Chapter 42

459 Words
Samika's POV "You did what?" I ask him and he looks at me, his eyes still droopy from his sleep. Tyler and Cass are here too and Tyler was about to intervene but a glare from me stopped him from doing so. He took a step back and stood by his mate again. Cass, thankfully is not even saying a word. Or maybe she thinks that Devon is starting to go overboard as well. He held my father captive. He killed my mother and now he has the audacity to be glaring at Arnold because he is standing a little too close to me. "Answer me!" I growl at Devon and he flinches, witnessing the Madfur blood about to do its work. I used that on Alpha Judith so far, and we all saw what happened. She being an Alpha was left with no choice but to kneel before me. Devon wouldn't stand a chance. "Listen to me, Sam. Let me explain," he says and I take another dangerous step towards him that made him flinch even more as he took another step backwards. "I thought he was nothing more than a threat to you. So I wanted to make sure you were safe from him. But he was a werewolf too, Sam. He used the same drug he used on you to keep his wolf suppressed! I don't know when or how he escaped but he did," Devon says. I don't know who to trust. Because there is no way John Adams would be a werewolf. It's been years since I know him and never once did he even go to woods for any wolf run. And as a werewolf I know the kind of effect a wolf run has. It reminds me that Devon missed our wolf run today. Just when I am about to ask Devon more about it, everyone around me growls at me. Arnold, Devon and Tyler altogether. Cass quickly jumped on Tyler and growled back at Arnold and before I know, Devon already has me on his back and he is running towards the pack house. "You are starting your heat, Goddamnit!" A/N I know it's been a series of short chapters. But I am planning much more in the next coming chapters, that is what I am sure of. I am in the middle of a life transition and that's keeping me busy. But I don't want to keep you guys waiting so I am here giving at least a few snippets. Do drop your opinions on this. Is there going to be a distance making its way between Samika and Devon? Or is Arnold going to become the main lead soon? Would love to hear from you! Have a great day.
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