Chapter 14: Deal

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Chapter 14: Deal Inside the car, just a block away from our destination, his happy hums invade the air inside. Contrasting to the gloomy morning, as the wind blows the dried leaves in the streets, I looked out at the nearby apartment building. Parking his car, he looked at me as he unlocked his seatbelt. "Here we are. Oh wait, let me open the door for you—" "No, thanks." I coldly refused, heading out of the car. "Then wait for me—"He tried to follow me out, but I immediately glared back at him. "No, stay." With that, he surrenders a sigh, pouting out his lips. He looks at me pleadingly. "But, Alice—" "What are you?! A seven-year-old?! Stop whining and wait for me there!" I said, gritting my teeth as I could feel my head throbbing due to lack of sleep while keeping up with the pressure Lennox was giving me. Thankfully, he didn't respond. Pouting, he looked at me, still pleading, but I didn't give in and slammed the door shut on his face. Marching away from him, I headed up towards Mae's apartment unit. Stepping up the stairs, Lennox's face flashed through my mind as if reminding me of the deal we had just made. A sharp pain struck my head. Holding to suppress the throbbing pain, I groaned. "Ugh, seriously—sure, confronting him makes things easier for me to react to his nonsense, but his reactions still get on my nerves," I said, groaning in pain, remembering the many expressions I've seen from him since this morning except for his usual smile that reeks of pretensions. Now that I think about it, that confrontation this morning helped both of us keep up with each other. Because of that, proposing that deal gets more comfortable for him. "Tsk, seeing how he proposed that deal—s**t. He must have expected my reaction coming." I cussed, realizing that I may have been playing all along, as I remember how the deal went earlier. It creeps me out how I am just realizing all of this now. From our position, where it's easier for him to lean closer, he smiled and whispered— "But, helping you, will…right?" With that, I looked at him suspiciously. Alarmed, I got myself back from my seat. "Helping me? How?" I asked, arching my brow at his smiling, tidying face. "In any way?" He said, playfully smiling mischievously. "Good, then let's start by you unlocking this door," I said, straight away rejecting him. "Except that, I'm taking you away now, aren't I?" He said, chuckling softly. "Ugh, you're making kidnapping sound fun and legal." Talking back, I said with sarcasm. Like it or not, I'm quitting anyway. I thought to myself, ready to fire words. But he just laughed at it. Then, I realized—oh, yeah, he's not someone who understands common sense. Why didn't I think of that after witnessing it many times? So, his true self is someone this annoying, huh? Annoyed, I frowned and formed my hands into a fist. Ready to charge, not until he stopped chuckling and uttering a word. "So, have you caught the thief?" He asked, about the request letter I submitted to the security office earlier this morning. Turning his kind gazes into razor-sharp ones, looking at me sharply as if he knew I was lying about the robbery, and the next thing I knew, I couldn't utter a word. Feeling my back hitting a wall, I gulped and looked at him. Confused, I tilted my head, wondering if he knew I was lying about the letter, if so. How? Why? "You know, lying about your reason just to personally check some CCTV footage is against the protocols. You might face some unpleasant consequences." He said, smirking and stabbing me with the truth. "What do you want?" I asked, thinking he wouldn't come after me this far just to tease me. "Isn't it obvious? You, I want you, Alice." He said, showing me his gentle smile with subtle piercing eyes. I scoffed and sighed, frustrated, glancing back with annoyance in my eyes. He smiles more. "Yeah, it's so obvious that it makes my skin crawl," I said, and with just what to expect with someone abnormal, he just sat there, smiling as if I said a compliment. "Alright, let me rephrase it. What do you want from me?" I asked, glaring at him. "Oh…are you opening a deal?" He said, anticipating my response cheerfully. "Deal? Well, if it means that you won't report me. Yes, I think I'm opening a deal here." I said, glancing over my phone's clock, keeping my mind on track. "Alright, alright! I won't—" "Then what do you want, Lennox? Time's running, and I'm supposed to meet someone now." I said, cutting him off when I noticed the time he was getting longer. Damn, I need to get out of here now— "Oh! Then should we first head to where you're going?" Lennox abruptly said, driving out his car from the building's drop off without any warning, which caught me off guard. "Huh? No. I'll go by myself! Stop—" "Buckle up, Alice!" Lennox, happily exclaiming, driving off the exit, not minding my refusal. "Lennox!" As he took a sharp turn, driving straight out of the condominium's parking area to the road. As I also ignored his warning to buckle up, I grabbed his shoulder beside me, calling his attention as he laughed like a mad man driving fast on the street. "Chill—" "What chill?! Do you call this chill?! I'm not going to make a deal if you act like that! Stop this instant!" I blurted out when I found him enjoying the fast ride he was doing. Smiling from ear to ear, he shifted his gaze at me from the road, and just right after that, he immediately turned the wheel to the side of the road. Stunned at how good he was at parking straight—perfectly fitting the slot where we are at now, I looked at him—mouth parted. "Oops, sorry. I thought that was exciting, my bad. But hey! You look hella hot—damn, your angry voice thrills the heck out of me! Can you do it again—oh, sorry I'm getting on your nerves, aren't I?" Lennox blurted out eagerly, totally unlike when he was before, who used to talk coolly. "Yes, no—you're already on my nerves. Anyways, in exchange for getting your mouth shut, what do you want?" I asked, at the same time looking for a chance to unlock the door. "Hmm," Lennox hums, thinking of what he wants. Finally getting the chance I wanted, I unhesitantly grabbed the lock of the door beside me, but I knew my attempt to escape failed when I heard him chuckling as I couldn't crack the lock. I sighed, frustratingly, and looked at him, chuckling as his other hands took control of his locks. "Our deal will instantly nullify if you escape before hearing what I want." He said, smirking, with his eyes smiling. Probably because of the failed attempt I made. Alright, since I don't want to raise this issue any further. Let's make a deal with this damn psycho. "Fine, spill it," I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest, giving up at the thought of escaping. "Date me." He said enthusiastically, leaning his face closer to mine. I, on the other hand, saw this coming and just stared at him blankly. "Alright," I said tonelessly. Surprised, he leaned back and looked at me with disbelief on his face. "W-what?! You're accepting it easier than I thought—" "Let's break," I said, not letting him blabber anymore. Flustered, he covers his mouth and laughs hilariously at me. "What? H-hey! That's not—" "What? At least we lasted a second." I uttered, arching a brow, getting exhausted and tired from arguing with him that felt endless. "Alice—" "Hey, Lennox. Why do you want to date me? I don't get it. If you're hitting on me, why do you need to go this far? Getting on my nerves, irritating the f**k out of me, and recruiting me won't get you under my pants." I asked, frustrated with his action that felt like a roller-coaster ride. "Pfft! Alice, getting in your pants isn't my sole purpose—"I glared back. Then I heard him innocently saying, as if there was nothing wrong with it. "So you're admitting you're a pervert?" I asked, raising my voice in annoyance. Then he chuckled again. "Ah—hey, no! Anyways, date me. If you go out with me, I promise my lips are sealed." He said, zipping his mouth with his hand. While, here I am speechless of his audacity, too tired to argue, staring at him with a disgusted expression on my face. Of all the weird people I've met—he's the weirdest. How can he do this? Wait—is he perhaps obsessed with me—My train of thoughts abruptly stopped when he smoothly leaned again, putting his hand on the seat's headrest, as the other one ventured past my legs. Stunned, I felt my world stop when, as soon as I thought, the subtle air he inhaled from my hair was tucked behind my ear. Then he whispered— "So? Where are we going now? Girlfriend?" He asked teasingly. Getting back from his seat, he smiled at me, and just then, I realized that he had just buckled the seatbelt for me. Embarrassed by spacing out, I turned my face from him as I felt my face about to blush; I bited my lower lip, cursing him in my mind.
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