Chapter 73

1110 Words
Samika's POV My wolf is one grumpy b***h! Not only did she want a run but she actually wanted to hunt on the way. She did kill a doe expertly making me wonder if she is an old soul and I am her third or fourth human assigned. "You are weak for a Madfur," my wolf says, making me scoff. Because I sure as hell made people kneel before me, even though they are Alphas. "That doesn't mean you are strong. For a Madfur, you are actually weak," she says again and I don't say anything else. She can think about what she wants. But I know how long it took me to get this far. We reach the pack borders and no one stops my wolf. In fact, people bow to her as she majestically moves forward. Even though her fur is as white as snow, her snout and at parts of her body the blood of the doe is drying up and she might be looking terrifying now. I ask my wolf to go to the pack house first to shift back and get dressed. She only huffs doing it anyway. What did I even do to get such a bitchy wolf? She is huffing at me for asking the bare minimum. "You need to earn my respect if you want it. And I am not easily impressed," she says and I roll my eyes before shifting back. I rush to my room and throw on proper clothing before mindlinking Devon and following his scent towards the cells. Everyone who bowed to my wolf earlier is still bowing and I had to raise my hand for them to stand up and keep moving again. I know people were afraid of Madfurs. Just didn't really notice that until now. And in the cells, I see Devon and John Adams standing in a cell. But it's not John Adams who is in handcuffs but Paxton. "I thought you brought him because you trusted him," I whisper, recalling how Devon brought Paxton with him after he was released from the prison in human land. "Yeah. But that was a choice. I wanted to see how far he goes before stumbling and he did. I would be a fool to trust the one who once stabbed me," Devon says and my eyes go wide as I look at him. The one who stabbed him? Devon was stabbed only once. Months ago when I went to human land to crack a deal with my father. A fire broke out and when Devon was rescuing me, someone stabbed him in return. I remember it all clearly because I was a mess when he was in a coma. Someone specifically used wolfsbane. So they knew he was a werewolf. We all thought it could be The Madfurs because of how they kept coming to our pack borders again and again. But now it is clear. Paxton was also at the event where the fire broke out. And The Madfurs did not harm anyone here. They came because they caught the scent of their Alpha's daughter. "How did you know?" Paxton asks and Devon just smirks at that. "The scent. Even though you had a mask, you did not mask your scent you asshole," Devon says again. So he knew all the while but wanted solid proof before he did something. But what exactly did he do now? "He was here, and he tried to kill me. Because I was just about to come clean to you," my father says and even though I don't want to trust him, a nod from Devon tells me that he at least deserves a chance to be heard. "Paxton and his father are not who you people think they are," my father says and I roll my eyes at that. As if we don't know that till now. "They are the Alpha's family of The Autumn Pack. The pack who wiped out the Madfur pack two decades ago," my father says and that shook even Devon, for that matter. Because he too believed that it was his father who killed The Alpha of The Madfurs. Maybe he was lied to. Or maybe he believed the story because he was just a kid. But turns out, there is a whole different backstory to it. "They knew Luna Athena of The Madfurs was pregnant. Yet, they did not spare her. She fled. People said she did that to save her own baby. But few others said she died while trying to escape. No one knows the truth. But I did. He did. And his father did..we still do know the truth," he tells me and all the while my eyes are on Paxton who looks helpless in the chair and all tied up. "Because I was the Beta of The Autumn Pack. But my origin comes from being a Madfur. I was born to a Madfur mother and my father belonged to The Autumn Pack," my father says again. And with that, so many things fall into place. Why was he so hell bent on making me marry Paxton? Why did he know who I was but still hid it? Why did he even adopt me in the first place? It was my mother who thought she chose me to adopt. But it was this man's plan all along. "What happened to my Luna Athena?" Is all I ask. If she fled with me in her belly, then that means she gave birth to me in the human world right? She had to be alive somewhere just like Alanna is. "No. We killed her as soon as she gave birth to you. His father did it with his own hands," my father says and I close my eyes, changing a prayer for my mother that I had never met. "I should have told you this sooner. Forgive me," he says and I know that he still has a lot to say. I have a lot to ask and listen to. "Why tell me now?" I ask him back. "Because the anonymous person who waged war is Paxton's father. And he is gathering an army from different places. He came after me and I realized I was vouching for the wrong side," Great. Now we are up against an even bigger army. And my father was Beta? At this point Olive is the only sane human that I know. A mindlink from one of the guards startled me, but that also made me run outside in a second. "Alpha Samika! Beta Arnold is unconscious and we are taking him to the hospital"
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