Chapter 27

1151 Words
Devon's POV I hold Samika's hand and walk her to the pond. Our favorite spot. Because now is the time I need to tell her the story from the beginning to the end. We sit by the edge of the pond, staring at the moonlight. The day passed by on a brink and it's all about heavy heaps of newfound information. And twists and turns no one saw coming. "So technically, the one I always thought of as my brother is your cousin and you are related to him more than I am?" Samika finally asks me, as she refers to Brent and I just shrug, because she has a point. "But we are connected only through my father and his mother. And because they are siblings. Were.. siblings," I sometimes forget to use past tense you see. "Why did your Aunt Alanna even fall for Judah? It's a messy story," Samika whispers and I nod. My father wrote what he knew. Because Alpha Judah always kept things to himself mostly. Especially when Aunt Alanna was involved. She was my father's sister and technically he had the right to know. But so many things my father wrote were false. Because he didn't see any of them. He doesn't know most of what he wrote. He only believed those because the version he had in his mind and the things happening before him were similar. "My father and Alpha Judah were best friends. They literally did everything together when they were in Alpha training camp," I tell Samika and she looks at me, intently. With all her focus on me, I can't help but stare at the reflection of the moon on the pond. When Samika looks at me, I tend to lose control. Now, instead of telling her the actual story, if I just start kissing her, it wouldn't end well at all. "So Aunt Alanna used to visit my father every now and then. She was just Jerome's young sister at first but after a certain age, she looked more like a beautiful woman than just Jerome's younger sister. Alpha Judah fell in love eventually, and he was more than delighted to know that she has had a crush on him for half her life," I tell Samika and she has a small smile on her face. I guess she likes things like these. Classic love stories. I remember her telling me that she helped so many of her friends get hooked up with their crushes, and she played a matchmaker. She even helped Brent the day he decided to propose to Olive as well. Some day, I will make a grand gesture for her too. She deserves it. All the good things. "And before they knew it, she was pregnant with his child. My father was furious. He screamed at Alpha Judah, and they both had a battle between them until my father won against Alpha Judah," I tell Samika and she looks at me as if she realized something. "I remember Alpha Judah telling me that the only time he lost to someone was with Alpha Jerome," she says and I nod. "He lost only once in his life. And that too with my father. And as the loser, he had to marry my aunt even though she wasn't his mate," I tell her and her mouth forms a small o as she finally takes things in. But after that, she seemed to be zoned out and I stayed quiet for a while. At times she zones out and at times, she randomly screams for people around her to stop. Sometimes she closes both her ears as if the sound that's reaching her would make her ears burst. And all I know is, it is usually the best if I stay calm at such times. She gets triggered easily. I wish she would tell me what it is. And I can't seem to bring myself to break her just to know what she is going through. "All good?" I ask her and she looks at me, with a small shiver. She looks around and then nods. Something is really wrong with her and I really wish I could understand what is happening with her. . . . . . Samika's POV "Kill the one you love the most" "Kill the one you love the most" "Kill the one you love the most" "Kill the one you love the most" "Kill the one you love the most" The words keep ringing in my ears. I resist the urge to close my ears and scream at the voice to stop. I still have time. There are more than five full moons still left. And why should I be the one enduring all this? "All good?" Devon asks me, and I shiver a little at his voice. It's sometimes nerve numbing to hear someone else's voice other than that of the spirit who is constantly buzzing at my ear. I look around and realize we are at the pond and Devon was actually telling me the story of his Aunt Alanna. Until a few weeks ago, all I wanted to know was about her and only her. And now that the time is actually here for me to find out more about her, my mind is not in the right state. "Yes. Yeah. Sorry I was just thinking about how Alanna fell for someone like Alpha Judah," I say with an awkward chuckle but the look on Devon's face says that he didn't buy a single word that I said. "Just like the way you fell for Nyle," Devon says and all I could do was pick up a rock and throw that at him, making him laugh. "Well, and then Alpha Judah found his mate. She wasn't as nice as Aunt Alanna. She made sure that she chased my aunt out and asked her to never come back again," Devon says. How cruel can someone be? "But Alpha Judah still had a heart. He hid my aunt and promised her that he would be there for her," Devon says and I guess I can understand what happened next. He didn't want her because he ultimately chose his mate. And his mate demanded for him to abandon his mistress because she was pregnant with Melissa then. And Alanna fled to the human world and raised her son Kade alone. And that Kade is now Brent. But what I don't understand is why she didn't want to come here. To her brother. It seems like one particular detail was missing and I want to know that. "Alpha, Beta. There is someone here and he requests your presence," The patrol head mindlinks us both and I groan. "Who is it?" Devon asks for me. "He says his name is John Adams. And he says Alpha Samika and her mother's lives are in danger"
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