Who Can We Trust?

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“Dad, come on, just get on the rest of the story, please.” I plead with a bit of anger to my voice again. “Ok, so because our pack from different from all the other packs, and being one of the largest packs as well, this painted a massive target on our back.” Dad sighs again. This must be rough on them. Dad seems tired and sad about this whole thing, and Mum not saying much at all. This is not like her at all. “Honey because we were the most powerful pack and one of the most powerful still, a lot of other Alphas and Rogues have wanted our power and pack.” Mum says, editing from what she was really going to say. “Mum, what you did you just leave out then? And what are rogues?” I question her. “Honey, you don’t fully understand our world yet and sometimes we have to do things, and you might not like what we have done. If we didn’t do the things we have done, we would all be dead right now.” Mum sighs. “And as for Rogues, they are wolves that do not belong to a pack, or they have gotten kicked out of their pack and no one else has taken them in. Or they are just drifters.” She finishes. All I can think about is what she meant by I might not like what they have done, but it would mean we would be dead. Have they killed people? Deep down, I think the answer is yes. But I know Mum and Dad and they wouldn’t have done something unless it was life or death. “We have had many packs declare war on us and we have lost a lot of dominant wolves. A lot of innocent females have gotten hurt in these wars, so we have had to be ruthless with our enemies,” says Dad. “There has been one pack that has declared war on us so many times that I have lost count. The Alpha and Luna had a son, around the same time we had Thomas. They tried to threaten and kidnap Thomas frequently.” He continues. “After we had you, Addie, we kept it a secret from everyone. Only the most trusted pack members know you exist. Because they threaten us, that if we ever had a baby girl, that they would take you away from us and force you to be their son’s mate and have pups to him. So that they would have the most powerful blood line.” The look on my face must have said it all, because Mum and Dad both said at the same time “But we would never ever let anything like that happen to you, Addie. Ok!” I just shrug. What the f**k is this world like that I am just finding out about? I mean, come on, there are some sick people out there, but hey this is a whole new level of f****d up. I think to myself. “So because of this, we didn’t want to take any risks with you and your brother, so we packed up and we have been in hiding for years. Trying to keep you guys safe, and making sure that no one would find out about you,” Mum says. “We were always going to tell you what you are and who you are. But we were going to wait until you turned seventeen. Which is what we did with your brother. But somehow, they have found out about you. That’s why we moved here because your brother is going to Alpha school to learn how to take over the pack, and the reason we have been so secretive, and why we aren’t here most of the time.” Dad says with some much concern in his voice. Ok, so as weird and full on, as all this is, it all makes sense to me now, well, most of it for the part. “Ok, so let me get this right. I’m some super powerful wolf, with which our enemies want to kidnap me so I can mate with their son and have his pups.” I speak, kind of thinking out loud. It seems more real to me if I say it out loud myself. “Yeah, that’s basically the general rundown of it, honey.” Mum says. “Ok, but how did they find out that I exist, if you were trying to keep me a secret?” I question them. “Honey, that’s what we have been trying to find out. That’s why we are gone all the time. All we know so far is that someone in the pack has betrayed us. And we haven’t figured out who yet?” Dad says really hurt. “Audrey, I think I know who has betrayed us, but I can not say just yet. But you should tell your parents that you hear me, ok.” says the voice in my head again. “But who am I meant to say you are? When I don’t even know who you are?” I think. “Addie, my name is Athena, and I am your wolf. That is why I can talk to you now with no one else hearing. But you should know that it is a very rare and unheard-of thing that you can hear me before you turn nineteen, and your first shift. But we are very special. How special we don’t know yet?” Athena tells me. “Honey, are you ok?” Mum asks me, bringing me back to the here and now. “Yeah, Mum I’m ok, I guess? It’s a lot to deal with, but I need to tell you guys something.” I say nervously to what I am going to say next. “Mum, Dad, I can hear my wolf. Her name is Athena, and she was just talking to me, telling me I needed to tell you I can hear her.” “You can what?” Dad says, shocked. I turn to look at Mum, and she is white as a ghost. “A U D R E Y” Mum says my name so slowly  “What do you mean, you can hear your wolf? Honey, that isn’t possible. No one can hear their wolf before they are nineteen, like ever.” she adds. “Mum, listen to me. I can hear her. We have been speaking all day. It started when I was.”  “Audrey, shut up, don’t tell them about him yet.” Athena yells in my head “Um, why the hell not? What if it’s the guy that is after us?” I ask her. “Audrey, we can’t trust someone in this room. I wasn’t going to tell you, but you are leaving me with no other option. It’s your brother.” she states. “No, are you serious? It can’t be? He would never?” I stutter. “Addie, it’s his wolf that is controlling him and getting him to do all this. He wants the power, and he knows we are more powerful. He wants to be Alpha and he will do anything to keep that title. Him and Alex are working together.” Athena says. It gets me thinking as well and I think she is right, well; I know she is right. It all adds up. “Addie, hello, what were you saying? Are you talking to Anthea now?” questions mum. “Sorry Mum, yes. I was just talking to her. All I was going to say was that she somehow gave me more power to make you guys submit earlier. She knew there was going to be trouble and someone was going to get hurt, so she told me to stop it and told me how to.” I say, hoping that throws her off, from what I was really going to say. “Addie, it isn’t normal to hear your wolf talking to you now. I have never heard of this happening before. Your Dad and I are going to have to go to the pack doctor and ask some questions. Do you think you will be ok staying here with your brother for a few days? Or do you want to come with us?” Mum says. I really don’t know what to do about this. I don’t trust Thomas fully, but to meet the pack, I don’t know if I can do that? And what about Alex? “Athena, what do we do?” I ask her.
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