chapter 13

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Jenna. I woke up to Shane kissing along my neck as his hand rubbed my bare thigh. groaning as a moved trying to sleep longer he chuckled kissing my lips " I know you want more sleep but I was sure you wanted up before Jackson" at that my eyes flew open and I tried to sit up but his arm was holding me down. " not so fast darling. it's pretty early a think you have time" my body relaxed against his again as he kissed my lips and his hand slid up further squeeze my bottom. his tongue slide into my mouth and he pull my leg over his his hand going to my breast " what are you doing?" he pulled back his hand still messing with my breast, now he was playing with my hard n*****s making it hard for me to think as he smirked down at me " just making sure you have a good morning " my brows scrunched together but he just kissed me then down my neck making me moan out. he moved taking his hand and spreading my legs even though I tried to close them back, I was wet from being so close to him and him kissing on me but I didn't want him to know, I was embarrassed. but he smacked my bare bottom making me jump then he pushed my legs apart as he licked his way up my neck " Shane" I moaned out " shh let me enjoy you" was his only reply and he continued his mission. his hand finding my core abd he moaned as he ran his fingers along me " so damn wet" I turned my head, I had no where to hide I felt him spread me moving around the juices only making things worse as he kissed my collar bone " mhmm I'm gonna enjoy this" and with the he slid a finger inside me making me gasp, then another I could feel him watching me but I didn't dare look at him. I wasn't used to this. I wasn't used to feelings so needy. he moaned as I did his fingers working slowly in and out of me " damnit darlin you feel amazing" my eyes went to him as I bit my lip holding a moan back. as I did he thrust his fingers harder, his eyes look I back into mine. with his fingers working in and out my hips began to rock as I was chasing a high. " that's it I want you to c*m all over my hand" his deep voice said and figured he was done. he needed me to be finished so I squeezed my eyes shut and pushed my head back letting out a moan. his hand stopped. I figured he'd bought my little show but he didn't remove his fingers from inside me " Jenna." his voice was stern, deep and I was nervous now. " Jenna look at me" I sighed, my body still needed a release and I just really wanted to get up now. I slowly opened my eyes and he was looking down at me " did you seriously just try to fake an orgasm with me?" I bit my lip shrugging " I um. I mean you sounded like you were tired of doing well this. and I um how do you even know I may have actually." he shock his head his fingers thrust hard inside of me making me moan out and my body jump he found my sweet spot once again and rubbed it with the two fingers making my breathing pick up " one. I'm enjoying this just as much as you so no if you fake it I won't like it." he thrust hard " two. I can feel you quivering with need darlin I know you aren't done" he thrust hard once again " three. don't ever think I'm tired of please, or playing with the delicious p***y" he pulled his fingers from me and I watched with wide eyes as he brought them to his lips sucking them, his own eyes closing. " I'm sorry" I whispered out. thinking I'd failed, I'd upset him and now I definitely wasn't gonna finish and he was gonna be upset also. his eyes snapped to me and he took my chin making my eyes meet him " never apologize to me for things like this, please. and please never fake it" I only nodded as I faught the tears. I don't know what to say or do now. but he kissed me sliding his tongue in and letting me taste me mixed with his taste and I groaned at that. " now are you ready for me to make you c*m?" I bit my lip blushing " I don't know if we will have time for all of this" be looked at me his brows scrunched " let me make you c*m Jenna" his voice was horse and I nodded my breathing fast again. why was this man so concerned with me Cumming? his hand slid back down my body and he found my core once again, putting pressure on my clit rubbing it roughly making my head fall back. I was trying not to be loud. then his fingers went inside me finding my spot once again and he groaned " mhmm see that's your spot woman " I moaned looking at him how did he know? he smirked at me as he thrust over and over hitting it " that p***y is squeezing me now." his fingers not stopping and I was right on the edge. his lips took mine as he swallow my moans as I fell over. he slowed a bit as my legs shook and squeezed shut. damn that felt amazing. he kissed me slowly, like he was talk me in before he pulled back and pulled his wet fingers up into our faces " now that was a real orgasm " I blushed biting my lip " wanna taste?" I gasp. was he serious? I mean a part of me finds this hot. a part of me wonders if I say yes he's gonna think I'm nasty. he brought his fingers to my lips rubbing my lips before I finally opened them and he push them inside, my lips closings around them as he pumped slowly. he moaned kissing my neck " you taste damn good don't ya?" I blushed turning my head as he pulled his fingers from my mouth. I could feel his hard men polo me but I was worried we may not have enough time beforehand everyone woke up. he kissed my cheek then hopped up. I laid there trying to figure out what to do. he came back with a warm rag and crawled back in letting it run over my core as he kissed my lips " good morning beautiful " " morning " I croaked out he threw the rag some where then gathered me up in his arms just holdings me " uh now what? I mean I know you haven't finished" he looked down at me shaking his head " now you go get yourself ready for the day, I'll do the same grab us some coffee and maybe if we're lucky we can have a moment on the porch together. if not then I will help you sort out breakfast for the two hungry bears" I giggled at him calling the boys bears, they did sound like it from the snoring. " but what about you? won't you be pissed all day? I mean I don't want that and I do appreciate what you did for me and I just don't know.." he cut me off by kissing me " I wanted to play with that p***y this morning, I'm aware we're on a time frame. I'll be fine" I looked at him confused. this definitely isn't the way things went before. I nodded and we shared another kiss before I got out of his bed sneakily back into my room. I did my morning business before getting in the shower and washing my body, a smile coming to my face at my soreness and the memories as to why I was sore. I finally pulled myself from the warm water and got myself dressed in a swim suit and a cover up throwing my hair back up. once I was done I headed down stairs and found the back door open and saw Shane standing looking out at the water. I went out blushing I'm sure, I didn't know what to say to him. but he turned when he felt me near and smiled at me as I took him in. he had on a cut off and his trunks with his hat backwards he looked yummy. " you look absolutely gorgeous" he voiced as he handed me a cup of coffee and I took it blushing from the comment and stood beside him. he bumped my shoulder and I looked up as he smiled down at me " they are moving a bit so shouldn't be to long and they'll be running around." I nodded " yeah I looked at them. they are so cute. but once they wake they'll be ready to hit the water" he chuckled nodded as he sipped his coffee. I had so many questions but didn't know if he wanted to hear them or where to even start. " talk to me love. ask me. tell me. this isn't Just about me I want your thoughts as well" he said as if reading my mine and I sipped my own coffee sighing. " okay it's alot" he chuckled and moved some of my hair from my face as he turned his body towards me. letting me know he was listening " okay um what now? and I mean why do you feel like you have to clean me up afterwards. and I mean like is this something that will happen everytime? and did you um i mean did you enjoy it as well? and this morning what was that? I'm supposed to make your you have your needs met." I buttered it all out ducking my head I couldn't hold eye contact with him. he gently took my chin and lifted it " okay first. amazing is the only word that I can use to describe what I thought of that. as for what now, nothing changes Jenna. this is it. you and me dating. no more running though, if you get tired of me that's one thing but stop letting him get so far into your head that you question us. talk it out with me. that's all I ask. as for taking care of you that's my job, it's something I want to do for you. you deserve to be taken care of darlin" I nodded biting my lip as he leaned closer to my ear I could feel his breath fanning it " as for this morning I told you there will be times when I want to play with that p***y of yours, when I just feel the need to make you scream my name. I don't always have to get something in return, I'm not keeping score here" he kissed right below my ear " and trust me this is just the beginning. I've had a taste and I'm definitely gonna be playing with that p***y often" I gasp at his words blushing as he placed one more kiss along my neck. he left me speechless as always as he pulls back and sips his coffee like he hadn't just turned me on once again. he winked at me over his cup " and that I will do often as well because trust me just being around you teases me" I pushed his chest playfully as he chuckles " mama" I hear from behind us and we turned and see Jackson and Jacob standing rubbing the sleep from their eyes " good morning you too. " they both groan " hungry?" I ask and that makes them both perk up I giggled " alright I'm coming to make breakfast " with that they ran back into the house. I turned to Shane " you know that'll happen alot." he nods smiling " and I told you he comes first" I nodded shaking my head. I feel like this is all to good to be true. as I grabbed my cup to walk away he smacked my bottom making me yelp as I turned glaring at him. he winked once more as I walked off smiling like an i***t. I made a bunch of pancakes and sausage and everyone dug in. then my uncle and Shane offered to bring the boys down to the water since they were bouncing to go. my aunt and I cleaning up a bit before we headed out " so?" she bumped my hip with hers and I giggled " sooo" she laughed " you look happy Jenna" I sighed setting the last dish to dry " I feel like I am. but I feel so weird" she smiled at me as she nodded " that's understandable. I'd be being understanding?" I smiled looking out the window " way to understanding and that also makes me second guess" she side hugged me " how about you just try to enjoy him" I smiled nodding " Im trying auntie" she kissed my cheek lovingly before we gathered our things to head to the water as well. they had our chairs and a canopy set up while they threw football with the we took a sit relaxing for a moment. could life really be this simple? could be really deal with my ex husband so calmly. could be actually be okay with coming in second to Jackson. I pulled my cover up off and my aunt and I sat enjoying the sun for a bit before Matthew popped back up " hope I didn't miss anything" code in Matthew for ' I see your sitting here while your kid is over there' he just won't say that in front of my aunt. I looked over thankful I had my shades on because it hid the surprise. " hey Jenna! it's so nice to see you again" Emily. we'd all gone to high school with her and we'll she hated me even back then. " hey y'all. no you didn't miss anything they've just been hanging out" Matthew only nodded and Emily smiled her biggest fake smile and introduced herself to my aunt, I'm sure my aunt probably remembers Macy and I bitching about a Emily on highschool. she used to hear all our girl drama. " I'm just stay down the beach with a few friends and had no idea y'all where here too until I talked with Matthew" she says as she giggles at him. he only nods again " well I'm glad y'all were able to catch up" I say not really sure what I'm supposed to say. she's in a very skimpy bikini and I'm positive if she moves to quick I'll see her n*****s. just as skinny as she was in highschool but looks like she's had work done up top. " I'm gonna go change and I'll be back." Matthews announces and she smiles batting her lashes " don't take to long" he laughs as he walks away. he loves when girls small over him. " I was so sad to hear y'all had divorced. and you've gone through so much I just hate it" I rolled my eyes since she couldn't see them, pretty sure she was sleeping with Matthew even in highschool so I'm sure she wasnt very upset to hear we divorced. " you know things happen. but we're making it work" she giggles. and I don't know what else to say. " which one is yours?" I point to Jackson in his bright red swim trunks " the one in red" " aw he's just the cutest little boy!" I nod agreeing. her and my aunt make small talk over her working on her dad's company and I sit and act like I'm interested as well. soon Shane comes and plops beside me in the chair " man I knew I wasn't a young buck anymore but those two definitely give me a run for my money" I look at him holdings back a laugh and he chuckles " Jim and I just got our ass handed to us in touch football" this time I do laugh and he does as well " thought you still had it?" his head snaps to me and he bigs his lip " oh I do don't worry." I blush Shaking my head, positive he isn't talking about football anymore. " Shane your still here" Matthew says as he walks back up taking a chair. " Matthew you came back" Matthew shrugs " my business here was being taken care of so I had a few things to do. have you met Emily?" at that Emily comes to his side poke her fake breast towards Shane and batting her lashes " hey I'm Emily I went to highschool with them." I roll my eyes and turn my attention else where really don't want to watch Shane drool over her perfect little body. " Shane. friend of well the family and Jenna" Emily giggles " I know who you are I've watched a few of your rides" I roll my eyes again getting up " I'm gonna go to the water" I whisper to my aunt and she nods glancing over at Matthew, Emily and Shane behind me but doesn't say anything. I make it to the water and let it cool me off. wish I now I was inside with my cover up on but at least the water can hide some of me. I sit and watch the boys jumping around in the water, my uncle not far from them. I hear Emily's giggles from head and groan. I really hope she isn't sticking around long because I don't know how much of her drool over Shane I can handle. or him drooling over her. I shake my head to stop myself from getting to upset. Shane. I'd been enjoying myself, Jackson and Jacob are so full of energy it's insane. but letting Jenna get some much needed relaxing in was worth it. when we'd walked down here Jim mentioned it was something's he would do often since she needed it but refuses to actually ask for help, and the boy is like his grandsons so he doesn't mind the time. when I saw Matthew had popped back up I finished out the game before heading over to her to make sure she didn't get to far into her head, I honestly hadn't even seen the chick until she started giggling like a hyena. once we were introduced Matthew was sitting back drinking and she was poking her chest out towards me. asking about my riding, Matthew of course said I'd gotten hurt my last ride and she was overly dramatic but I let her know I was fine. I tried waiting until she was done talking to me but it didn't seem that was gonna happened nor was Matthew gonna step in and change the subject. " so like how often are you there because I don't go to every rodeo but I'd really like.." I stood up making her stop " you know we will have to finish this later I just remember something's and if I don't tell Jenna now ill complete forget " she giggled once again and I faught back an eye roll as I head towards Jenna who had left me with the wolves, oh I'd get her back for that. she was sitting letting the water wash over her when I sat down beside her bumping her shoulder, she looked at me and scoffed " oh had enounce of drooling over her big chest and skinny body?" I c****d my head sideways " I'm sure he'd and Matthews aren't serious or maybe she has a friend down the beach" I faught back a smile as I got up and she way he'd my every move. I scooped her up making her yelp as she tried to get down " what are you doing Shane?" I chuckled walking out deeper and tossing her in the big wave when she came up she held her sunglasses pointing at me " what was that?" I shrugged walking towards her taking her shades and putting them on my head " that's for leaving me with the wolves" she rolled her eyes and tried to move around me but I grabbed her throwing her once again as she protested, I could hear him and the boys cheering me on as she came back out of the water this time she charged at me trying to tackle me into the water and I dropped letting it take us both. when we came back up she was right in front of me cleaning her face off as I shook the water from my hair, the water and waves going over us " and that is for assuming I like fake chicks" she splashed water at me " I'm not stupid Shane I have eyes. I'm aware she looks hot" I grabbed her around her waist as her legs went around me I squeezed her ass " stop it darlin. fighting with me isn't gonna make her go away" she sighed biting her lip looking away " sorry" I squeezed her ass again " don't apologize. just don't leave me with the wolves again" she giggled. hers sounds like music, sweet innocent. her small hands playing with the chain and cross around my neck " she is interested" I shurgged " and I have a girlfriend" her eyes flicked to mine and I have her a smile as she blushed " you don't mind seeing him with someone else" she let out a laugh Shaking her head ' this isn't the first chick to pop up. this one has just always hated me. and well you here." I smirked down at her I wanted to kiss her so bad but I knew Jackson was around and I knew she wasnt ready for that. " I'm not him Jenna." she nodded " I know I just don't look like her and well" I popped the strap of her swim bottom and she jumped " and well nothing. I know exactly what this body looks like and I know exactly how good I have it. I'm not him darlin ' she bit her lip nodding " I want to kiss you so god damn bad right now" her breathing picked up " yeah. me too" she said blushing I wasn't going to overstep. " I'm gonna kiss the hell out of you once we get a moment " her eyes went big and I knew she was fighting it as well. but before I knew what was happening her small body was pushing me under the water. I came back up and she was swimming off giggling and I went after the little tease. she handed Jim her shades as she went towards the boys and her and Jackson started play fighting as she threw him over a wave. I was beside Jim for s moments watching her laughing and playing with them smiling like an idiot ' I don't know how she still picks that boy up" he voiced and I chuckled " me either" he patted my back " y'all enjoy. we will call y'all for lunch soon I'm sure I'm gonna go free Mel from the torture ".I chuckled again and looked that direction with him, Ms Mel was grabbing her things and Matthew and Emily were sharing a kiss. apparently only Jenna can't date in his eyes. I shook my head and swam towards Jenna and the boys and started throwing them and her as they all laughed and tried to tackle me down in the waves. we enjoyed that until Jim hollered from the deck for us and the boys of course groaned until she promised to bring them back. once we hit the sand they took off and I walked along side Jenna who had her arms crossed over her stomach. I bumped her shoulder. " don't" her eyes went to mine and I knew she was questioning things about herself in that moment, I had a sister I knew the signs. " oh my goodness you must be Jackson!' Emily said excited and the poor boy looked like he was gonna run for it. he politely introduced himself and James " it's so nice to meet you I'm a friend of your dad's" she said to him and he only nodded " Jackson go get dry for lunch" he gave Jenna a smile and he and Jacob ran off. I wrapped a towel around Jenna who smiled at me shyly and grabbed my own as well. trying to just ignore the others. " well I'm gonna head back to my friend's. come join me later" she told Matthew and said something quietly back to her before kissing her. she turned to us ' y'all are welcome as well" and with that she turned to leave. " it's a party. Jenna I'm sure you will be busy with Jackson" she rolled her eyes and I took her hand squeezing it. then he headed back towards the cabin. I took that mine and I turned her grabbing her up in my arms and pulling her body flush with mine claiming her lips. she gasped at the action as I let my tongue slide in. a soft moan fell from her lips and I kissed her a bit longer holding her as close as I could. pulling back and resting my head against her we both signed out " okay I might have to do it once more" she giggled kissing me this time and I let myself enjoy it. damn I could kiss her a day. once we final pulled apart her lips were slightly swollen and I kissed them gently " are you going to go?" she whispered out " Jenna do I really have to throw you in the water again?" she pushed my shoulder " I was just asking " I pulled her back into my arms " and you don't have to ask. I will be right here. with you getting s**t drunk and acting stupid isn't something I find fun anymore " she nodded giving me a small smile " well all I have to offer tonight is fireworks and s'mores " I chuckled leaning by her ear " I do enjoy fireworks. and s'mores. but I know you have a lot more to offer than that" her body shivered in my arms " I can't promise anything. what if" I kissed her dropping her " don't I over think it. if we're able to sneak in some time awesome. if not then I will enjoy spending it with everyone" she smiled we shared one more kiss before heading to get out food. *** authors note*** I have recently received some complaints on older stories about my grammar errors & mistakes. I am sorry for those and I try my hardest not to make them as I'm writing. I hope everyone is able to enjoy my stories & just get away from real life for a small amount of time. as they are free I don't often go back and check for mistakes & I write for my enjoyment and also y'alls. but the stories are free because I just want to write & people not have to pay just to read something to get out of the real world for a bit. I appreciate y'all's support and hope that everyone can continue to look past the mistakes that are made along the way. hopefully more chapters to come && more stories as well. **
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