
Bitten By An Alpha

second chance

My name is Audrey, I was living a normal teenager life until 1.5 years ago when we moved to a new town. Since moving here I have a strange feeling that something is going to happen to me and change my life forever.

My parents have been very secretive since I have been here and my brother goes to college out of town. That I am not allowed to ask any questions about.

My life changes when 2 strange guys start at my school. And that strange feeling that I kept getting starts to happen. I find out that my families are werewolves and alphas with special abilities at that. We have been hunted and my family moved to hide us.

Will I take the dark path? or become the alpha I am destined to be?

Will I be hunted and what will happen to me on my 17th birthday?

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Here we go again, I think as I roll over to turn my alarm off. Six more months left of high school and then I can finally be out of this town. I really don’t understand why our parents made us move here. Mum and Dad have been super secretive since we moved here over a year ago now. Since being here, I can not shake the feeling that my life is about to change and I don’t know if it is for the better or not. I grab the clothes out of my cupboard that I’m going to wear to school today. I pick out my favourite dark purple deep v neck singlet, that shows off enough cleavage to show I had nice breasts, and went with my short denim skirt and my converse shoes. They really are my favourite shoes. I opened my bedroom door to go to the bathroom across the hall, but of course my brother had gotten there first. Thomas was two years older than me. He had just had his nineteenth birthday and was now going to some private college, just out of town, that no one really knew anything about and I wasn’t allowed to know anything or ask about it. Weird, right? “Thomas, hurry up would you? You better not use all the hot water again. If you do, there will be hell to pay.” I scream so he can hear me over the noise of the shower. Suddenly the door opens and there is Thomas, my only brother six feet five, blue eyes, brown hair and boy was he fit and muscular. He always has girls swooning around him, trying to get his attention, which makes all the girls target me. They think that if they get on my good side, I will put in a kind word for them. “Oh, Audrey, loosen up would you. Showers all yours now.” He says, running his hand through his hair as he always seems to do when he is in a good mood. I jump in the shower and this relaxes me; the water running down my back makes all the tension I have fade away. I get dressed and decide to leave my blonde hair down today. I put on a little make-up and some lip gloss. Give myself a once over and decide I actually look good today. I don’t need to wear much make-up at all, my skin is nearly perfect thanks to my mum. My looks come from dad, but my height from my mum. I’m five foot nine, very slender, but with curves and nice breasts. My eyes are hazel and blonde hair. Everyone tells me I am super pretty, but I don’t see it. “Sis, come on, are you really going to wear that bloody short skirt? All the guys will get the wrong idea.” “Shut up, Thomas. I will wear what I want to, and as for a bunch of seventeen-year-old boy’s trust me, none of them will even look twice at me.” I say just matter-of-factly. Thomas looks at me with a worried look on his face, this face he is always giving to me. I look into his eyes and they look sad to me. “Audrey, I was a seventeen-year-old boy once and I remember what I was like.” He says and then winks at me. I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I just shake my head and start laughing at the thought of my big bro being a little horny teenager. “See told you to loosen up a bit, want a lift to school or you guna walk?” I really could do with the lift today, I think to myself. Being with my brother makes the feeling that I keep getting that something is coming at bay. He radiates power and people seem to be drawn to him because of it.Whereas I, on the other hand, I am not an outcast, but no one has really taken the time to get to know me. I am just invisible except to my two best friends at school. “Yeah sure as long as we are going in the mustang.” I say. His sixty-six Shelby Mustang is his pride and joy and I would never as no to a lift in it. I’m hoping for my seventeenth birthday soon my parents get me a mustang too. His smile in return is all I need to know. We are taking his mustang. I grab an apple on the way to the garage. Of course, on the table is the usual note from my parents.                                                            Audrey                  We will be out late for work again. Money on the counter for your lunch and         order some pizza for dinner for you and your brother. See you tonight                                                                      love mum and Dad xx.   I let out a heavy sigh. Of course they are out late again. Ever since we moved to this stupid town, my parents have acted so weird and secretive and are never home anymore. It makes me feel sad. Thomas pats me on the shoulder and says, “Come on, we will be late.” We pull up outside the school and he looks at me seriously suddenly and says “You really hate it here, don’t you?” I honestly didn’t know what to say. I couldn’t tell him about this feeling I get since we moved here. “I’m not loveable like you, Thomas. Everyone seems to be drawn to you. s**t is easy for you.” He looks at me and says, “Audrey, things will change soon. I promise to just hang in there. I can’t say anymore. But do me a favour and be careful today please.” “um ok.” I say as I go to open the door. “Serious Audrey please.” His eyes were pleading with me. As we pulled up, there at the entrance of the school was the first time I saw the strange guys. From afar, they looked like they were having a heated conversation from their stance. Thomas started glaring at them and I swear to god I heard a low growl come out of his mouth. It made me flinch away from him. I tried to look around and see what his problem was, and the guys at the entrance of the school were staring at him. Have you ever heard the expression if looks could kill. Thomas wouldn’t stop looking. It seemed like his body was radiating rolls of power, and all I could do was just stare at him and whimper. One guy looked towards us when the little whimper escaped my lips. His eyes were boring into me. I swear the look on his face was apologetic. All I could think of was how gorgeous this guy looked. It was as if the world was slowing down and I just wanted to go to him. I grabbed the door handle without knowing what I was doing. This seemed to snap Thomas out of the trance he was in. He revved the car, locked the doors, and took off so fast he was going sideways out of the car park. “THOMAS WHAT THE FUCK.” I screamed at him with as much power behind it. He flinched slightly, or maybe I imagined that. He turned around and looked at me with deadly black eyes and said. “Shut up Audrey, YOU are not going to school today. GOT IT.” I didn’t know what to do or say to this, so I just stayed in the car with him. It was only a five-minute drive to home from school. It was the longest five minutes of my life and with every second going by; I was getting more and more pissed off. How dare Thomas act like such a douche and let alone talk to me like that? He has never talked to me like that before and it hurts. We pulled up at home into the garage and I got out of the car and slammed the stupid car door as hard as I could. I open the door to the house, went straight to my room, and slammed the damn door.

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