Car Ride

1048 Words
The air in the car has suddenly got humid, we most of crossed the border into Georgia. We are getting closer. I can feel it. I wake up and open my eyes. Staring out the window, I can't see much because it's dark, but I know it's beautiful during the day, so green and surrendered by mountains, I can wait to get out in the mountains and explore them. Suddenly, I feel this sensation that I am safe and that this place feels like home. It has a calming effect on me. Well, this is new, isn't it, I think to myself I wonder if it? I wonder if it has the same effect on Athena. "This feels impossibly wonderful to me, Audrey. I feel like I am home. This is where we are meant to be. There is a pull that is drawing me towards our pack. I feel like I am growing stronger just by being here." Athena says, and it actually sounds like she is smiling. The thought of this makes me smile as well. Mum turns around to look at me and as she is smiling she says to me, "Can you feel that pull honey, like you are home?" The smile on my face widens. I think that answers her question. Dad is looking at me through the rear vision mirror, laughing at me. For a few minutes we all look happy, but for how long, I don't know? "Dad, how far away from the pack house, are we?" "Well, honey, it's on the outskirts of the city. So we are still awhile away, maybe about half an hour." he says, looking at the road ahead as he is talking to me. "So, does anyone know I am coming? Or is it a secret and who am I going to meet?" filled with curiosity the closer we get to the pack house. I'm nervous at the moment. What if the people I meet don't like me? What will happen if someone is helping Thomas and this other person. We need to find out names. I am going to have to do a lot of research try to get as much information as I can. This is going to be hard, but pretty sure I can do this, I kind of need to, because it's my life on the line. "Well sweetheart, I think you need to meet the Beta's and their wives and also the Omegas and their wives. We will start with them and then we will go from there, ok." he says. I think that actually sounds like the best idea. Maybe I can try to befriend the wives and see what I can find out about everything through them. I remember Dad saying; we have two betas and two omegas, so it will be eight people I can try to get as much information as I can. "Hey Mum, Dad, do I have to meet everyone first or am I allowed to shower and put something nicer on, before I meet everyone?" I ask. "Of course, honey. We won't be there till late. But if you like, you can meet everyone tomorrow." She asks me. Well, I need to think about this. What to do? "Athena, I don't want to disturb you while you are resting, but can you help me on this one, please. Should we wait till tomorrow or do it tonight?" Really do hate to disturb her when she is trying to rest to get stronger. All I can hear her yawning in my head. I let out a little giggle. Mum looks at me with a puzzled look on her face. "What is so funny, honey?" She asks me. "Not much. I was just asking Athena what she thinks we should do? And I disturbed her sleeping, and she started yawning. Just really found it funny, having someone else yawn in my head." "Audrey, do you know why Athena is resting? Wolves only usually do this when they are building up their energy before they shift for the first time." Mum adds on. "Athena want to help me out here, please?" Another yawn in my head. "Ok, tell your parents, I haven't said why I am resting. We can't afford anyone to know. We will shift early. Sorry. As for meeting everyone, we do that tonight." she orders. "She has said nothing to me about why she is resting. As for meeting everyone, we think it would be better to do that tonight. If that is ok?" Mum and Dad look at each other again like they are having a silent conversation in their heads. "They are Audrey, it's part of the mate bond. They can talk to each other in their heads like we can." Athena says. Ok wow that's really cool. "Also, when we join the pack, we will be part of the pack bond and we will be able to communicate with anyone in the pack." She states as well. Wow, again, this whole wolf thing can actually be pretty cool. "Actually, we think that is a good idea. The sooner you meet everyone, the better, well, at least the guys that have been running the pack. You can talk to them all and see what information you can get, ok. Don't give away our location, nobody knows that. If one of them is working with Thomas, we should be able to work out who." "Honey," Mum says, interrupting Dad, "This is going to get very dangerous. We are going to have to watch our every move, especially yours, ok. Are you going to be up to this?" she adds on. "Mum, I know I am new to all this, but I honestly think we can handle this. Athena is very strong and has not guided me wrong so far. I need to get this sorted out. I can't have my life on the line every minute of every day. And when this is over, we can come back and start living our lives here." Hopefully, that is the right thing to say. Mum is looking at me in awe again. She smiles and says, "Honey, you are right, I love you." "Love you to Mum." Then Dad says " We are here."
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