Pack Grounds

887 Words
I sit up straight and just stare out the window. I want to take in as much as I can. We have stopped at a grand entrance that has huge steel gates. There are two people standing at the gates. They look like guards, but I can’t be sure. “Mum, are the guards allowed to see me?” “Honey, it’s ok, they can see that someone is with us, they just can’t know who you are yet.” After she says this, I relax a bit more. I feel on edge, though. So I just look straight ahead. Trying not to look at the guards when dad pulls up next to their post. “Alpha, Luna, I hope your ride was a good one. Glad you are back. The pack already feels better with you here.” The man says. “Thank you kindly, Jason. We are glad we are back for the time being. We always feel restless being away from the pack.” Says dad in a very calming voice. I have never heard him speak that relaxed before. This is going to be a massive learning curb for me. I really have a lot to learn. Mum looks at the man called Jason and gives him a smile and nods her head towards the other person. As quickly as I can, I try to sneak a look at the second guard, and they look like a female. She can somehow see me, and she just smiles and nods. I give her a smile and a nod back. Wow, this is going to be more difficult than I think. Two people down and about a thousand more to go. The gates open up to a massive-looking oval that is all lit up with street lights, wow there was so much space. As we go through the gates, I see an immense brick building in front of us. It reminds me of a hospital. I guess it is the pack house. I am wondering if that is where we are going? As if Mum read my mind, she looks around at me and says, “Audrey, that is the pack house. It’s the common building. School dorms for the young wolves that don’t live their parents, single wolves. The kitchen and mess hall are there, the hospital wing is there as well. The gym and training rooms for fighting are in another building. Then we have pack houses too, families live there, married couples, then the Betas, Omegas have their houses, separate of course. Then there is our house. We have the biggest house on the end of the grounds.” Ok, this place is going to be huge, I think to myself. We follow the driveway that leads past the pack house, then by all the family houses, I am guessing. We then come to the end of the driveway to the grandest house I have ever seen. It is a two-storey brick house, that looks like it is a castle. I just look at it in awe. “Is that our house?” was all I said. “Yeah honey, this is our family home.” Dad says, a bit more relaxed again. He seems to look like he is at home, his features on his face seem relaxed and cheerful. Honestly, I have never seen him like this before. Dad parks the car in the shed. There are a few cars under covers. I think I’m going to have to come back and look at these. I make a mental note to come back tomorrow. After we got out of the car, Dad grabs the bags out. Mum opens the door and we step inside the biggest open concept living area I have ever seen. I just stand there taking it all in. There are tiles throughout, a massive dining room table and chairs, the sitting area has a comfy-looking couch and what looked like a fifty inch TV. The kitchen well what can I say. It was huge, dark blue cabinets with white marble benches, an island with seating around it, a six burner oven. I think I will spend a lot of time here. Dad stands beside me “What do you think?” he asks. “This is grandest house I have ever been in, I love it really.” I say back. “Honey, come with me and I will take you to your room.” Mum says behind me. I turn around and hug dad and give him a little kiss on the cheek. He gives me a squeeze back. Mum walks towards the hallway. There is a staircase now. We go upstairs. There are four wings. Mum points out hers and dad’s room. We come to a door; I open it up and I swear to God this room is as big as our house back home. “I will let you get settled, hey? There is a bathroom off the side for you as swell.” Mum says as she closes the door. I put my suitcase down on the bed, then sit down and look around. There is actually a bloody lounge room in here. There is also what looks like a walk in robe and the other door must be the bathroom.
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