listen to it forever. Embarrassed, I quickly checked the elevator's screen where the floor’s numbers were appearing, then panic reached me, seeing that any minute from now, we'd soon reach the forty-ninth floor. I didn't waste any seconds or utter a word more and instead, I stretched my arm and pressed the elevator button in front of him when he stepped aside, giving space and way for me. Uncomfortable and embarrassed about how foolish I looked like, I simply looked down at the box I was carrying, waiting for the elevator to open, which frustratingly felt like an eternity. I couldn’t help but hope that he will just forget that this happened. Ugh, he must be thinking I’m a creep! Dang, how could I mess up? Ugh, Alice! Seriously, what's with you spacing out like that? I thought, almost wanting to bang my head hard on the wall. Standing quietly, I stood there, not even glancing over him, who was just beside me. Dang, never mind seeing him again. I'll just go mark the time and avoid this elevator to avoid bumping into him again. I thought as humiliation eats me up and at the same time feeling heartbroken for not being able to him again. He must have already thought of how weird I am—ugh, what an impression. Dang it, I'm not usually like this. Then, just when I'm about to get suffocated from the embarrassment despite the wide space we have in here, the elevator finally reaches the forty-ninth floor. Knowing I'd be able to get off some seconds from now by waiting for the doors to open, I thought— Finally! I could breathe— But, all of a sudden, my senses got all alarmed when the hairs on my nape rose. Feeling the strange sensation as if there was something—someone smelling me from behind, I stood frozen. Stunned, torn between feeling nervous and uncomfortable, I fight the urge to look back while processing what's going on. In the end, I didn't do anything and stayed still until the door dings open. Silently gasping from within, feeling the shivers still crawling up my spine… I stepped out slowly until my feet reached a considerable distance away from the closing doors. I stopped. Still feeling the weird sensation like it stayed with me, the uneasiness bothers me more when I couldn't shrug off the realization that the person’s scent got stronger when I started feeling it. Feeling a lump in my throat, I swallowed the hesitation and glanced back—there he is, smiling genuinely kind at me as the doors closed in. Despite not seeing him anymore as the elevator successfully ascends to the next floor, I found myself still processing the shock off of my senses. What was that? I thought, touching my nape. Thinking of the weird feeling I got.

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