Chapter 25

1145 Words
Devon's POV Aunt Alanna is going to solve almost all the problems we ever had. Because there is a possibility that John Adams used the same drug on Samika that made her wolf side stay non existent. And she believed that she was a human. For sure there had to be a link between the events. There cannot be more than a few drugs for werewolves to use. That too on human land. There has to be something and the only two people who know about it are sadly John Adams and Alanna. I cannot reach Alanna however, since we don't even have a picture of her. But I do have John Adams. Sam doesn't know about it yet. And there is something big going on human land because John Adams keeps on escaping again and again and again. Maybe I should know about it too. "What's wrong?" Sam asks me, making me shift my focus to her. I just shake my head with a small smile but she is just staring at me. "Your eyebrows furrow when you are in deep thoughts. What's wrong?" She asks me again and I really do hate the fact that she knows me too much. It makes me act a lot in front of her. Something that I don't like. "Trying to think about this. And thinking if there is a way to reach Aunt Alanna," I say and Brent scoffs this time. "Your aunt? My mother? Is this some f*****g fairytale or a dark movie?" Brent asks and for the first time ever, I think we are on the same page. I mean, who even came up with all this drama? Moon Goddess for sure, but I guess she just outdid herself with this. "And what? That girl who looked at me as if she wanted to swallow me alive is my sister you say?" Brent asks me again and I shrug. "Half sister, technically" I tell him and he groans. "I'm leaving, kiddo. This is all bullshit," Brent tells Samika and she smiles at him. Kiddo is the nickname Brent uses for Samika and it's been a while since he called her that. So I guess I understand why she is happy, a little. Brent and Olive left and I don't blame them. If I randomly walked into a pack of weredragons and they said I am actually not a werewolf that I thought I was, for my entire life but a long lost weredragon Prince, I would have wanted to get out of there too. "Alright, so how slim are the chances that you might actually be a weredragon Prince?" Wolf asks me and I kick him back to the walls and lock him in the back of my mind. He has a knack for being dramatic but this is too much even for him. I pull Samika to me and she doesn't hesitate before kissing me. This is what I need now. Her and just her. Not all this newfound information that has the potential to ruin my peace for now. Samika pulls away and she looks at me in the eye, not like how she usually looks at me. There is something different and I raise my brow at her to tell me what it is already. "I guess I need to find myself too. Like everyone is now discovering," Sam says and I shake my head because I know what she means by that. "No you are not going away to live with The Madfurs. No f*****g way," I say but she holds my hand and pulls me back to her, making the mate sparks fly like crazy. "Trust me, this is what makes me happy. Give me time and I will get back to you in peace," Samika says and I look at her again,"this is something I need to do, Devon. But what I want ultimately is you. So I will find my way back to you again and again. You just have to trust me with that" I have no words now. Especially when she talks like this. How is she good with words and every time I try talking like her, I fail miserably? So I just nod. Indeed everyone is finding who they are now, in a fashionable way. Except me, of course. I have been the son of Alpha Jerome all my life and nothing can change that. I have never seen a mystery related to me till now. "But I need your help talking to Judah and Melissa," I tell her and she nods. "Of course. How will I leave you alone to it?" She asks me back, and I am glad I will have her when I break the news to Judah, that his plan to kill his son failed because my father and his son wanted him to stay alive. . . . . . . John's POV "Let me go, you assholes" I scream at the walls. I know they are right outside. And they can hear everything that I say. But they are just choosing not to say anything. I tried to escape for the eleventh time yesterday. Guess I hit a nerve with them, because they transferred me to an even smaller cell this time. Light barely gets in and all I want is to get out. "Let me be done with my work and I promise I will return again," I scream again. I need to be there on human land. Paxton might have called me a dozen times by now. We have a plan we should execute. I have a promise to fulfill. I need to see Samika. I need to do so many things. "Let me out!!!" I scream once again and this time, I hear sounds on the other side. "Let me out. Please. Please let me out," I say again and the sounds are only growing each second. Are they coming to let me out or are they coming to torture me? The door barges open and I close my eyes, flinching at the sunlight. The man in the mask helps me with the ropes that's tying me to the chair and he also helps me stand. As soon as I got out, I realized I was locked in a trailer and they weren't walls of a building but of a trailer. I look around and it's green as far as I could see. I finally look at the man with the mask, and I am beyond glad to see that it's Paxton himself. I smile at him and he just smirks. "My father is out of our way now. Your plan worked," he tells me and all I want to do is a celebratory dance, but my eyes fall droopy and the next second, I am on the ground. It's all dark in here.
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