chapter 16

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Jenna. I was on my lunch break snacking on carrots when my uncle called, it wasn't unusual for him to call but Normal it was after I was off work. me - hello? uncle jim- hey pumpkin how are you today? I smiles even though he couldn't see me me-I'm making it. ready to be off that's for sure. he laughed Uncle jim- well I won't keep you long just wanted to touch base with you about a few things. me- okay what's up? uncle jim- well it seems that ex husband of yours has been out here bumping his gums. once it made it's way back to me I told him to shut his mouth but I didn't want it to cause problems with you and Shane I sighed out waiting for him to continue. uncle jim- he's telling people you are sleeping with Ben. he works for Shane. I groaned letting my head fall into my hands. great now Shane is gonna think I'm cheating on him. when we just got passed me thinking he was cheating on me. me-well I don't even know Ben? he chuckled uncle jim- I know this but that hasn't stopped him from talking. I just wanted to give y'all the heads up. I shook my head. me- well thank you. and thank you for telling him to stop. we talked a bit more before I needed to call Shane before my lunch ended. I didn't want to have this conversation but I also didn't want him to hear it from someone else. we'd texted a bit this morning but I hadn't heard fr him in a bit. I figured he just got busy but not I'm a little worried maybe he's already heard and is upset. it rang a few times before he picked up. the back ground was loud as I heard him holler at whoever that he'd be right back. he must have walked somewhere because it got a little quieter. shane- hey darlin sorry. we're trying to get this pipe tripped so we can get out of here on time for the weekend. me- I understand. I just figured you were on lunch I want keep you. shane-well you are calling is everything okay? I shook my head smiling. if this was Matthew he wouldn't have even bothered to answer. I must have gotten lost in my thoughts because his voice brought me from them. Shane - darlin you are scaring me me-I'm sorry. got side tracked. I won't keep you long but uncle Jim called to tell me Matthew is telling people obe apparently slept with someone on your crew and I wanted to clear the air with you for one before you heard it and thought the worst. he laughed over the phone and I pulled it from my ear looking at it confused before putting it back. shane-oh love I heard that bright and early this morning. don't worry I knew exactly where it came from. I figured we'd have a good laugh over that one. hell poor ben wants nothing more than to meet you. we just got real busy and I hadn't been able to give you the heads up. I sighed smiling. this man was really crazy. me- well I'm glad you didn't think the worst. shane- I know you Jenna. I won't let him keep dragging your name down around the rig and I'm trying my hardest to wait and go public until you are ready but he's really working my nerves me- can we talk this over when you aren't so busy? Because I honestly don't have much time left either. shane-absolutely darlin. me-well I won't keep you any longer. be safe please shane- always. getting this done so I can come see you. I smiled like an idiot me-don't work to hard. shane-you either beautiful. with that we said our goodbyes and hung up. I went back to work and tried to not send Matthew a anger message. I knew if I pissed him off he definitely wouldn't come pick Jackson up to spend time with him and the boy already knows it's his dad's weekend. he's smart he keeps track. that evening I picked up Jackson and we got home and i watched him play around the yard some before we went in to start dinner. nothing crazy tonight as I was exhausted from a busy week. but it was one of his favorites. I'd put a roast in the crockpot before leaving this morning and I would make him some Mac and cheese as well. once it was all finished we sat down together and ate as he chatted about his day. I hadn't heard much from Shane just random messages here and there, but I knew he was busy trying to get finished. Jackson and I cleaned up and snuggled on the couch together. he played on his tablet as I put us on some tv. he laid his head in my lap letting me play with his hair while we did. Shane. man we'd pushed it today and I was exhausted. after getting cleaned up I was ready to just crash and call jenna but there was a knock on my door. duke ran to it ready to greet whoever it was. when I opened it Ben was standing there holding a some beers. " hey man just thought you. could use a drink after all that" I chuckled taking the beer he offered and let him come in. he took a seat on my small couch and Duke hopped up getting his pets in. " what's up man?" he shurgged as he petted Duke " I need to know man because it's killing me" I took a seat and waited for him to explain further. " whose the chick thats got you running away during the night and smiling at your phone" I laughed shako my head. taking a drink of my beer " when she is ready to be public I will let you know" he laughed shaking his head " well I know you heard apparently I'm seeing the mysterious Jenna" we shared a laugh. if he only knew. " oh yeah I've heard." he drank some of his beer. " I talked with Jim. he says she isn't interested. think he thinks I'm not good Enough?" I sighed shako my head " look man. I think maybe she just isn't wanting to be pimped out on the rig ya know?" he shurgged " I found her i********:. wasn't hard and I sent her a message I guess we will see if it turns up anything. can you believe he's already lies about her and me?" I was a little taken back he'd taken it upon himself to reach out to her. okay maybe I was jealous but at the same time I guess I couldn't blame him. " I can't believe half of what he does man." he nodded and we sipped our beers. " well alright bro. I'm gonna let you go do whatever it is you do. we've got one more day of this s**t" I nodded and we both stood up. I shook his hand and he said goodbye to Duke before heading out. I locked the door and headed for my bed. I was exhausted and wanted nothing more than to hear her voice. jenna-hello? me- hey darling jenna-you sound absorbing exhausted. I sighed out rubbish my face me-oh I am. but one more day and I'm free. she giggled. Jenna - well I hate to add to it but your guy Ben sent me a message I chuckled. I liked how honest she was about things. me- yeah he just left. basically wanted to know who I was seeing and letting me know he'd reached out to you. I think he might really be interesting. I was testing the waters. I didn't want to put right tell her I was jealous or even ask if she would reply but then again I did want to know. she giggled. Jenna - no I'm sure he's wanting to make rumors come true. me- yeah well can't blame the man. jenna- you are so bad! go get some rest babe I know you are exhausted. I smiled at her Calling me babe. me-you get some as well. one more day and I get to see that beautiful face. she giggled and I knew she was blushing. we said our goodbyes and I finally called it a night. the next day was about the same busy as hell. but as soon as the shift was over I packed up and pulled out of the rig. I could've slept there tonight but I was ready to be in the same town as her. it was late and I was still driving when her call came through. she was worried about me driving so late so we talked until I made it back to my RV. letting Duke run for a bit before we said our goodnights all over again and I went and crashed. the next morning waking up I felt rested. I stretched out and knew I needed to get some laundry and things done today. but the main thing was I wanted to see my woman. I pulled my phone to me and saw she was already up and had texted. Jenna. good morning. I hope you got some rest. Matthew called this morning and woke me up, he says he will be by later to get Jackson so we will see. I smiled at the message. that meant I could take my girl out. me - good morning beautiful. I fell much better after sleeping in my bed. I'm happy to hear he's gonna get Jackson. I know he will be excited. does this mean I get the honor of taking you on a date? she didn't reply right away so I got up and started some coffee and getting my clothes in the truck ready to head to the laundry mat they have here for us to use. duke and I went for his morning walk. and I went and started laundry when her message came through. jenna- well he just left. just honked his horn for Jackson to come out so he's extra pissed. but yes I guess that does mean we can go on a date. me- what an ass! I will be over as soon as I finish this laundry jenna-okay.. what should I wear? me - whatever your heart desires. jenna-that doesn't help! I chuckled as we texted back and forth as I got the laundry done. once I was back at my RV I got myself dress in my good jeans, a shirt sleeve button up and my boots. taking Duke for another walk, ordered the movie tickets for the movie she had mentioned she wanted to see for a little later. then I head for her, I grabbed her some flowers along the way. pulling into her drive I put my cowboy hat on and hopped out the truck with her flowers. when I knocked on her door I began to get nervous myself. I wanted to impress her but I also didn't want to go to far since things with Matthew were a bit up in the air. when she opened the door she looked breathtaking. the woman was way out of my league that's for sure. she had on a dress and her hair was down. " hey" she said while blushing. I leaned in kissing her cheek as I handed her the flowers " hey darlin." she looked at the flowers with wide eyes " are these for me?" I was confused but didn't ask questions. " of course they are" she leaned on smellier them smiling " they are beautiful thank you. let me just find them some water." she lead me through her house, the view from behind just as good as the front. Jacksons Legos spread out on the kitchen table and I looked them over as she put the water in flowers. " you know I haven't ever gotten flowers. well from uncle Jim on mother's day but that's about it" she whispered out with her back to my and my head shot up towards her. she had to be kidding me. that f*****g ass hole had been married to her and couldn't even bother to bring her flowers?! she turned smiling at me like I'd just given her all the money in the world and I walked to her kissing her painted lips gently and her arms went around my neck. " mm I've missed you woman" she giggled kissing me again " Ive missed you too" I held her body close " so where are we headed?" she asked look up at me with her big eyes " well I figured maybe go into the city, lunch and that movie you wanted to see" her eyes went wide " you are gonna sit through a chick flick?" I chuckled shrugging " as long as I'm with you" she smiled as she pushed my chest gently Jenna. I had been so nervous when I was getting ready but now that I was with him everything felt natural. the way he looked at me made me feel like I was the only girl in the world. and the flowers. God I wanted to cry when I saw those. it had always been the small things I wanted from my marriage and the small things like flowers or just spending time together is what he always claimed I was being needy. now sitting across from Shane as we ate our lunch I breathed out. he'd already gotten me in bed but yet here he was making and effort. I honestly thought since we'd slept together he was just gonna skip the dates. " so how will your family feel about me Havi a little boy?" I asked a little nervous, I knew at some point I'd need to meet them. he smiled over at me. he looked so fine, with his button down tucked in and his hat was currently off his head while we ate. his beard was neatly trimmed. " well mama is gonna be over the moon and my sister will probably go all giggly." I smiled shyly " they won't think less of me for having been divorced? and basics throwing you in the middle of this drama?" he took my hand across the table and squeezed it " trust me darlin they will just be happy to know I'm happy for once" I breathed out modding. " I think I'm gonna talk with Jackson soon" he chuckled Maki me look at him confused. he covered his mouth as his finished the food in it before he began talking as he chuckled again " Jackson already knows Jenna" I raised a brow at him and he smiled nodding " he informed me at the beach house. but I think he's waiting for you to say someone " I shook my head. " so you and him have been keepings your own secret " he laughed shrugging " I think he just wants to let you tell him. and I wasn't gonna tell his secret " I scoffed Rolling my eyes " I swear that boy is to smart for his own good " we shared a laugh " well I'm gonna talk with him. see how he feels about this." he nodded taking a bit " I understand that. and if he has any problems or questions for me I will be happy to talk with him as well" my heart rate picked up. I wanted to pinch myself, this man couldn't be real. we finished our lunch before heading to the movies. during the movie he held my hand or kissed along my neck when he'd squeezing my thigh. making me have dirty thoughts about things in the romantic parts, he'd smirk at me when my breathing would pick up so he knew exactly what he was doing. I was surprised he made it through the whole thing without complaining. when we walked out my hand was holding on to his arm as I leaned my head on him smiling like an idiot " thank you Shane. really you don't know what it means to me" he smiled down at me and kissed my lips softly " just happy to be here love" I blushed. " no f**k way!" I heard the deep voice before I saw the two guys. Shane sighed heavily as he whispered a sorry. then the two guys were standing in front of us smiling looking from the two of us. one of them pointed at Shane. " you dirty damn dog! no f*****g way!" Shane chuckled shaking his head and the other guy put his hand out for me to shake " hey miss. I'm Ronnie and the shocked one is Ben" I smiled but then it hit me. this had to be the Ben I was apparently sleeping with. the one who's sent me a message a few days ago. " told you me and the lady were keeping things on the down low until we were ready for the world to know" Shane said his arm snaking aroun me holdings me close. " well it's nice to meet you miss Jenna. I hear you and I have been having a lot of fun together ' I blushed embarrassed as I shook Ben's hand he had out. " I am so sorry you got dragged into that" he chuckled waving me off " Trust me no harm done my way. just glad Shane here didn't kick my ass when he heard it." he replied and Shane shook his head " well I'm still sorry". I offered not sure what else to say. he smiled looked from me to Shane shaking his head " I can't believe it. had me skilling my guts about wanting to meet her to you and you were able to sit there all calm and cool." Ben shook his head chucking " well I'm trusting y'all go keep your mouths shut until we're ready" they ok nodded. ben still look surprised as ever. " well you two enjoy! Shane I'll see you on the next one or maybe before " Ronnie said as we partied ways. and I told them it was nice to meet them. " oh miss Jenna!" Ben hollered after us and we turned slightly " if you ever get tired of the older model you know where to find me" he said winking I blushed but I my lip. I didn't know what to say to that, and I didn't want to upset Shane either. he chuckled beside me. " back off my woman Ben or you will be in the whole all next shift" he hollered back and Ben put his hands ups laughing. we turned and headed back for his truck. after he helped me in he got in as well. I looked at him and he smiled lightly " I am sorry we got busted." he said and I giggled shaking my head " it's okay. I mean it had to come out at some point " he kissed my lips resting his head on mine as he breathed out. " well now you've meet some of the guys." I nodded " I guess so" he chuckled. " they aren't bad guys. but they are definitely shocked " I smiled shaking my head. we shared another kiss before we got back on the road. once we pulled into my driveway he parked kissing my hand and I bit my lip. I wanted him to stay but I didn't want to ruin the rest of his plans for the day either. " you can uh come in for a drink if you want" his smile got big " I was hoping you'd ask" with that he got out and helped me out. we went inside and I got started on fixing us a drink while he went to the restroom. I was lost in thought about the day and the possibility of how tonight could go when his arms wrapped around me from behind surprising me making me jump a bit. he kissed along my neck softly. " I hope you'd enjoyed our date" he whispers and I smiled turning in his arms. " I have. I hope you have as well" he squeezed my hips " anything with you I enjoy" he said winking at me Making me blush. I knew for sure he was about to take me to my room, I mean that's how dates end right? Matthew had taking me out a hand full of times and they all ended the same way. I'm a fight because he got irritated along the way then he'd want to have s*x to get his frustration out. but Shane surprise me. he handed me on glass and took the other and took my hand and lead me to my porch. we both sat on the swing as he pulled his phone out. at first I thought he was texting but then he lit on some music and set it to the side before putting his arm around me breathing out. I sighed trying to relax. the day had gone so good and I was nervous now. I wasn't sure how to act or what to say. he gently rocked us a bit " this right here is nice" I smiled up at him " it's my favorite spot" he chuckled " last time I sat here with you you told me to get lost" I pushed his shoulder blushing a bit " hey I was trying to look out for you " he chuckled Kissing my lips " I am suppose to look out for you darling. I can handle the rest. you just have to let me in" I sighed out nodding kissing his lips again, I loved the way his beard tickled my face. we were brought from our moment when my phone rang and I leaned over seeing it was Matthew. I figured Jackson just wanted to chat. I gave Shane a shy smile but he only nodded as he sipped his drink. me-hello? Matthew - hey. I've gotta drop Jackson off. my eyes went wide as I looked over at Shane. I bit my lip. me - okay thats fine. I'm home is everything okay? Matthew - yeah just got a few things I've got to do. i sighed running my hands through my hair. me- okay. with that he hung up and I looked down playing with my phone. Shane's hand squeezed my thigh bringing my attendance to him " he's being Jackson home" he nodded " do you need me to leave?" I looked out at the yard sighing " I guess that's up to you." he squeezed my leg again " then if you don't mind I'll hang out a bit" I looked at him confused " I know this isn't what you expected.." he put his finger to my lips " don't even say it darlin" I nodded breathing out as he pulled me back into his arms.i rested there sipping my drink over thinking things once again. Matthews truck pulled into my drive not long after and he had to of already been on his way to have gotten here so fast. they both got out and Shane and I stood up. Jackson hugged me and fist bumped Shane. " hey buddy " I said to him and he smiled " hey mama" I looked up and Matthew was standing there I could tell he was pissed as he was staring at Shane. " go inside for a minute baby" I whispered to Jackson who nodded and ran inside. " you've got to be f****d kidding me" Matthew said stepping towards us. I shrunk back but Shane stood straight " Jenna? you aren't gonna say anything?!" he basically yelled at me and I shook my head " Matthew just go do whatever it is that you need to do" he scoffed pointing at me " you are here shaked up with this drug beady acting like I'm a babysitter. don't look down your nose at me b***h " he growled out coming towards us. I faught the tears and Shane stood in front of me now " you can speak the way you want about me. but do not disrespect her" Matthew chuckled angry " oh and what will you do?" Shane stood toe to toe with him looking him in the eyes " I won't hesitate to kick your ass Matthew you don't scare me." Matthew scoffed as he stared at him a moment longer before walking backwards. " we will talk about this Jenna when your boyfriend isn't around" I shook my head " I'd suggest you find something better to do with your time Matthew because I'm not making empty threats " Shane said back but Matthew just walked away. pulling out of my drive way and I breathed a deep breath running my hands through my hair. I just wanted to go crawl into bed. I knew this was far from over with Matthew. Shane wrapped me in his arms holdings me " don't let him do it. don't let him get into your head" I breathed out nodded " now let's enjoy our evening" I shook my head " I'm sorry about him. I'm sorry things aren't going as I'm sure you hoped." he smiled down at me and kissed my lips. " I'm happy to be here with y'all the rest we will deal with later." I shook my head sti trying to wrap my head around it and Jackson came out the house. Shane let me go but kept his body close to mine as I turned to Jackson " hey Shane wanna see my flip?" he said smiling " well of course dude!" Jackson smiled big. and ran off towards the trampoline. Shane took my hand and we sat back on the swing. I sipped my drink trying to figure out how to go about this. " awesome dude!" let me get these boots off and I'll show you mine" my eyes snapped to Shane as he was pillow his boots off and unbuttoning his shirt " Shane" I questioned but he winked at me before taking off across the yard to the trampoline as well. I sat there on the edge of my seat hoping he didn't get hurt. they bounced a bit his big body making Jackson go high as he laughed. then Jackson stood off to the side and Shane began to bounce high and before I knew it he was in the air doing a back flip. I gasp as he came back down and landed. Jackson was excited giving him high fives I heard him say " okay you've got to show me how to do that!" I watched as the two of them worked on Jackson's back flip and Shane did one a few more times.
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