Chapter 41

524 Words
Samika's POV "Is something wrong?" Arnold asks me, as I quickly start walking to the borders. Arnold is following me closely and even though I prefer privacy, right now I am glad that he is here. I try mindlinking Devon but I guess he is still sleeping. Very unlike him and maybe I will have to go check on him later. I picked up a scent I never did before. A strong vanilla bean scent with a tinge of persimmons. The gates slowly pull up and I see Matt. It's Matt indeed and I am beyond surprised to see him right now. "Oh My Goodness, thank God I am at the right place," he says and walks forward with his arms open to hug me but Arnold steps in and he flares his fangs at Matt. Matt takes a step back at the sudden reaction from a person he has never seen before. And I place a hand on Arnold's shoulder as I nod at him, assuring that he is someone that I know. Matt takes another step towards me but Arnold growls slowly at Matt again. "Two feet distance is preferable," Arnold says and I stifle my smile. This scene reminds me of Devon and Nyle in the beginning of my chapter here at The Alpha of this pack. They acted like eternal rivals and they still do. "He is like that. Ignore him and tell me why you are here," I whisper and tilt my head signaling him to walk with me and Matt is more than happy to do so. We both start walking towards the pack house. I am the one leading the way while Matt is blindly moving with me. Arnold is still behind me, but closer to Matt this time. He looks like he is ready to kill Matt if he even tries to do something unusual. "I come bearing the news," he says and I nod my head. "Your father was arrested. Yesterday I saw it in the news. I didn't know how to tell you and Brent gave me this address. First I wasn't sure but I came to tell you anyway. Your phone was out of service," he tells me. It's been days since I last saw my phone with my own eyes. And my father got arrested? Why? How? He is reputed and he has so many contacts. He can afford the best lawyer. So he will come out in no time. "And they say there are multiple cases and he was associated with Ruth's group. Paxton's father is also in prison now. Things look dead serious," Matt says again and now that's something that actually sounds serious too. "That can't happen. Because John is with me. I held him hostage," I hear Devon's morning grumpy voice and my heart skips a beat. But my heart doesn't skip a beat with the fact that he just spilled. He had my father held captive and he did not let me know. And not just that, but he is saying that so casually after everything he has done. I don't know how to feel about this.
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