There He Is Again

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Mum and dad are just chatting with each other. As I am looking out the car window, I feel as though someone is watching me. Then there he is, Alexander just standing on the corner of the street staring at me as we are driving past. I get cold chills down my spine. “Audrey, my darling, I know you know what we are now. I will see you soon my sweetheart, and we will be together forever.” He says in that alluring voice again. I feel a pull towards him. It’s like I want to get out of the car and just go with him. Why do I get that feeling every time I see him? Is that part of his special ability, to pull people towards him. Once we work out who is and what he wants, maybe I will work that out. After we drive past him and he is out of view, I suddenly don’t feel the draw towards him anymore. Things just get weirder the more I am getting pulled into this world. Mum looks around at me. "Sweetheart, are you ok? You 're pretty silent and that's not like you?" She looks like she is pretty concerned. I'm not sure how much I should tell her, or how I would even explain everything to her. At the moment less it best, at least until we get to the pack house and they have worked out if there is someone else working with Thomas. Well, we could just talk about the whole Thomas thing. "Mum, so much has happened today. I'm trying to process everything. All this crap with Thomas, well I'm seriously worried about it. Why has he attacked me twice? Is he trying to just put on a front with you and dad? Why the hell does he think I want to take over the pack? I'm struggling with it all Mum, I really am." I finally let out a deep breath. I didn't realise I was holding so much tension with all this s**t. It's great that mum wants to talk. I always enjoy talking to her about my problems. She looks at me like she wants to tell me all the answers, but she looks at dad. His hands look white, like he is gripping the steering wheel with all his might. He just grunts something under his breath. Man, they can be weird sometimes. It is like they are having a silent conversion that they can understand, but no one else can. "Honey, we are not sure how much to tell you yet. Thomas, being the oldest, takes over the pack, but for the last few months, he has not been acting like himself. We have left it alone, to see what he is up to." She sighs "Honey, we're positive he is working with whoever, is trying to take you. We think it’s so he will hand you over and in return, he gets to control the pack without them declaring war on us again." I let out a low growl. "If he thinks for a second, he can just hand me over to be someone's slave to make pups, and become a slave. He has another thing coming." All I can feel at the moment is anger. Why would Thomas betray me like this? I have a lot of thinking to do. How am I going to handle all this when I just entered this world? Hopefully, I can find some answers when we get to the pack house. Mum is still looking at me, waiting for me to say something else. "Look mum, I'm not really sure how to deal with all this. I have suspected Thomas, ever since he hit me. He has done nothing like this before. We have always been so close." I'm not sure if I should say the next part, but I do anyway. "Mum, Athena seems to think that it is his wolf controlling him, and somehow someone else is controlling his actions, too. He thinks I am faking all this, so that I can be the one to take over the pack. Athena thinks we have over one person betraying us." Dad looks at me, surprised. "Audrey, you and your wolf are very intuitive. Everything you have just told us, it has taken us months to figure out and you both figure it out in a day. The both of you are special and will make a great alpha one day." with nothing but pride in his voice. "Dad, what do you mean, by me being an alpha?" "You will be the next alpha of the pack. There is no way, that Thomas will ever have control of our pack, after what he is trying to do." He just simply adds. "This is something we will talk about when we get to the pack house. I suggest you get some rest, cause it's a long drive and I'm not sure how much rest you will get when we get there." My head feels like I couldn't handle more information at the moment. Athena is still not talking. I can't feel her either. It doesn't have me that worried; I figure she will talk to me if I need her. I really don't know why dad thinks I will be the next pack leader, as if I could ever handle that s**t. There is a feeling at the back of my head. If I ever take the pack over, Thomas would just straight out kill me. Plus, he has shifted, and I do not know if I will ever shift. What happens if there is something wrong with me because I meant to be special. "Audrey, would you stop worrying, please? It is making me unsettled and I am trying to rest. You will shift, I promise. We will shift on your birthday. But you have to promise me, that you will tell no one this, not even your parents." she says sleepily in my head. Why is this happening to me, I don't want to shift early? No one has ever shifted that early, they have told me. I want to tell mum, but i guess I can't. Athena, I trust. She seems to know what is going on and how to handle all this better. I wish I was more like her. "But you are as strong as me Audrey, you just don't know it yet ok." she adds on "Now go to sleep, because we will need our energy ok, big things are coming." Athena says. I put my head back and close my eyes.
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