Chapter 75

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Nyle's POV I watched Samika and Devon rush back into the pack again. It's been two days since I last saw them. As much as I don't want to think of several other things that might include how they were staying together, my wolf Jasper tries reminding me that they are mates. I have a mate too. Alpha Judith. Initially, I tried my best to be nice to her. To be the mate that she deserves in her life. But the more time I spent with her, the more I realized that she is just not Samika. Samika is something else. Samika is the one I fell in love with. Samika wasn't an Alpha when she fell for me either. Samika wasn't a Madfur then. She was just Samika and I loved what she was. I do have the same feelings even today. But as the days pass by, I don't understand who she is becoming anymore. A few weeks ago Judith told me that Samika made her kneel before her. I laughed and said that she was bluffing because there is no way an Alpha bows to another Alpha unless they lose a war. And nothing sort of a war happened that involved Samika, as far as I know. But the look on Judith's face was clear. She meant what she said. That's when I overheard other pack members talk about her Madfur abilities. That's when I realized that the Samika I knew is long gone. And yet, I still cannot wrap my head around the fact that she is not mine anymore. I regret bringing her here every single day. If she hadn't come that day, Alpha Jerome would still be alive. And I would have been on human land with Samika and if possible, a family of my own. But now I cannot even change the past. It is all a mess. Someone knocks on my door and I for sure know it is not Alyssa. I haven't seen her since Timothy and she fled after Lavender was brought back safe. I haven't heard anything from her either. She wants her family to be safe and I understand it. I open the door to see John Adams. The man who still rules my nightmares. He broke my bones so many times that I lost count. He wanted to destroy Samika so bad that he was even ready to use me as a weapon for that. "It's okay. He comes in peace," I hear Samika's voice and behind her, I see Devon as well. Wherever Samika is, Devon is there. And I also hate the fact that he is way stronger than me. I can't even fight and win. I allow the three of them into the small house that I own here somehow. It was a messy procedure to get this, but being Alpha's ex boyfriend made it easier somewhat. "We need your help, Nyle" Samika finally spoke to me. Months later. But for a favor. So I don't know if it is good news or bad news. "I need your help," she says again and that's when I decide that I am going to help her anyways. . . . . . Melissa's POV I walk through the familiar mansion. And the familiar doors. The familiar guards nod at me as an acknowledgement that they do know me and that I am here. I pay no attention to them as I keep walking forward. I push open the door to the small home personal bar and I see the man sitting there. The one I was hoping to meet today. The one I am here for. "Whose c**k do you want to suck today?" He asks, and I want to pluck his eyeballs out. But I maintain my posture. This man is not worth a reaction from me. "Paxton is in their hands. He got caught red handed," I told him the news. I was Devon's fiance. We were engaged. And that gave me a lot of things starting from fame to many others. One of them being eyes and ears. He would be stunned to know just how much information I could grab just because people still know me as his ex fiance. "I knew it would happen," he says as he gulps the remaining whiskey from the glass. Just the way Paxton does when he is in actual good mood. "How?" I asked him, because I did not even see coming. I always believed Paxton's plans were spot on. It's been months since we've been working together and sleeping together. I can just say that he is good at both. The one where he kidnapped me just to bring Samika back to human lands, but for a limited time where he could grab her secrets was mind blowing. People thought he was the one who kidnapped me to get back at Devon. But the other reason is that he used a witch to read the past, present and future memories of both Samika and Devon. He found my father's mistress who happened to be that human guy's mother. My half brother they said. I wouldn't even consider him as a person, let alone as my half brother. It was purely ridiculous. And now, with her help Brent is being made into a weapon. The weapon against Samika. Because this is something even she wouldn't see coming. "He sucks just like you. Only thing is you suck c**k and he sucks at life," I hear the man speaking again. I am resisting the urge to smash the whiskey bottle over his face. "I ordered men to kill him if at all there comes to a state where he would blow us up," I hear him say again and that is all I needed to hear. Because I refuse to believe Paxton woo do something like this and get caught. He must have something else that's happening behind what we see. I turn around to walk out, now that the message is delivered. But the next sentence makes me stop and turn around in shock again. "Now is the time you enter the scene"
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