Chapter 26

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Devon's POV Sam and I are in the living room, waiting for Judah and Melissa. They walked out after knowing the truth and I asked Tyler to make sure they wouldn't leave the borders. Now that Brent and Olive left the pack safely, it's time I talk to Judah about the past and the present both. I wasn't ready to put Brent through a turmoil again, just to have Judah's back. Now, it's already night and I just asked Judah and Melissa to have dinner with Samika and me before they left for their pack. I am not going to be the one to stop them after having the talk. But this is something that needs to be done. I see both Judah and Melissa walk in again. Looks like they are now back on talking terms. Melissa is such a snake. She just needs anything against the other person just to play the victim and turn the entire game towards her. Judah was the one who was angry at her and gave her a cold shoulder because of what she did while teaming up with Paxton. But now that she came to know something, she decided to hold that against Judah and guilt trip him so she could be the one giving him a cold shoulder now. We all sat at the table and Judah looked around. As if he was searching for something. Or someone. "Waiting for someone?" I ask Judah and he looks at me, then shakes his head at me. "Where is he?" He asks me, and he acts as if he didn't ask me about Brent. He moves on and serves himself the dinner while I just stay there making sure to cross check if he actually asked me a question or not. "He is not here. He left," I say and I see his shoulders shag in relief. Melissa doesn't even seem like she cares as she already starts eating the pita bread and hummus. "So how long have you known that he was my son and you hid it well?" Judah asks me again, as he proceeds to eat. His entire family should stop acting like they don't just shoot random questions at the other person and then do whatever they want. Sam places her hand on my thigh and I look at her. She is already staring at me and she just smiles at me. "It's okay. Don't get frustrated. The situation is delicate and you will only make it worse," Samika mindlinks me and I nod at her before turning my attention to Judah. "So you two formed a personal connection already?" Melissa asks, and thank Goodness this time she is still looking at me, waiting for my answer. "The last time I checked, she was still my mate and forming a personal mindlink between mates is way easier than you think," I say and look at her with a smirk,"oh. You don't have a mate so you wouldn't know" I look at Judah who is trying his best to suppress a smile but I let it slide. No one says a word for the rest of the dinner. I expected chaos. I expected tables to be shattered. I expected screams. I expected fights. I expected so much. But Judah and Melissa are just happy to be here and have dinner with Samika and I. That is even more concerning because Judah is not someone like that. He is just like my father. And I guess I know him enough. "So I would be leaving in two days," Samika says and I know this is her desperate attempt at talking about anything that wouldn't trigger more than half of the people here. "And return?" I ask her and she squeezes my thigh under the table. "I am not sure. But soon," she says. And by soon she means indefinite. Even she doesn't know when she is going to come back. I cannot even ask her not to go. She was the Alpha's daughter of The Madfurs by birth. And no one can change that. I cannot stand in the way of her true identity. Moreover I have s**t to deal with her father when she is away. So it's best for both of us as well. "Are you really a Madfur though?" Melissa asks and just when I am about to answer, Samika answers to this herself. "Would you like to know?" Samika asks back, showing her fangs off just enough for Melissa to sit back and bow a little. "You should have seen the way she brought Alpha Judith to her knees," I smirk at Melissa before pecking on Samika's lips. To which she smiles and pulls me in for another kiss. I know we both are going a little overboard with Judah before us, but at this point I don't care. After dinner, Judah and Melissa announced that they were about to leave. I know I said I wouldn't stop them but we didn't even talk yet. And when Judah decides to stay silent, then that means something terrible is about to happen. He already did something terrible in the past already and now that I know what Brent means to Samika, I refuse to let him do that again. "If I find Brent in a situation where any one finger points to you," I tell Judah and he looks at me,"I swear this time I am not going to help him live. But I will help him kill you" "Watch your tongue, boy" Judah says, with his fangs flaring at me but I growl at him back. Judah growls even louder making Melissa show her fangs and take a step forward, but Samika is already walking towards Melissa. With one swat of her hand, she sent Melissa flying until she hit the back of the car that they had to drive back to their pack. "The last time you tried to kill him, I wasn't an Alpha. And I didn't have the support of The Alpha of the Blood Rose Pack. But now the Alpha herself stands in defense of your son. And she has her Beta's support as well. So you can expect the blood bath," I say and Samika growls at Judah, making him flinch a little. Making Judah flinch is something that everyone thought to be a myth. He has never lost a battle except the one with my father. But Samika killed my father with just a silver knife. And to kill Judah, she would do it with her bare hands at this point. Judah doesn't say a word as he walks away and Melissa follows. She is limping and I see Samika smirk a little at that. Since when has she gotten this violent? I remember the Samika I first saw, who was kind to everyone. Even when they were mean to her. And now she is already jumping into defence for me. She even hurt Melissa for growling at me, a few seconds ago. "Why did he want to kill Brent?" Samika asks as soon as Judah leaves. And I know. I have to tell her the story. And I will. "Devon! John Adams escaped and as we expected, it was the red-haired boy who helped him," Tyler mindlinks me and I smirk. "Great. Now keep the tabs on him and then update me," I say and close the mindlink. I hold Samika's hand and walk her to the pond. Our favorite spot. Because now is the time I need to tell her the story from the beginning to the end.
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