Chapter 74

534 Words
Samika's POV "Alpha Samika! Beta Arnold is unconscious and we are taking him to the hospital" is what I heard and I am instantly walking out of the cells. Arnold and I did not spend much time together. But if there is something I can say about it, then it is his freaking loyalty towards me. I know that is for sure. Knowing Paxton is here to kill my father. And Arnold unconscious in the guest house means only one thing. Paxton is behind it. Maybe he didn't want Arnold to find out where Paxton went and connect the dots when my father would die and the news would break out. "Alright. Maybe you are starting to make sense," my wolf says and I roll my eyes. Ava is grumpy. Sometimes she calls herself Ava because she feels like it. And some other times she calls herself Mila because it sounds nice. "No. Mila is my first name and Ava is my middle name," she says and I nod mentally. Deciding to call her Ava. I sometimes called her Mila because she called herself so. Devon said that my wolf is now most active because she shook all the years of being submissive with a deep sleep and is now taking charge as my wolf. Whatever it is, I am just happy to have a wolf at this point. In the hospital, I see a girl with Auburn hair waiting in the room before Arnold is kept in. "Mira?" I call her and she looks at me, tear filled eyes. "What's wrong? Why are you here?" I ask her even though I know of only one thing, when a girl cries for a boy. But Arnold had a mate. And he lost her too. I don't think she is his second chance mate either. If there was anything like that, he would have told me already. She doesn't answer me as she walks away, after bowing to me. Even Devon looks confused at what happened. The doctor walks out just in time and bows to both Devon and I. "He was given a drug that turned his wolf submissive," the doctor says and something about it seemed too familiar. Because I have even heard I was given the same drug all my life, to keep my wolf side submissive. I turn around to watch my father. The one I called dad my entire life even though it all had a backstory. After the turn with Paxton, he is the perfect weapon I have as of now. If what I know is right and if I connect the dots, then it's me Paxton's dad was talking about. The bride and the weapon. Maybe I'll show them that I'm not just an ordinary weapon but a nuclear missile. "You have one last chance to prove yourself trustworthy,dad" I whisper and the word dad feels foreign on my tongue. He nodded and before I could say something, he fell down unconscious. Probably because of exhaustion in the cells which can happen to prisoners all the time. But now my steer is clear. If Paxton's father is waiting for a war. That's what he is going to get.
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