chapter 14

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Jenna. we'd eaten lunch now my aunt and uncle had the boys riding on the golf cart. I wasn't sure where Shane nor Matthews had run off too, so I was sitting on the deck reading a book. yes I know so much fun but it isn't often I get just a moment to relax. after a few I got up to make myself a drink and at that moment Matthew walked out. " hey" I said awkwardly as he stood right in front of me look me over " was our marriage really so bad?" I sighed shank my head " Matthew I'm not getting into this with you right now" " well I want him gone Jenna" I scrunched my brows. he literally just had a random chick over here but now he wants to say this. " look I'm sorry if my being happy upsets you. but we haven't done anything wrong. we haven't done anything inappropriate in front of Jackson, as far as he knows he's a friend of the family" he scoffed " when will you see he's just in this to get you into bed?!" I shook my head trying to walk around him but he pulled me back " look you need to just stop this Matthew. I haven't done anything wrong and I'm sick of you acting like you own me" his face turned angry, besides signing the divorce papers I hadn't ever really spoken out to him. " you will regret this" he gritted out before he stormed away. I stood looking out at the water sighing, I knew this would come back and bite me in the ass but I was so tired of just sitting and taking his crap. Shane's body rested against mine as he rested his arms on the deck railing boxing me in, he gently kisses the side of my head " I'm proud of you" I shook my head, great he'd heard Matthews outburst. " I'm sure it won't solve anything" he sighed resting his head on the crook of my neck " but you didn't let him walk all over you" I let out a chuckle " yeah but it'll probably make things much worse on you and I in the long run. he isn't gonna stop going after you" he kissed my neck softly making my head fall on top his chest " I'm not afraid of him Jenna. I can handle his petty drama" I sighed out closing my eyes and just enjoying him holding me. " don't let him ruin your night " I turned my head a bit smiling at him " definitely can't let him do that. my dude is gonna be bouncing until the fireworks happen" he chuckled his chest vibrating my back as he did. " wanna go relax on the beach until they get back" I smiled nodding and he took my hand. he stopped first and fixed me a drink and grabbed himself a beer. then we made ourselves comfortable under the canopy. he pulled his shirt back off and I admired him through my dark shades. he was nice to look at that's for sure. he grabbed my hand squeezing it " so next week's is Matthews?" I nodded sipping my drink " as long as he actually gets him after all this" he nodded thinking " well of he does id love to take you out. and if not maybe we could bring him to Tony's? let him see the horses" I smiled. probably way to big but it was nice to hear him include Jackson if he was gonna be around. one of the big reasons I've never dated is Because refuse to just drop everything for a guy. " that sounds nice. where would we go" he smiled at me pulling my hand up and kissing it " don't worry your pretty little head about that I'll take care of everything" I breathed out nodding, I had to learn to let go of a few things. I didn't have to be on control all the time. " okay. but if I have Jackson I completed understanding of you don't want to deal with that two weekends in a row" he shook his head squeezed my head " stop right there. if you have him we will have a lot of fun at Tony's don't worry." I nodded biting my lip. okay I can do this. Shane. I'd heard what he had to say. I wanted so bad to go out there and set him straight but I knew this was something's she needed to do. she's a strong woman, I'm not sure why she lets him push her around the way she does. because I know she can stand her ground and voice her opinions when she needs to. hell she has a time or two with me. but she finally did say something to him and I was proud of her. even if he wants to come at me harder, it isn't like I'm hiding anything. the worst of it, the drug issue she knows about. we relaxed on the beach and I did hope I was able to take her out next weekend, show her a good time. show her how she should be treated. but if she has Jackson that was fine as well. we could hang out with Tony and maybe grab lunch or dinner. they came back with the boys and we played in the water some. threw the football and then had s'mores. I found out Jenna loves the idea of s'mores but hates marshmallows. crazy woman would just melt the chocolate a bit on a cracker. the boys, well they had melted marshmallows everywhere. then we all headed back down to the beach and waited for the firework show. Jackson and Jacob literally bounced and laughed the entire time. the pure joy the had from just watching the fireworks was enough to make me laugh along with them. I held Jennas hand while they were distracted and even stole a kiss. we then all got cleaned up and Jim and Ms Mel went out to meet their friends down the beach for drinks before we head home tomorrow. so it was just us and the boys for the time being. I could tell she was so nervous at first but we mad them a pillow and blanket fort in the living room and popped more popcorn for their movie. it wasn't long until they were out cold. I looked over at Jenna who was curled up on the other end of the couch and pulled her into my arms, holding her as we finished out this spiderman movie. her small hand making circles on my chest " I know this isn't exactly a fun night for you" she whispered and I squeezed her hip my hand was resting on under the blankets " I wouldn't want to be anywhere else darlin if I did I wouldn't be here" I felt her soft lips kiss my chest as she snuggled back in. I could get used to nights like this. holdings her like this while Jackson slept. I heard the door open and I figured it'd be Jim but Matthew came stumbling in without a shirt. he looked up as he kicked his shoes off and saw us cuddled up together. Jenna's body went stiff and I held her tighter, hoping he wasn't gonna wake the boys. he threw down whatever was in his hands on the small table by the door and stumbled his way towards us. standing beside the couch I could feel Jenna's breathe pick up as he let out an angry laugh " enjoying my wife?" he slurred and I raised a brow he wasn't really about to do this was he. not with his son literally right there sleeping " I'm enjoying my girlfriend" he scoffed as he shot Jenna a look who tried to sit up but I just held her closer, I wasn't gonna let her run. no he had to be a man and see what was right in front of him. we werent hurting anyone and honest it is his own damn fault he lost her. " you do know this won't last I mean come on man. look at me and look at you" I chuckled looking him over. yeah he worked out and I had a little gut on me or maybe it was the age he was talking about. but either way I wasn't insecure. " I hope you had a good night" he raised a brow at me wasn't what he expected he wanted me to get upset but he wasn't gonna fall for it. he stood there a moments longer before scoffiy again " ya know Jenna I always thought better of you. but not anymore." I heard her sniff as he walked off and I watched him making sure he actually left to go upstairs. I then lifted her face and wiped her tears " don't let him get to you. we are doing nothing wrong" she nodded laughing lightly " I'm about to be the w***e of the town" I looked at her confused and she pointed towards the stairs " he's gonna tell everyone I won't get out family back together because I'm out sleeping around " I kissed her fore head breathing out, wishing I could make all her trouble for away. " let him say what he wants. the people that truly know you will know the truth" she smiled at me nodding lightly. I gave her a gentle kiss before she settled back down and we finished out the movie. before it was over I knew she was out. I tried my best to move and pick her up without walk her but she peaked her eyes open as I was walked up the stairs " oh I'm sorry." she whispered trying to get down but I shook my head " don't even worry about it darlin. sleep" she curled back into my chest breathing's out as I made it down the hall. " my room or yours?" I whispered " yours " she whispered back and I walked into mine close the door and placing her in my bed. she snuggled into the pillows and I kissed her head before going to lock the doors. Jim had a key and I didn't want to leave the boys down stairs without locking them. once I made it back to my room I pulled my sweats off and climbed in bed where her small body wrapped around mine and I breathed her in, falling asleep with her in my arms. Jenna. I woke up beforehand Shane. I remember part of him bringing me to bed last night but I didn't actual mean to fall asleep. I just get so relaxed in his arms. I pulled myself from him wrapping the extra blanket around me and going on to the deck looking out at the sunrise. Matthew probably doesn't even remember being an ass last night, I'm just happy he didn't wake up Jackson or Jacob. now I just hoped when Shane woke he wants upset because we didn't have s*x last night, I mean yes. God yes I had wanted to after all the teasing and closeness yesterday but apparently my brain had other ideas. I felt his arms wrap around me as his head rested on my shoulder " it isn't nice to sneak away" I giggled " I just wanted to see the sunrise" he hummed in my ear kissing below it " it's a great view" I nodded bit my lip waiting for him to b***h at me " what time do we have to be out?" " I think uncle Jim said 2" he nodded kissing my neck softly " I'm gonna miss this" I hummed as he kissed along my neck " I'm sorry" I whispered out feeling guilty for not satisfying his needs. he pulled up looking at me and I just looked dout at the sunrise " for what?" I shurgged " falling asleep. messing up our last night here." he turned me kissing my lips. my body fell into his as he wrapped me up in his arms and our tongues tasted each other. " you haven't messed up anything I have enjoyed every minute being with you" I bit my lip " yeah but it was our last night and now you go back to work and I didn't give you what we both wanted" he smirked down at me raising a brow " well I'm happy to know you at least want me in that way you dirty woman" I giggled pushing his chest " hush!" he chuckled " we have all the time in the world. and if the need gets to strong for you I'm just a call away " my mouth fell open. was he seriously saying I should call him for a booty call?? he chuckled again " I will drive those two hours and worship this body of yours until you scream my name" his deep voice rasp out in my ear as he nibbled it and I knew I was blushing " I'm sure I can manage. I'm worried about you" he continued his teasing down my neck " oh I have my own ways to hold off until you need me Ms Jenna" I gasped smacking his arm " you are so dirty!" he chuckled as he picked me up my legs going around his waist as he carried me, laying me back on the bed his body coming to cover mine as his lips found mine. " what are you doing?" he reached down pulling my shirt over my head making me gasp in surprise again " I'm making sure you don't forget about me" then his lips were back on mine his hands roaming my body as I began to ache under him.
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